vux-press is a library of reusable general purpose functions for the vuex store.
- set: a general purpose mutation function
set(state, payload)
A general purpose mutation function that
*. observable properties -
*. querying -
*. operators - asdf
{ <path> : <value|operator> }
// store/*.js
import { set } from 'vuex-press'
export const mutations = {
payload accepts a json object where the key is the path to the variable and the value is either the value to be set or an operator that adjusts the value. Multiple key/value pairs can be sent at one time.
path is a dot-notated string representing the variable you want to change. Array indices are represented using "[]" and can be blank to push a new value, contain an interger to represent the index, or a query object to search for a specific object.
value is the new value of the varible or an operator to increase or decrease the value of the variable.
// Change the user's friendly name
this.$store.commit('user/set', {'friendly_name': 'New Name'})
// Add a new post
this.$store.commit('posts/set', { items[]: {{ post data }}})
// Change the title of a post
let query = JSON.stringify({id: 1})
this.$store.commit('posts/set', { [`items.[${query}].title`]: 'New Title' })
// Increment like count on a post by 1
let query = JSON.stringify({id: 1})
this.$store.commit('posts/set', { [`items.[${query}].like_count`]: { $inc: 1}})
// Decrease follower count by 1
this.$store.commit('user/set', { followers: { $dec: 1 }})