TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.9.0-beta.0 • Public • Published

Delphinet Made with TypeScript License: MIT

Wrapped-XTZ SDK

This SDK for TypeScript and JavaScript enables you to interact with Tezos smart contracts of the Wrapped-XTZ project by StakerDAO.

🚧 This software is still under development and not released. 🚧

git clone https://github.com/stove-labs/wrapped-xtz-sdk folder-name
cd folder-name
npm install
npm run build

Quickstart 🪄



import { WXTZSDK, NetworkType } from 'wxtz-sdk';
import { InMemorySigner } from '@taquito/signer';
import { TezosToolkit } from '@taquito/taquito';

const Tezos = new TezosToolkit('tezos rpc url');
  signer: new InMemorySigner('signer secret key'),

const wXTZConfig = {
  tezos: Tezos,
  network: NetworkType.delphinet,
  indexerUrl: 'https://you.better-call.dev',


const { WXTZSDK, NetworkType } = require('wxtz-sdk');
const { InMemorySigner } = require('@taquito/signer');
const { TezosToolkit } = require('@taquito/taquito');

const Tezos = new TezosToolkit('tezos rpc url');
  signer: new InMemorySigner('signer secret key'),

const wXTZConfig = {
  tezos: Tezos,
  network: NetworkType.delphinet,
  indexerUrl: 'https://you.better-call.dev',

Usage 🕹


(async function () {
  // initialize SDK
  const wXTZ = await WXTZSDK.at('KT1coreAddress', wXTZConfig);
  // perform optional check
  const isValidContractCode = await wXTZ.checkContractCodeIntegrity();

  const createOvenContractMethod = await wXTZ.createOven('tz1aSkwEot3L2kmUvcoxzjMomb9mvBNuzFK6');
  const transactionOperation = await createOvenContractMethod.send();
  await transactionOperation.confirmation(1);

  // interact with oven
  const wXTZOven = await wXTZ.oven('KT1ovenAddress');
  await wXTZOven.initialize();
  // perform optional check
  const isValid = await wXTZOven.checkContractCodeIntegrity();

  // deposit
  const depositTxOperation = await (await wXTZOven.deposit()).send({
    amount: 100,
    mutez: true,
  await depositTxOperation.confirmation(1);

  // withdraw
  const withdrawTxOperation = await (await wXTZOven.withdraw(100)).send();
  await withdrawTxOperation.confirmation(1);

  // set delegate
  const setDelegateTxOperation = await (await wXTZOven.setDelegate('tz1...')).send();
  await setDelegateTxOperation.confirmation(1);

  // remove delegate
  const removeDelegateTxOperation = await (await wXTZOven.setDelegate(null)).send();
  await removeDelegateTxOperation.confirmation(1);

  // get delegate
  const delegate = await wXTZOven.getDelegate();

  // get core address
  const coreAddress = await wXTZOven.getCoreAddress();

  // get oven details for date/time of origination and last action, block height of origination
  const ovenDetails = await wXTZOven.getDetails();

API Reference

Checkout the complete TypeDoc API reference.

Tests 🧪

For running tests it is necessary to spin up a local Tezos sandbox node, migrating the test state and then executing the test runner. Make sure to have Docker running, node.js v12.x and jq installed.

npm run sandbox:start
npm run test:migrate
npm run test

License 📃

Wrapped-XTZ SDK is available under the MIT License.

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