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How to Integrate Grill.chat to your app 🤝

This guide will help you to integrate Grill.chat to your app, with all the options available.

Iframe Integration

The easiest way to integrate Grill.chat to your app is to use the iframe integration. It's a simple HTML tag that you can add to your app, and it will render the chat in an iframe.

1. Add Iframe tag to your app

Add the following HTML tag to your app, where you want to render the chat and style it however you want.

<iframe allow="clipboard-write" src="https://x.grill.chat"></iframe>

2. Customize the src link

The src link can be customized to your needs. Below includes the list of options that you can use to customize the chat.

2.1. Space Options

Grill.chat home page contains list of topics for user to choose from. This topics are listed from all the posts in a subsocial space. You can create space in xSocial chain using Gazer

For example, if you create a space with ID 1002, then you can set the iframe src to https://grill.chat/1002 to only show topics from that space.

2.2. Page Options

Grill.chat has 2 pages that can be the start point.

  1. Home page

    It contains all of the topics in a subsocial space that you set in the src link. You can read more in Space Options.

  2. Chat Page

    You can also choose to have your user automatically opens a chat room. This is useful if you want to have a specific topic for your user to discuss.


2.3. Other options

You can also customize the src link with query parameters. Below includes the list of query parameters that you can use to customize the chat. generate table

Name Description
theme Theme of the chat. Available options: light or dark. If not provided, it will use user's system preferences or his last selected theme when accessed Grill.chat
order Specifies the order of the chat in home page. Pass multiple topic ids in order separated by comma. The other chats will be ordered based on last message

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