
0.3.0 • Public • Published


An import-sort style that is tailored to how Supernotes likes to sort imports for its React apps. The major difference between this sort style and others based around React is that import-sort-style-supernotes will sort first-party component modules last in order (immediately after non-component modules).

// absolute modules w/ side effects – unsorted because order can be important
import "a";
import "c";
import "b";

// relative modules w/ side effects – unsorted because order can be important
import "./a";
import "./c";
import "./b";

// react and react-ecosystem modules (react, prop-types, redux, etc) – sorted by name
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { connect } from "react-redux";

// node.js modules – sorted by name
import {readFile, writeFile} from "fs";
import * as path from "path";

// third-party modules – sorted by name
import aa from "aa";
import {bba, bbb, bbc} from "bb";
import cc from "cc";

// first-party modules with absolute paths that *are not* components – sorted by name
import aaa from 'aaa/xxx';
import bbb from 'bbb/foo/bar';

// first-party modules with absolute paths *are* components – sorted by name
import aaa from 'components/xxx';
import bbb from 'bbb/foo/bar';

// first-party modules sorted by "relative depth" and then by name
import aaa from "../../aaa";
import bbb from "../../bbb";
import aaaa from "../aaaa";
import bbbb from "../bbbb";
import aaaaa from "./aaaaa";
import bbbbb from "./bbbbb";

// first-party styles modules sorted by "relative depth" and then by name
import styles from "./Component.css";

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