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0.17.42 • Public • Published

id: modal title: Modal

Modal UI Component

The Modal component provides a flexible and customizable way to display modal dialogs in your React applications. It offers various options and configurations to control the appearance and behavior of the modal dialogs.


<iframe src="/storybook-static/iframe.html?id=components-modal--default"></iframe>


Install the Modal component using npm:

npm install @synerise/ds-core

Deprecated Features

Some features of the Modal component have been deprecated. Please refer to the API and FOOTER section for more information on deprecated features.


(Deprecated) type Props is deprecated - recommended is using ModalProps


Property Description Type Default Version
description The modal dialog's description string -
headerActions Append additional content to header actions space React.ReactNode -
size The modal size small / medium / large / extraLarge/ fullSize. -
bodyBackground Set color for body of modal white / grey white
blank Modal with header which contains only close button Boolean false
titleContainerStyle The modal title's container styles object React.CSSProperties / undefined -
settingButtonText Text of the setting button string Setting
texts Labels to render { okButton: string; cancelButton: string } { okButton: 'Apply', cancelButton: 'Cancel' }
children Children element to render { okButton: string; cancelButton: string } -
visible Whether the modal dialog is visible or not boolean false
confirmLoading Whether to apply loading visual effect for OK button or not boolean false
title The modal dialog's title string / ReactNode -
closable Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the modal dialog or not boolean true
onOk Specify a function that will be called when a user clicks the OK button function(e) -
onCancel Specify a function that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button on top right or Cancel button function(e) -
afterClose Specify a function that will be called when modal is closed completely. function -
centered Centered Modal Boolean false
width Width of the modal dialog string / number 520
footer Footer content, set as footer={null} when you don't need default buttons ReactNode OK and Cancel buttons
okText Text of the OK button string / ReactNode OK
okType Button type of the OK button string primary
cancelText Text of the Cancel button string / ReactNode Cancel
maskClosable Whether to close the modal dialog when the mask (area outside the modal) is clicked boolean true
forceRender Force render Modal boolean false
okButtonProps The ok button props ButtonProps -
cancelButtonProps The cancel button props ButtonProps -
destroyOnClose Whether to unmount child components on onClose boolean false
style Style of floating layer, typically used at least for adjusting the position. object -
wrapClassName The class name of the container of the modal dialog string -
getContainer Return the mount node for Modal HTMLElement / () => HTMLElement / Selectors /false document.body
zIndex The z-index of the Modal Number 1000
bodyStyle Body style for modal body element. Such as height, padding etc. object {}
mask Whether show mask or not. Boolean true
closeIcon custom close icon ReactNode -
maskStyle Style for modal's mask element. object {}

and it is extended by props for ModalFooterBuilder:

Property Description Type Default Version
prefix Element in footer, before Cancel Button ReactNode -
infix Element in footer between Cancel Button nad before Ok Button ReactNode -
suffix Element in footer, after Ok Button ReactNode -
okButton Custom OK button in footer ReactNode -
cancelButton Custom Cancel button in footer ReactNode -


type ModalTitleProps = Pick<
  | 'headerActions' 
  | 'onCancel' 
  | 'titleContainerStyle' 
  | 'blank' 
  | 'description' 
  | 'title'


export type ModalFooterProps = Pick<
  | 'prefix'
  | 'infix'
  | 'suffix'
  | 'okButton'
  | 'cancelButton'
  | 'CustomFooterButton'
  | 'DSButton'
  | 'texts'
  | 'onOk'
  | 'onCancel'
  | 'cancelText'
  | 'okText'
  | 'cancelButtonProps'
  | 'okType'
  | 'okButtonProps'

(Deprecated) method buildModalFooter - use ModalFooter Component instead

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  • synerise