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Convert Zod schemas to OpenAI function calling compatible JSON Schema. This library helps you define your OpenAI function parameters using Zod's powerful schema definition system.

Developed by Techery.


  • Convert Zod schemas to OpenAI-compatible JSON Schema
  • Preserves property descriptions and structure
  • Full TypeScript support
  • Zero dependencies (except Zod)

Type Compatibility

Zod Type OpenAI Schema Type Notes
z.string() string Basic string type
z.number() number Floating point numbers
z.number().int() integer Integer numbers
z.boolean() boolean Boolean values
z.enum([...]) string With enum: [...]
z.object({...}) object With properties and required
z.array(...) array With items schema
z.union([...]) N/A Converted to anyOf: [...]
z.discriminatedUnion(...) N/A Converted to anyOf: [...]
z.literal(string) string With enum: [value]
z.null() string With enum: [null]
someSchema.nullable() Same as base With type: ['type', 'null']
z.lazy(...) Supported Using $ref and $defs


npm install zod-to-openai-schema
# or
yarn add zod-to-openai-schema
# or
pnpm add zod-to-openai-schema


Basic Example

import { z } from 'zod';
import { zodToOpenAISchema } from 'zod-to-openai-schema';

const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().describe('The name of the person'),
  age: z.number(),
  email: z.string().email(),

const jsonSchema = zodToOpenAISchema(schema);

// Resulting OpenAI schema:
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    name: { 
      type: "string",
      description: "The name of the person"
    age: { type: "number" },
    email: { type: "string" }
  required: ["name", "age", "email"],
  additionalProperties: false

Using with OpenAI Function Calling

import { z } from 'zod';
import { zodToOpenAISchema } from 'zod-to-openai-schema';
import OpenAI from 'openai';

const createTodoSchema = z.object({
  title: z.string().describe('The title of the todo item'),
  priority: z.enum(['low', 'medium', 'high']).describe('Priority level'),
  dueDate: z.string().describe('Due date in ISO format'),

const openai = new OpenAI();

const completion = await openai.chat.completions.create({
  model: 'gpt-4',
  messages: [{ role: 'user', content: 'Create a high priority todo for reviewing code tomorrow' }],
  functions: [
      name: 'createTodo',
      description: 'Create a new todo item',
      parameters: zodToOpenAISchema(createTodoSchema),

Advanced Examples

Recursive Types with References

import { z } from 'zod';
import { zodToOpenAISchema, definition } from 'zod-to-openai-schema';

// Define a recursive comment schema
const commentSchema: z.ZodType<any> = z.lazy(() => 
    text: z.string(),
    replies: z.array(commentSchema)

const schema = z.object({
  post: z.object({
    title: z.string(),
    content: z.string(),
  comments: z.array(commentSchema)

const jsonSchema = zodToOpenAISchema(schema);

// Resulting schema will use $ref and $defs for recursive types

Reusable Types with Named Definitions

const todoItemSchema = z.object({
  name: z.string(),
  completed: z.boolean(),

const schema = z.object({
  pending: z.array(todoItemSchema),
  completed: z.array(todoItemSchema),

const jsonSchema = zodToOpenAISchema(schema, {
  definitions: [definition('TodoItem', todoItemSchema)],

// Resulting schema will use $ref: "#/$defs/TodoItem"

Supported Features

  • Basic Types:

    • string
    • number (with int() support)
    • boolean
  • Complex Types:

    • Objects (z.object())
    • Arrays (z.array())
    • Enums (z.enum())
    • Unions (z.union())
    • Discriminated Unions (z.discriminatedUnion())
    • Literals (z.literal())
    • Recursive types (using z.lazy())
  • Modifiers:

    • Nullable fields (nullable())
    • References ($ref and $defs)
  • Metadata:

    • Description preservation
    • Custom type definitions


  • Optional fields are not supported (OpenAI requires explicit handling of optional fields)
  • Some Zod types are not supported:
    • z.any()
    • z.never()
    • z.intersection()
    • z.tuple()
    • z.record()
  • Validation constraints (min, max, regex, etc.) are not included in the output schema

API Reference

zodToOpenAISchema(schema: z.ZodTypeAny, config?: Config): OpenAIStructuredOutputSchema

Converts a Zod schema into an OpenAI-compatible JSON Schema.

Config Options

interface Config {
  definitions?: Definition[];

interface Definition {
  name: string;
  schema: z.ZodObject<any>;

definition(name: string, schema: z.ZodObject<any>): Definition

Helper function to create named type definitions for reuse.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.





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