TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.147.0 • Public • Published

Devopness SDK - JavaScript


The official Devopness SDK for JavaScript, available for browsers, mobile devices and Node.js backends.

Devopness SDK includes a pre-defined set of classes that provide convenient access to Devopness platform data. This SDK aims to make it easy and fun to consume Devopness API resources from web, Node.js or mobile apps written in the JavaScript programming language.



Use your favourite package manager to install Devopness SDK as a dependency of your project:

# Using npm
npm install @devopness/sdk-js

# Using yarn
yarn add @devopness/sdk-js


To initialize the usage of Devopness SDK, just import it and create a new instance of DevopnessApiClient class.

Here is a generic simple example that can be used from Node.js, TypeScript or Javascript applications:

import { DevopnessApiClient } from '@devopness/sdk-js'
const devopnessApi = new DevopnessApiClient();

The instance of DevopnessApiClient has properties to all services provided by the API. The name of the methods at services is the same as the operation name in the documentation of the Devopness API. You can consult the URL of an endpoint to see the operation name. For instance, the URL to endpoint POST /users/login in the documentation is: /#operation/login


To authenticate, just invoke the login method on the users service:

async function authenticate(email, pass) {
  const userTokens = await devopnessApi.users.loginUser({ email: email, password: pass });
  // The `accessToken` must be set every time a token is obtained or refreshed.
  devopnessApi.accessToken = userTokens.data.access_token;

// invoke the authentication method
authenticate('user@email.com', 'secret-password');

In the example above, userTokens is an instance of ApiResponse and the data property has the data requested from the API. See ApiResponse.ts for reference.

Invoking authentication protected endpoints

Once an authentication token is set, any protected endpoint can be invoked. Example retrieving current user details:

async function getUserProfile() {
    // invoke the authentication method to ensure an auth token
    // is retrieved and set to the SDK instance
    await authenticate('user@email.com', 'secret-password');

    // Now that we're authenticated, we can invoke methods on any services.
    // Here we're invoking the `getUserMe()` method on the `users` service
    const currentUser = await devopnessApi.users.getUserMe();
    console.log('Successfully retrieved user profile: ', currentUser);


TypeScript support

This package includes TypeScript declarations for every method. TypeScript versions >= 4.4 are supported.

Some methods in Devopness SDK JavaScript accept and return objects from the Devopness API. The type declarations for these objects will always track the latest version of the API. Therefore, if you're using the latest version of this package, you can rely on the Devopness API documentation for checking the input and return types of each API endpoint.

Development & Testing

To build and test the SDK locally, fork this repository and follow these steps:

With Docker


  • Docker
  • make
    • make is pre-installed in most Linux systems.
    • In macOS it is included as part of the Xcode command line utils. It can be installed with the following command:
    xcode-select --install

Setup and run in local environment

1. Navigate to the project directory

cd packages/sdks/javascript/

2. Build Docker Image

make build-image

3. Install Dependencies

make npm-ci

4. Build SDK

make build-sdk-js

5. Run Tests

make test

Without Docker

Installing on Linux or macOS systems.

1. Navigate to the project directory

cd packages/sdks/javascript/

2. Install missing dependencies

This command will install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json. A working Java Runtime Environment is also required. Please, check out the installation instructions for your operating system.

npm install

3. Build SDK

npm run build

4. Run tests

npm run test


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    • thlmenezes