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RMB Peer Client

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The RMB Peer Client is a TypeScript library that enables communication with the ThreeFold Messaging Bus (RMB). It provides functionalities similar to the Rust client.


To use the RMB Peer Client, instantiate the MessageBusClient class:

import { MessageBusClient } from "@threefold/rmb_peer_client";

const messageBus = new MessageBusClient();

You can send messages over the RMB using the send method, which takes the following parameters:

  1. requestCommand The command to be executed in the Zero-OS node.
  2. requestData The message content.
  3. destinationTwinId The ID of the destination twin to receive the message.
  4. expirationMinutes Expiration time for the message in minutes.
const requestId = await messageBus.send("zos.nodes.list", "", 143, 5);

After sending a message, you can read the response using the read method:

const response = await messageBus.read(requestId);


Install the package via npm:

npm install @threefold/rmb_peer_client


import { MessageBusClient } from "@threefold/rmb_peer_client";

const messageBus = new MessageBusClient();

// Send a message
const requestId = await messageBus.send("zos.nodes.list", "", 143, 5);

// Read the response
const response = await messageBus.read(requestId);



  • Constructor function to create a new instance of the RMB Peer Client.
  • Accepts an optional port parameter to specify the Redis server port. Defaults to 6379.

send(requestCommand: string, requestData: string, destinationTwinId: number, expirationMinutes: number): Promise<string>

  • Method to send a message over the RMB.
  • Returns a promise that resolves to the request ID.

read(requestId: string, timeoutMinutes = 1): Promise<unknown>

  • Method to read the response for a specific request ID.
  • Accepts an optional timeoutMinutes parameter to specify the timeout duration for waiting for the response.
  • Returns a promise that resolves to the response data.


  • Redis server running locally or on a specified host/port.


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