Treble Scripts
Scripts to support development of your Threekit Treble web-app
Getting Started
Treble Scripts are a set of scripts to support development of a React project generally and a Treble project specifically. They include all the webpack dependencies and configurations that you'll need to run a local server for development and build your React app for deployment.
Run the following command using npm:
npm install @threekit-tools/treble-scripts
Or yarn:
yarn add @threekit-tools/treble-scripts
Starting Local Development Server
To start the local development server we run
yarn start
By default this uses the preview environment on Threekit. We can also explicitly specify the environment we wish to use by adding it as a flag:
yarn start --admin-fts
Building our React App
The build commands works similar to the start command. If defaults to preview but we can specify an override if we want.
yarn build --preview