
1.6.4 • Public • Published


Please use this configuration to maintain a common and homogeneous code base.


Install this package as any other package with:

yarn add --dev eslint @tokenfoundry/eslint-config

Create a .eslintignore and add any files that are bundled, builded and/or transpiled:

!.eslintrc.js # allow self-formating


In the package.json file add the following in the "scripts" section:

   // ...
   "scripts": {
     // ...
     "lint": "eslint src __tests__ .eslintrc.js  --ext .js --ext .jsx"

Assuming that the main code is in the src directory, change as needed.

Configure for Node.js

Create a .eslintrc.js file in the root of your project and add the following:

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ["@tokenfoundry/eslint-config"],

Configure for ESNext (Babel) projects

Create a .eslintrc.js file in the root of your project and add the following:

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ["@tokenfoundry/eslint-config/babel"],

Configure for Typescript

Create a .eslintrc.js file in the root of your project and add the following:

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ["@tokenfoundry/eslint-config/typescript"],

Add to the package.json file the following arguments to the lint script:

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint --ext .js --ext .ts"

Configure for React.js and React-Native

Create a .eslintrc.js file in the root of your project and add the following:

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ["@tokenfoundry/eslint-config/react"],


To lint the files run:

yarn lint

To lint the files and auto-format run:

yarn lint --fix

To run in a specific file or directory (eg: src):

yarn lint --fix src

Do not run yarn lint:css --fix it will break your component file.

Recommended usage

Install typicode/husky so you always have to run the linter before committing:

yarn add --dev husky@next

And add to the package.json:

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    // ...
    "lint": "eslint src __tests__ .eslintrc.js  --ext .js --ext .ts"
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "yarn lint"

Custom rules

Modify the .eslintrc.js and add a "rules" field:

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ["@tokenfoundry/eslint-config/react"],
  rules: {
    "react/prop-types": 0, // disabled
    "react/display-name": 1, // warning
    "react/jsx-boolean-value": 2, // throw error

Setup Visual Studio Code

Create file .vscode/settings.json

mkdir -p .vscode
touch .vscode/settings.json

Add the following:

    "eslint.enable": true,
    "eslint.validate": [
            "language": "typescript",
            "autoFix": true
            "language": "typescriptreact",
            "autoFix": true


To publish and update of this package run:

# git add ...
# git commit ...

yarn publish --access=public
git push --follow-tags

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npm i @tokenfoundry/eslint-config

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  • wachunei
  • vdrg
  • lopezjurip