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1.1.5 • Public • Published


This library provides a simple way to implement distributed locks using Redis. It is designed to be easy to use and integrate with your existing Node.js applications.


npm install @trellisorg/distributed-lock ioredis


Standalone TypeScript

import { RedisMutex } from '@trellisorg/distributed-lock/redis-mutex';
import Redis from 'ioredis';

const redisClient = new Redis({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 6379,

const redisMutex = new RedisMutex({
    client: redisClient,
    lockPrefix: 'my-app',
    lockTimeout: 10_000,
    fifo: false,

// Acquire a lock on the resource 'my-resource'
const lock = await redisMutex.lock('my-resource');

// Do some work that requires the lock
console.log('Working with the resource...');

// Release the lock
await lock.unlock();


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DistributedLockModule } from '@trellisorg/distributed-lock/nest';
import { redisMutexLockAdapter } from '@trellisorg/distributed-lock/redis-mutex';

    imports: [
                config: {
                    lockPrefix: 'my-app',
                    client: {
                        host: 'localhost',
                        port: 6379,
                    retryOptions: {},
                    lockTimeout: 10_000,
                    fifo: false,
                adapter: redisMutexLockAdapter,
                name: 'redis',
export class AppModule {}

Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
client RedisOptions - The connection options for Redis. See the ioredis documentation for more information.
lockPrefix string @trellisorg/distributed-lock A prefix for the lock keys. This helps to avoid collisions with other applications using Redis.
lockTimeout number 10_000 The time it takes for a lock to expire after acquisition. This is in milliseconds.
retryOptions RetryOptions {} Options for retrying lock acquisition. See the promise-retry documentation for more information.
fifo boolean false Whether to use FIFO ordering for lock acquisition. If true, locks will be acquired and released in the order they were requested.


Standalone TypeScript

import { RedisMutex } from '@trellisorg/distributed-lock/redis-mutex';
import Redis from 'ioredis';

const redisClient = new Redis({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 6379,

const redisMutex = new RedisMutex({
    client: redisClient,
    lockPrefix: 'my-app',
    lockTimeout: 10_000,
    fifo: false,

// Acquire a lock on the resource 'my-resource'
const lock = await redisMutex.lock('my-resource');

// Do some work that requires the lock
console.log('Working with the resource...');

// Release the lock
await lock.unlock();


import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DistributedLock } from '@trellisorg/distributed-lock';
import { InjectLock } from '@trellisorg/distributed-lock/nest';

export class MyService {
    constructor(@InjectLock('redis') private readonly redisLock: DistributedLock) {}

    async doSomething() {
        await this.redisLock.withLock('my-resource', async () => {
            // Do some work that requires the lock
            console.log('Working with the resource...');


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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    • stonepaw