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9.4.7 • Public • Published


API version 9.4.7

Build Status NPM Known Vulnerabilities

Trezor Connect is a platform for easy integration of Trezor into 3rd party services, as well as into Trezor Suite. It provides an API with functionality to access public keys, sign transactions and authenticate users.

This package is intended to be used in node.js environment. If you wan't to build a web application please refer to @trezor/connect-web package.


Install library as npm module:

npm install @trezor/connect


yarn add @trezor/connect



import TrezorConnect from '@trezor/connect';

For more instructions refer to this document


Since version 9 we are adopting a new versioning strategy. With every release, we are going to update two urls

Version 9 is available as @trezor/connect and @trezor/connect-web npm packages.

Major version

New major version is released when there are breaking changes on API level. Previous major version will be maintained for 12 months and after this period it can be taken down without notice.

Current major version 9 is being developed on top of develop branch. When there is a new major version a new branch should be created (v-<major-version>) and mantained separately.

Minor version

Minor versions are released when there are:

  • considerable additions to API
  • changes in npm package

Patch version

Everything else that does not fall under major or minor version.

Version 8 (legacy)

Legacy version 8 is accessible from url https://connect.trezor.io/8/trezor-connect.js.

Version 8 is available as trezor-connect npm package.

If you would like to find out which version is deployed precisely simply run:

curl -s https://connect.trezor.io/8/trezor-connect.js | grep VERSION

With regards to this repo - All updates should go to current version branch, the previous releases are in corresponding branches. The gh-pages is the same older version, that is used at trezor.github.io/connect/connect.js, and it's there for backwards compatibility; please don't touch.

For deployment process of trezor-connect v8 refer to trezor/connect repository

Version 8 will go offline by the end of 2023.


Interactive API explorer is available on https://connect.trezor.io/9/#/

Documentation is available docs/packages/connect


A collection of examples on how to implement @trezor/connect in various environments is available in packages/connect-examples


For integration testing against trezord and emulator refer to this document.


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    • prusnak
    • tsusanka-sl
    • trezor-ci
    • martin_varmuza