npm install --save @types/gulp-task-listing
This package contains type definitions for gulp-task-listing (
Files were exported from
* Provides an easy way to get a listing of your tasks from your gulpfile. By default, the
* output groups tasks based on whether or not they contain a hyphen (-), underscore (_),
* or colon (:) in their name.
* You can optionally override the Regexp used to determine whether a task is a primary or
* subtask, as well as filter out tasks you don't want to see in the output.
* Provides an easy way to get a listing of your tasks from your gulpfile. By default, the
* output groups tasks based on whether or not they contain a hyphen (-), underscore (_),
* or colon (:) in their name.
* You can optionally override the Regexp used to determine whether a task is a primary or
* subtask, as well as filter out tasks you don't want to see in the output.
interface GulpTaskListing {
(cb: Function): void;
* Allows for custom filtering of Gulp tasks in the listing
* @param subTaskFilter a RegExp or Function returning whether the given task is a subtask
* @param excludeFilter a RegExp or Function returning whether the given task should be excluded from the listing
subTaskFilter: RegExp | FilterFunction,
excludeFilter?: RegExp | FilterFunction,
): (cb: Function) => void;
type FilterFunction = (task: string) => boolean;
declare var gulpTaskListing: GulpTaskListing;
export = gulpTaskListing;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 03:09:37 GMT
- Dependencies: @types/node
These definitions were written by Joe Skeen.