Pancake Multicall
Enhanced multicall sdk to safely make multicalls within the gas limit.
Inspired by the 1inch multicall.
$ pnpm add viem
Basic usage
By default the calls will be splitted into chunks based on gas limit of each call and the rpc call gas limit of the chain
import { ChainId } from ''
import { multicallByGasLimit, MulticallRequestWithGas } from ''
const calls: MulticallRequestWithGas[] = [
// Target contract to call
target: '0x',
// Encoded call data
callData: '',
// The maximum gas limit set to this single call
gasLimit: 1_000_000,
const { results, blockNumber } = await multicallByGasLimit(calls, {
chainId: ChainId.BSC,
// Rpc client. Please refer to `PublicClient` from viem
for (const { success, result, gasUsed } of results) {
if (success) {
// Decode result
Advanced usage
The rpc call gas limit can be overriden if provided. Once provided, the multicall sdk won't ask for the gas limit from on chain.
const { results, blockNumber } = await multicallByGasLimit(calls, {
chainId: ChainId.BSC,
gasLimit: 150_000_000,
Other utilities
Get multicall gas limit
import { ChainId } from ''
import { getGasLimitOnChain } from ''
// Get the rpc call gas limit of the specified chain
const gasLimit = await getGasLimitOnChain(ChainId.BSC)
Supported chains
For supported chains and contract addresses, please refer to multicall contracts.