Core library for Search JS
this library is the dependancy for search-JS-library and react-search-JS-SDK, provides the api for interacting with search api.
Install npm
- use node 14.15.0
Install the npm packages & start the dev server using following commands
npm install
npm run start
Install @unbxd-ui/unbxd-search-core
using npm.
npm install @unbxd-ui/unbxd-search-core --save
Import the UnbxdSearchCore function in your project
import UnbxdSearchCore from "@unbxd-ui/unbxd-search-core";
const unbxdCore = new UnbxdSearch({ siteKey: "demo-unbxd700181503576558", apiKey: "fb853e3332f2645fac9d71dc63e09ec1", searchEndPoint:"", productType:"SEARCH", searchQueryParam:"q", browseQueryParam:"p", updateUrls:true, productAttributes: ['title','uniqueId'], platform: "IO", onEvent:unbxdCallback, facetMultiSelect: true, defaultFilters :null, spellCheck: true, pageSize: 5, sortOptions : [ { value:"price desc", text:"Price High to Low" }, { value:"price asc", text:" Price Low to High" } ], variants:{ enabled:false, count:1, groupBy:'', attributes:[], mapping:{ "image_url":"v_image_url" } }, facetMultilevel: true, facetMultilevelName: 'category', multiLevelFacetSelector:"bucketFacetElem", extraParams :{ "version":"V2", "facet.multilevel":"categoryPath", "f.categoryPath.displayName":"category", "f.categoryPath.max.depth":"4", "f.categoryPath.facet.limit":"100" }, facetDepth:4, breadcrumb:true, showSwatches:false, swatchMap:{ "swatchList":"colours", "swatchImgs":"variant_metadata", "swatchColors":"unbxd_parentcolours" }, hashMode:false, applyMultipleFilters:false, getCategoryId:()=>{ return encodeURIComponent(window.UnbxdAnalyticsConf["page"]) }, setCategoryId:(param, self)=>{ //you can set your category page ids }, onQueryRedirect:(self, redirect, urlBeforeRedirect)=>{if(redirect) { const { value, type } = redirect; if(type === "url") { /** If opening in same tab */ if(history.state && history.state.replace) { history.replaceState(null,"",urlBeforeRedirect); } location.href = value; /** If opening redirect in new tab (rare scenario), * then browser back + history push on search should be handled by client * (especially switching betsween category to search page scenarios) * Note: This is not recommended */ } return false; } }, onBackFromRedirect: (hashMode) => { let urlSearchParam = new URLSearchParams(hashMode ? location.hash.substring(1) :; let backFromRedirect = urlSearchParam.get("redirected"); if(backFromRedirect) { history.go(-1); } }, onNoUnbxdKeyRouting:() => { history.go(); }, setRoutingStrategies:(locationParam, newUrl, productType, isUnbxdKey, replace) => { if (locationParam === newUrl) { return; } else if (productType === "CATEGORY") { /** Do not navigate to base category page */ if (!isUnbxdKey) { history.replaceState(null, "", newUrl); } else { history.pushState(null, "", newUrl); } } else { if ((history.state && history.state.replace) || replace) { history.replaceState(null, "", newUrl); } else { history.pushState(null, "", newUrl); } } } });
The available apis are listed here.