TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.10 • Public • Published

VTS Kit Angular NX Plugin

VTS Kit Angular NX Plugin is a collection of generators to be integrated with Nx Workspace. This library aims to provide a quick way to start a new Angular Project and maintain code structure with least effort.


  • Node: 12+
  • Npm: 6+ (included in Node installation)
  • Npx: 6+ (included in Node installation)

Intergrated Features


  • Create a new workspace using VTS Kit Angular NX Plugin:
npx @vts-kit/nx-angular@latest


└── <workspace_name>/
    ├── apps/
    │   └── <app_name>/
    │       ├── src/
    │       │   ├── app/
    │       │   │   ├── app.module.ts           // Root component
    │       │   │   ├── app.component.ts        // Root component, bootstrap
    │       │   │   ├── app.component.spec.ts   // Root component, test
    │       │   │   ├── app.component.html      // Root component, outlet
    │       │   │   ├── configs.ts              // Provider, import configs
    │       │   │   └── routes.ts               // RouterModule config, lazy load to feature libraries
    │       │   ├── assets/                     // Public assets
    │       │   │   └── locale/                 // Translation dictionary
    │       │   │       ├── en.json             // JSON dictionary
    │       │   │       └── vi.json             // JSON dictionary
    │       │   ├── environments/               // Environment config
    │       │   |    ├── environment.ts         // Environment profile
    │       │   |    └── environment.prod.ts    // Environment profile
    │       │   └── styles/                     // Global styles
    │       ├── webpack/                        // Webpack config
    │       │   ├── webpack.config.js           // Webpack profile
    │       │   └── webpack.config.prod.js      // Webpack profile
    │       ├── project.json                    // Nx Project configuration
    │       ├── tsconfig(.|lib|spec).json       // Tsconfig
    │       ├── favicon.ico                     // Angular starter files
    │       ├── index.html                      // Angular starter files
    │       ├── main.ts                         // Angular starter files
    │       ├── polyfills.ts                    // Angular starter files
    │       └── test.ts                         // Angular starter files
    ├── libs/                                   // Shared modules and feature modules
    │   ├── layout/                             // Feature group, layout
    │   │   ├── ui/                             // Library (generatable)
    │   │   │   ├── src/
    │   │   │   │   ├── index.ts                // Automatically exporter on generating
    │   │   │   │   └── lib/
    │   │   │   │       ├── <topbar>            // Standalone UI components, unit (generatable)
    │   │   │   │       └── <sider>             // Standalone UI components, unit (generatable)
    │   │   │   ├── project.json                // NX Project configuration
    │   │   │   └── tsconfig(.|lib|spec).json   // Tsconfig
    │   │   ├── feature/                        // Library (generatable)
    │   │   │   ├── src/
    │   │   │   │   ├── index.ts                // Automatically exporter on generating
    │   │   │   │   └── lib/
    │   │   │   │       ├── <dasboard_layout>   // Standalone UI components, container (ultilize units in template)
    │   │   │   │       ├── <home_layout>       // Standalone UI components, container (ultilize units in template)
    │   │   │   │       ├── routes.ts           // RouterModule config, lazy load
    │   │   │   │       └── *.module.ts
    │   │   │   ├── project.json                // NX Project configuration
    │   │   │   └── tsconfig(.|lib|spec).json   // Tsconfig
    │   │   └── data-access/                    // Library (generatable)
    │   │       ├── src/
    │   │       │   ├── index.ts                // Automatically exporter on generating
    │   │       │   └── lib/
    │   │       │       └── <store_1>           // State management, store
    │   │       ├── project.json                // NX Project configuration
    │   │       └── tsconfig(.|lib|spec).json   // Tsconfig
    │   ├── <feature_product>/                  // Feature group (generatable)
    │   │   ├── ui/                             // Library (generatable)
    │   │   │   ├── src/
    │   │   │   │   ├── index.ts                // Automatically exporter on generating
    │   │   │   │   └── lib/
    │   │   │   │       ├── <product_form>      // Standalone UI components, unit (generatable)
    │   │   │   │       └── <product_table>     // Standalone UI components, unit (generatable)
    │   │   │   ├── project.json                // NX Project configuration
    │   │   │   └── tsconfig(.|lib|spec).json   // Tsconfig
    │   │   ├── feature/                        // Library (generatable)
    │   │   │   ├── src/
    │   │   │   │   ├── index.ts                // Automatically exporter on generating
    │   │   │   │   └── lib/
    │   │   │   │       ├── <list_screen>       // Standalone UI components, container (ultilize units in template)
    │   │   │   │       ├── <detail_screen>     // Standalone UI components, container (ultilize units in template)
    │   │   │   │       ├── routes.ts           // RouterModule config, lazy load
    │   │   │   │       └── *.module.ts
    │   │   │   ├── project.json                // NX Project configuration
    │   │   │   └── tsconfig(.|lib|spec).json   // Tsconfig
    │   │   └── data-access/                    // Library (generatable)
    │   │       ├── src/
    │   │       │   ├── index.ts                // Automatically exporter on generating
    │   │       │   └── lib/
    │   │       │       ├── <item_state>        // State management, store
    │   │       │       └── <filter_state>      // State management, store
    │   │       ├── project.json                // NX Project configuration
    │   │       └── tsconfig(.|lib|spec).json   // Tsconfig
    │   └── share/
    │       └── guards/                         // Library, publishable (generatable)
    │       ├── interceptors/                   // Library, publishable (generatable)
    │       ├── data-access/                    // Library, publishable (generatable)
    │       ├── pipes/                          // Library, publishable (generatable)
    │       ├── services/                       // Library, publishable (generatable)
    │       ├── ui/                             // Library, publishable (generatable)
    │       ├── utils/                          // Library, publishable (generatable)
    │       └── validators/                     // Library, publishable (generatable)
    ├── package.json
    ├── nx.json                                 // NX Workspace configuration
    └── tsconfig.base.json                      // Tsconfig, automatically update project alias

Using NX generators to generate necessary items and keep structure sync.



No Name Description
1 Library Creates an Angular library.
2 Feature Group Generate an Angular Feature group.
3 Component Generate an Angular Component.
4 Directive Generate an Angular Directive.
5 Pipe Generate an Angular Pipe.
6 Service Generate an Angular Service.
7 Class Generate an Angular Class.
8 Interface Generate an Angular Interface.
9 Enum Generate an Angular Enum.
10 Guard Generate an Angular Guard.
11 Interceptor Generate an Angular Interceptor.
12 Resolver Generate an Angular Resolver.
13 Validator Generate an Angular Validator.
14 Template Generate a feature group template.


Using Nx CLI

  • Make sure NX CLI has been installed.
npm i -g nx
  • Using VTS Kit generators.
nx g @vts-kit/nx-angular:<generator_name> <generator_args>

Using Nx Console (GUI)

  • Install Nx Console in VSCode

  • Using generator:

    • Option 1: Select generate Nx Console Tab and select a generator

      • Option 2: Right click on a library and select nx generate in context menu

  • Fill in options

  • Preview changes

  • Press Run to make changes

Generator: Library

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 name The name of the library. string
2 directory A directory where the library is placed. string false
3 publishable Generate a publishable library. Must specify importPath for other projects be able to import it. boolean false
4 importPath The library name used to import it, like @organize/lib-name. Must be a valid npm name. string
5 buildable Generate a buildable library. boolean false
6 skipPackageJson Do not add dependencies to package.json. boolean false
7 skipTsConfig Do not update tsconfig.json for development experience. boolean false
8 tag Add tags to the library (used for linting) string
9 unitTestRunner Test runner to use for unit tests. karma jest none jest
10 strict Create a library with stricter type checking and build optimization options. boolean true
11 linter The tool to use for running lint checks. eslint none eslint
12 compilationMode Specifies the compilation mode to use. If not specified, it will default to partial for publishable libraries and to full for buildable libraries. The full value can not be used for publishable libraries. full partial depend
13 feature Generate additional NgModule and Routing config with library. Every component generated inside feature library will automatically create a route to it. boolean false
14 appRoutingProject (Only work with feature library) The name of the app where feature will be imported for routing. Only projects of application are valid string defaultProject

Generator: Feature Group

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 name The name of the feature group. string
2 appRoutingProject (Only work with feature library) The name of the app where feature will be imported for routing. Only projects of application are valid string defaultProject

Generator: Component

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the component file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the component. string
4 displayBlock Specifies if the style will contain :host { display: block; }. boolean false
5 inlineStyle Include styles inline in the component.ts file. Only CSS styles can be included inline. By default, an external styles file is created and referenced in the component.ts file. boolean false
6 inlineTemplate Include template inline in the component.ts file. By default, an external template file is created and referenced in the component.ts file. boolean false
7 viewEncapsulation The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new component. Emulated None ShadowDom
8 changeDetection The change detection strategy to use in the new component. Default OnPush Default
9 style The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files, or none to skip generating the style file. scss css less scss
10 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new component. boolean false
11 skipImport Do not import this component into the owning NgModule. boolean false
12 skipSelector Specifies if the component should have a selector or not. boolean false
13 selector The HTML selector to use for this component. string

Generator: Directive

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the directive file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the directive. string
4 prefix A prefix to apply to generated selectors. string
5 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new directive. boolean false
6 selector The HTML selector to use for this directive. string

Generator: Pipe

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the pipe file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the pipe. string
4 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new pipe. boolean false

Generator: Service

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the service file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the service. string
4 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new service. boolean false

Generator: Class

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the service file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the class. string
4 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new class. boolean false
5 type Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format "name..ts". string

Generator: Interface

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the interface file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the interface. string
4 type Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format "name..ts". string
5 prefix Prefix to be added before interface name string

Generator: Enum

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the enum file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the enum. string
4 type Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format "name..ts". string

Generator: Guard

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the guard file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the guard. string
4 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new guard. boolean false
5 implements Specifies which route guards to implement (hold Ctrl to multiselect). Multiple choice ["CanActivate", "CanActivateChild", "CanDeactivate", "CanLoad"] ["CanActivate"]

Generator: Interceptor

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the interceptor file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the interceptor. string
4 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new interceptor. boolean false

Generator: Resolver

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the resolver file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the resolver. string
4 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new resolver. boolean false

Generator: Validator

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 path The path at which to create the validator file, relative to the selected project (/src/(lib|app)/<relative_path>) or relative to workspace (<root_workspace>/<relative_path>). string
2 project The name of the project. string defaultProject
3 name The name of the validator. string
4 skipTests Do not create spec.ts test files for the new validator. boolean false
5 type Specifies type of validator. ["sync", "async"]
6 form Specifies type of Angular form in which validator be used (Reactive form / Template-driven form). ["reactive", "template"]

Generator: Template

No Name Description Type Require Default
1 name Name of feature group string
2 type Type of template which will be created ["ErrorTemplate-NoLayout", "AuthenticationTemplate-WithLayout", "LandingTemplate-WithLayout"]
3 layoutName Name of layout feature will be generated in feature-group layout. Only neccessary if template type require a layout, check template description string

Feature Guideline

Feature: Custom webpack

Custom webpack unlock the ability to enhance web builder process.
VTS Kit Angular provides 2 profile of webpack on generating project. You find these files under app/<app_name>/webpack.config.<profile>.js.
You can also add another profile, but take note to register profile in app/<app_name>/project.json

Feature: UI Component

Please see full guideline in https://design.atviettelsolutions.com/uikit/

Feature: Localization

Translation dictionary can be found under app/<app_name>/src/assets/locale/. By default, VTS Kit generate 2 translation files which are Vietnamese and English. If you want to add new language, just create new JSON file under this folder and use TranslateService to use new language.

Config (Already declared on generating, maybe be overwritten)

Translation config is localed in app/<app_name>/src/app/configs.ts.

// configs.ts

import { TranslateLoader, TranslateModuleConfig } from '@ngx-translate/core';

class TranslateHttpLoader extends TranslateLoader {
  getTranslation(lang: string): Observable<any> {
    return from(fetch(`./assets/locale/${lang}.json`).then((d) => d.json()));

export const TRANSLATE_MODULE_CONFIG: TranslateModuleConfig = {
  defaultLanguage: 'vi',
  loader: {
    provide: TranslateLoader,
    useClass: TranslateHttpLoader,

By default, translation module is configured to use HTTP loader to load translation file from assets and use vi language.

Import (Already imported on generating)

// app.module.ts
  imports: [


  • Switch language
constructor(private translateService: TranslateService) {
  • Get current language:
  • Get translate:

Example dictionary

  "hello": {
    "world": "Xin chào {{name}}"

Get translation using service

// Return value of string => Xin chào A
// Note: instant() require the TranslateModule has been loaded, if you're unsure about this, use get() or pipe
this.translateService.instant('hello.world', { name: 'A' });

// Return Observable of value of string
  .get('hello.world', { name: 'A' })
  .subscribe((d) => console.log(d)); // d = 'Xin chào A'

Get translation using pipe

// Will render paragraph of "Xin chào A"
<p>{{ 'hello.world' | translate:{name: 'A'} }}

Feature: Network

VTS KIT provides easy-to-config RestClient to interactive with RESTful API and some other network utilities.

Config (Already declared on generating, maybe be overwritten)

Network config is localed in app/<app_name>/src/app/configs.ts.

// configs.ts
import {
} from '@vts-kit/angular-network';

const NETWORK_MODULE_CONFIG: VtsRestModuleConfig = {
  defaultConfig: new RestClientOptions()
    .setHeader('key', 'value')
    .setParam('key', 'value')

Import (Already imported on generating)

// app.module.ts
  imports: [



  .setHeader("key", "value")
  ... // More builder
  .obserseBody() // or obserseEvents() or obserseResponse()
  .get("<path or url>") // or post, patch, put, options, delete


// name.any.ts
import { RestClient } from '@vts-kit/angular-network';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class Service {
  constructor(private client: RestClient) {}

  callApi() {
        next: (d) => console.log(d[0].title),
        error: (e) => console.log(e),

Feature: Validation

VTS KIT provides common validation function to be used combine with Angular Validator to make form validation easier.

List of validator

No Name From Description
1 required Angular Validators Whether input is required
2 requiredTrue Angular Validators Whether input is required to be true
3 email Angular Validators Whether input is a valid email format
4 min Angular Validators Whether input value to be greater than or equal to the provided number
5 max Angular Validators Whether input value to be less than or equal to the provided number
6 minLength Angular Validators Whether input length to be greater than or equal to the provided number
7 maxLength Angular Validators Whether input length to be less than or equal to the provided number
8 pattern Angular Validators Whether input value is matched a RegExe pattern
9 viettelMail VTS Kit Validators Whether input value is valid Viettel Email
10 ipAddress VTS Kit Validators Whether input value is valid ip address
11 ipAddressPort VTS Kit Validators Whether input value is valid ip address and port (<ip>:<port>)
12 url VTS Kit Validators Whether input value is valid url
13 [number] VTS Kit Validators Whether input can be convert to number
14 [number][numberType] VTS Kit Validators Whether input number is specific type (float, integer, any)
15 [number][larger] VTS Kit Validators Whether input number is greater than provided number
16 [number][largerOrEqual] VTS Kit Validators Whether input number is greater than or equal to provided number
17 [number][smaller] VTS Kit Validators Whether input number is less than provided number
18 [number][smallerOrEqual] VTS Kit Validators Whether input number is less than or equal to provided number


For template-driven form:

// *.ts
import { VtsValidatorModule } from '@vts-kit/angular-validator';

@(NgModule | Component | ...)({
    imports: [VtsValidatorModule]

// *.html
<input ngModel url  />
<input number [larger]="5" [smallerOrEqual]="10" #control="ngModel">

// You can see raise errors here
{{ control.errors | json }}

For reactive form:

// *.ts
import { VTSValidators } from '@vts-kit/angular-validator';

export class Component ... {
  // Use with 'validators' property of FormControl, FormGroup, FormBuilder, ...
  control1 = new FormBuilder().control('', {
      validators: [VTSValidators.url]

  control2 = new FormBuilder().control('', {
    validators: [
          larger: 5,
          smallerOrEqual: 10

// *.html
<input [formControl]="control1" />
<input [formControl]="control2" />

// You can see raise errors here
{{ control1.errors | json }}
{{ control2.errors | json }}

Feature: Common

VTS KIT provides common utility function to help code faster.


No Function Name Description Output
1 distance Return a distance between two dates in miliseconds number
2 isGreater Return whether date1 is greater than date2 boolean
3 isGreaterOrEqual Return whether date1 is greater than or equal to date2 boolean
4 isSmaller Return whether date1 is smaller than date2 boolean
5 isSmallerOrEqual Return whether date1 is smaller than or equal to date2 boolean


No Function Name Description Output
1 isNullOrEmpty Return whether a string is null or empty boolean
2 defaultValue Return defaultValue if value is null or empty, else return value string
3 upperFirst Return value with first character is setted to be uppercase string
4 lowerFirst Return value with first character is setted to be lowercase string
5 camelCase Converts value to camel case string
6 pascalCase Converts value to pascal case string
7 kebabCase Converts value to kebab case string
8 snakeCase Converts value to snake case string
9 capitalize Converts the first character of first word in value to upper case and the remaining to lower case string
10 capitalizeAll Converts the first character of each word in value to upper case and the remaining to lower case string


No Function Name Description Output
1 getExtName Return extension of the path string
2 getDirName Return dir of the path string
3 getBaseName Return last portion of the path string

Feature: Bundle Analyzer

VTS KIT integrated bundle analyzer to help auditing overall bundle size.

Config (Already declared on generating, maybe be overwritten)

Webpack bundle analyzer config is localed in app/<app_name>/webpack/webpack.configs(.prod).ts.

const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer').BundleAnalyzerPlugin;

module.exports = (config, context) => {
  return merge(config, {
    plugins: [
      // Other plugins
        ? [
            new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({
              analyzerMode: 'server',
              analyzerHost: '',
              analyzerPort: 8001,
        : []),

By default, webpack bundle analyzer will serve a web report at You can check out more options for webpack bundle analyzer here


Either use VTS Kit script inside package.json or custom your own.

// package.json
  scripts: {
    "start:analyze": "cross-env ANALYZE=1 npm run start",
    "build:analyze": "cross-env ANALYZE=1 npm run build"

Using start:analyzer to start analyzing on Development Environment or build:analyzer to analyze on Production Environment

Feature: CICD

VTS KIT provides Docker config and Jenkin config with dynamic variables, developer can make change at ease.

CICD variables can be found under cicd/jenkinsfile/environment.groovy. Developer have to fill out all required fields to make it work in jenkine pipeline.

/** Pipeline options **/
env.flag_sonar = ""                                         // OPTIONAL, Enable sonar scan (set to 'yes' to enable)
env.flag_security = ""                                      // OPTIONAL, Enable fortify scan (set to 'yes' to enable)

/** Application information **/
env.appName = "demo"                                        // REQUIRED
                                                            // Determine docker image name (<harborServer>/<harborProject>/<appName>:<version>_<buildNumber>)
                                                            // and deployment/service name

/** Kubernetes profile **/

// Development profile
env.devKubeConfigFileSecret = "dev-k8s-config"              // REQUIRED, Secret file credential stored on Jenkin, give in fileID
env.devNamespace = ""                                       // REQUIRED, Kubernetes namespace to deploy
env.devPort = "80"                                          // REQUIRED, Should be nginx port
env.devTargetPort = "80"                                    // REQUIRED, Container port, should be nginx port
env.devNodePort = ""                                        // REQUIRED, Exposal port for external access
env.devImagePullSecrets = "default"                         // REQUIRED, Docker secret to pull image

// Production profile
env.prodKubeConfigFileSecret = "prod-k8s-config"            // REQUIRED, Secret file credential stored on Jenkin, give in fileID
env.prodNamespace = ""                                      // REQUIRED, Kubernetes namespace to deploy
env.prodPort = "80"                                         // REQUIRED, Should be nginx port
env.prodTargetPort = "80"                                   // REQUIRED, Container port, should be nginx port
env.prodNodePort = ""                                       // REQUIRED, Exposal port for external access
env.prodImagePullSecrets = "default"                        // REQUIRED, Docker secret to pull image

/** Docker harbor configuration **/
env.pullRegistry = ""                                       // REQUIRED, Harbor registry to pull base images
env.harborProject = ""                                      // REQUIRED, Harbor folder to store image

/** Git information **/
env.gitTokenSecret = ""                                     // REQUIRED, Secret token credential stored on Jenkin, give in secretID
env.stagingBranch = ""                                      // OPTIONAL, Staging branch won't trigger merge build pipeline

/** Sonar config **/
env.maximumAllowedBugs = 0
env.maximumAllowedVunerabilities = 0
env.maximumAllowedCodeSmell = 0

/** Build prefix for building report **/
env.pushBuildPrefix = "JENKINS-PUSH"
env.mrBuildPrefix = "JENKINS-MERGE"
env.acceptCloseMRBuildPrefix = "JENKINS-ACCEPT-CLOSE"

Feature: Dynamic Environment

VTS KIT provides ability to use environment from container. All system environment which are started with VTS_KIT_ will be collected and injected into Web Server on running. Developer can reference to these environment inside window.env.

Ways to make changes to environments:

  • 1. Add environment inside kubernetes YAML deployment
  • 2. Use kubectl to change environment while application is running (require rolloul restart)
  • 3. Set environment on running docker (if deploy as docker)
  1. Add environment inside kubernetes YAML deployment:

For example, make change to development profile, create two environemnt VTS_KIT_ENV1 and VTS_KIT_ENV2. You can find kubernetes YAML under cicd/manifests/dev-deploy-manifest.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: {{appName}}-svc
    app: {{appName}}
  namespace: {{devNamespace}}
  type: NodePort
    - port: {{devPort}}
      name: {{appName}}-external-port
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: {{devTargetPort}}
      nodePort: {{devNodePort}}
    app: {{appName}}
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: {{appName}}-deployment
    app: {{appName}}
  namespace: {{devNamespace}}
  replicas: 1
      app: {{appName}}
        app: {{appName}}
        - name: {{appName}}-container
          image: {{imageName}}
            - name: VTS_KIT_ENV1
              value: "Hello"
            - name: VTS_KIT_ENV2
              value: "World"
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - containerPort: {{devTargetPort}}
        - name: {{devImagePullSecrets}}
  1. Use kubectl to change environment while application is running (require rolloul restart)

Use kubectl CLI to make change to an applied-deployment.

  // Set new environemtn
  kubectl set env deployment/demo VTS_KIT_ENV1=hello

  // Rollout restart to apply change
  kubectl rollout restart deployment/demo

  // Unset environment (Also need to rollout restart to apply change)
  kubectl set env deployment/demo VTS_KIT_ENV1-
  1. Set environment on running docker (if deploy as docker)

Use docker CLI to set environment on running an image

  docker run -e VTS_KIT_ENV1=hello -t webapp-demo:1.0.0

Feature: 3rd party integration

VTS KIT offers libraries that facilitate the integration of third-party libraries and services with minimal effort.

Check out documentation for more detail.


Contribute Guidelines

If you have any ideas, just open an issue and tell us what you think.

If you'd like to contribute, please refer Contributors Guide


This code is under the MIT License.

See the LICENSE file for required notices and attributions.


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