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0.0.4 • Public • Published

🤖 Phenomenal AI

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Phenomenal AI is a TypeScript package for building a turn-based conversational prompt generator for large language models. This package provides the building blocks for simulating conversational interactions between multiple entities, referred to as actors. Actors can share information, engage in dialogue, and dynamically adjust the course of conversation based on predefined rules.

📌 Features

  • High-Level Abstraction: Phenomenal AI provides a high level of abstraction for AI-based conversation models. This allows you to focus on the conversation logic and not the underlying model.
  • 🎭 Multiple Actors: This package supports interaction between multiple actors, allowing for complex conversational scenarios. Each actor can have their own personality and preferences.
  • 📚 Conversation History: Every conversation has a history which tracks the course of dialogue over time. The history is used to generate responses to new lines of dialogue.
  • 💾 Shared Context: Actors in a conversation share a context that allows them to store and retrieve information relevant to the ongoing discussion. The context can be used to store information such as the topic of conversation, the location, the time of day, etc.
  • 🔄 Scheduling: The package provides a mechanism to decide the order of turns between the actors using schedulers. The package comes with a default scheduler that schedules turns in a round-robin fashion.
  • 🎬 Conversation Turn Management: Controls the turn flow of the conversation and provides a method to inject new messages into the conversation. The package also provides a method to query the conversation with a question and get a response.
  • 📜 Context Window Management: The package provides a mechanism to manage the context window. The context window is the number of tokens to unmask in the history when generating a response. This allows you to control the prompt size and the amount of context provided to the model.
  • 📦 Lightweight: The package has only one external dependency (mustache), making it lightweight and easy to use.
  • 🧪 Extensible: The package is designed to be extensible. You can provide your own text generation function, scheduler, etc.

🏁 Getting Started

You can install the package via npm:

npm install @wecandobetter/phenomenal-ai

Or via yarn:

yarn add @wecandobetter/phenomenal-ai

🚀 Usage Examples

The Conversation class encapsulates all actors and manages the history, context and the scheduling of actor's turns. The Actor class represents an actor in the conversation.

The following example shows how to use the Conversation class to simulate a conversation between two actors.

import { Actor, Conversation } from "@wecandobetter/phenomenal-ai";
import { generateText } from "./text-generation"; // provide your own text generation function

// Define your actors
const actors = [
  new Actor("John"),
  new Actor("Emma"),

// Initialize a conversation
const conversation = new Conversation("Morning Talk", { actors });

// Add a context entry
conversation.context.set("topic", "Current topic of conversation", "AI Ethics");

// Make a query:

const response = await conversation.query({
  speaker: actors[0], // the speaker, i.e. the actor asking the question
  answerer: actors[1], // the answerer, i.e. the actor answering the question
  query: "What is the topic of conversation?", // the query to be answered
  generateText, // provide your own text generation function
  store: true, // store the response in the history

console.log(`${response.speaker}: ${response.text}`);

// Moderate the conversation by injecting a new message:

conversation.inject("Let's get back to the topic of conversation.", {
  speaker: "Moderator", // the speaker of the message (defaults to `System`)
  ephemeral: true, // this message will not be stored in the history

// Make one turn:

const turn = await conversation.turn({
  actor: conversation.scheduler.getNextSpeaker(), // get the next speaker from the scheduler
  generateText, // provide your own text generation function

console.log(`${turn.speaker}: ${turn.text}`);

// or use an async generator:

const ac = new AbortController();

const loop = conversation.loop({
  signal: ac.signal, // provide an AbortSignal to stop the loop
  generateText, // provide your own text generation function
  scheduler: conversation.scheduler, // provide your own scheduler

for await (const turn of loop) {
  console.log(`${turn.speaker}: ${turn.text}`);

📚 API Reference

The main classes of this package are Conversation, ConversationHistory, and Actor.


The Conversation class represents an ongoing conversation between multiple actors.


  • id: Unique identifier for the conversation.
  • name: Name of the conversation.
  • actors: Array of Actors participating in the conversation.
  • history: The history of the conversation.
  • context: Shared context between all actors in the conversation.


These are the methods available on the Conversation class.

new Conversation(name: string, { actors: Actor[], generateText?: GenerateText, scheduler?: Scheduler, messages?: Message[], windowss?: { history?: number } })

Initializes a new instance of the Conversation class.

const conversation = new Conversation("Morning Talk", {
  actors: [
    new Actor("John"),
    new Actor("Emma"),
  generateText: generateText, // provide your own text generation function
  scheduler: RoundRobinScheduler, // provide your own scheduler
  messages: [], // bootstrap the conversation with messages
  windows: { // configure the conversation window
    max: 1024, // the maximum number of tokens to unmask in the history
conversation.inject(text: string, { speaker = "System" embeddings?: number[][], ephemeral?: true })

Injects a new message into the conversation. Returns the injected message.

const message = conversation.inject(
  "Let's get back to the topic of conversation.",
    speaker: "Moderator",
    ephemeral: true, // if true, the message will not be stored in the history after the next turn
conversation.query({ speaker: Actor, answerer: Actor, query: string, generateText?: GenerateText, store = false })

Returns a promise that resolves to a turn response.

const response = await conversation.query({
  speaker: actors[0], // the speaker, i.e. the actor asking the question
  answerer: actors[1], // the answerer, i.e. the actor answering the question
  query: "What is the topic of conversation?", // the query to be answered
  generateText, // provide your own text generation function
  store: true, // store the response in the history

console.log(`${response.speaker}: ${response.text}`);
conversation.turn({ actor: Actor, generateText?: GenerateText })

Returns a promise that resolves to a turn response.

const response = await conversation.turn({
  actor: conversation.scheduler.getNextSpeaker(), // get the next speaker from the scheduler
  generateText, // provide your own text generation function

console.log(`${response.speaker}: ${response.text}`);
conversation.loop({ signal: AbortSignal; generateText?: GenerateText })

An async generator that yields the speaker, the text, and optionally the embeddings of each turn in the conversation.

const ac = new AbortController();

// start the loop, which will yield the responses
const loop = conversation.loop({
  signal: ac.signal, // provide an AbortSignal to stop the loop
  generateText, // provide your own text generation function

for await (const response of loop) {
  console.log(`${response.speaker}: ${response.text}`);

Returns a JSON representation of the conversation.

const json = conversation.toJSON();


The ConversationHistory class represents the history of a conversation.


  • messages: Array of messages in the conversation.


These are the methods available on the ConversationHistory class.

new ConversationHistory(messages?: Message[])

Initializes a new instance of the ConversationHistory class.

const history = new ConversationHistory([
  { speaker: "John", text: "Hello, Emma!" },
  { speaker: "Emma", text: "Hi, John!" },
history.push(message: PartialBy<Message, "feedback">)

Pushes a new message to the history.

history.push({ actor: "John", text: "Hello, Emma!" });
history.getMessagesFor(actor: string)

Returns an map of indexes and messages for the given actor.

const messages = history.getMessagesFor("John");

Returns statistics about the history. The statistics are grouped by actor.

const stats = history.getStats();


// {
//   "Bob": {
//     count: 2, // total number of messages
//     textCount: 22, // total number of characters
//     percentage: 0.5, // percentage of messages in the conversation
//     textPercentage: 0.5, // percentage of characters in the conversation
//   },
// }

Removes ephemeral messages from the history.

history.up(message: Message)

Add positive feedback to the given message.

const message = history.messages[0]; // get message from somewhere
history.down(message: Message)

Add negative feedback to the given message.

const message = history.messages[0]; // get message from somewhere
history.first(): Message

Returns the first message in the history.

history.last(): Message

Returns the last message in the history.


Returns a JSON representation of the history.


Clears the history.


The Actor class represents an entity that is taking part in a conversation.


  • id: Unique identifier for the actor.
  • name: Name of the actor.
  • template: Template for the actor's prompts.
  • context: Shared context between all actors in the conversation.
  • persona: Persona of the actor.
  • knowledge: Knowledge of the actor.
  • memory: Memory of the actor.


These are the methods available on the Actor class.

new Actor(name: string, { template?: string, persona?: Persona, knowledge?: Knowledge, memory?: Memory })

Initializes a new instance of the Actor class. If no template is provided, the default template will be used.

const actor = new Actor("John", {
  template: "Hello, my name is {{name}}.",
actor.render(conversation: Conversation)

Renders the actor's template into a prompt. The prompt is a message that can be used by your chosen large language model to generate a response.

const prompt = actor.render(conversation);

Returns a JSON representation of the actor.

❤️ Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Feel free to check the issues page.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it for your own projects.

🙏 Notes

Happy coding! 😊

If you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

Coded with ❤️ by We Can Do Better.

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  • michielvdvelde