
1.0.0-rc.2 • Public • Published


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This is a simple HTTP server that is concerned with Mocking out an API server. Clients of this component can setup any mock response for a target endpoint through a special endpoint 'POST /mocking', and when the clients send the request to the target endpoint, the mocked response before will be sent back to the client. This can be very helpful in integrating test where an automated test suite is the master of controlling the whole process. The test suite can setup mock response in advance and then trigger the whole solution who may later send requests to the mocked API server.


You can install this module via NPM with npm install @wellvillage/api-server-mockery.


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


This application's configuration is specified via environment variables. Here is a table of the supported configuration parameters:

Name Format Default Value
LOGGING_LEVEL silent, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace info
LISTENING_PORT 1025-65534 8080
MOCK_BASE_URI Any valid URI http://localhost:1227


This is a Node.JS JavaScript project and as such it relies heavily on the Node.JS ecosystem. Package dependencies are defined via NPM and should be installed before seeking to develop. ESLint and Prettier are used to enforce code styling and best practices, so make sure to utilize them when contributing code changes. Tests are defined with Jest and should be made sure to be kept in sync with any new feature development.

Source code bootstrapping starts in bootstrap.js and should be the first place to look when trying to understand this code base, besides the test modules of course.

Dependencies can be installed by running npm install and tests can be run with npm test.

You can run this application in your development environment by running npm serve from this directory. Make sure to have the configuration environment variables properly set when running it this way.


You can build this application via Docker the normal way or by running npm run image (which builds the image with a fixed tag of api-server-mockery.)

Dependencies (6)

Dev Dependencies (14)

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npm i @wellvillage/api-server-mockery

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  • victor.wei
  • jinchunwei