Material Color theme configuration
call dist/webpack-config in @wfh/cra-scripts's configuration file
e.g. config-overrides.ts
import {ReactScriptsHandler, CraScriptsPaths} from '@wfh/cra-scripts/dist/types';
import {default as docUiCommon} from '@wfh/doc-ui-common/dist/webpack-config';
const handler: ReactScriptsHandler = {
changeCraPaths(craPaths: CraScriptsPaths) {
webpack(cfg, env, cmdOpt) {
if (docUiCommon.webpack)
docUiCommon.webpack(cfg, env, cmdOpt);
export default handler;
About lightReduxHooks
It actually does not depends on Redux, no Redux is required to be packed with it.
This file provide some hooks which leverages RxJS to mimic Redux-toolkit + Redux-observable which is supposed to be used isolated within any React component in case your component has complicated and async state changing logic.
Redux + RxJs provides a better way to deal with complicated UI state related job.
- it is small and supposed to be well performed
- it does not use ImmerJS, you should take care of immutability of state by yourself
- because there is no ImmerJS, you can put any type of Object in state including those are not supported by ImmerJS