
0.1.7 • Public • Published


A wrapper for limitd-redis.

Why ?

Provides utilities and rollback functionality for our clients.

This module was originally built to work with limitd. The prior solution -- and most of the documentation surrounding our standard rate-limiting Buckets -- can be found in joylife/limitd. That solution is now deprecated.


Each client must define the set of rate-limit Buckets that intends to use.

The set of defaultBuckets defines the standard set of ones that we've historically determined that we need. This list may be old, but that's the general idea. Your client can use any subset of these Buckets, but when it does, the Best Practice is to use the exact definition(s) here.

However, for flexibility reasons, this is not strictly enforced.

Why limitd-redis ?

Although this package is available on npm, it's no longer actively maintained. We've observed bugs in the existing published version, but these issues have already been resolved in the limitd-redis gitHub repository. To address this, we've imported the latest stable version(v7.8.1) from there github repository and using it locally in the limiter.

In case we need to update in the future, we can replace the "limitd-redis" directory with the latest version of limitd-redis from their GitHub repository.

Note: We need to add dependency from limitd-redis to limiter package json before publish. We are using limitd-redis as directly not package inside limiter.


npm run test will run offline tests using a mock. npm run sanity-check will run against a limitd service configured to run with the test buckets.

Quick Test

node tests/performTestWithTestPerMinute.js


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