Declare common API for backend and frontend
Call endpoint with full typing support just like local functions
It based on Nestjs decorators like Post, Get, Body...
- Define Nestjs Controller like always but without methods implementations and dependencies.
- At backend extend your real Controller with "schema controller"
- Decorate class with @AttachApi and pass "schema controller" (it will copy your decorators)
- provide your implementation of xhr request factory (axios, jQuery, etc.)
- At front convert and cast "schema controller" with extractApi()
- use methods for calling endpoints!
clone decorators from SchemaControllerClass to ControllerClass
@Return(key: string = 'default', type: any)
Overwrite endpoint return type (useful for await where default type is Promise)
extractApi(SchemaControllerClass, xhrHandler): SchemaControllerClass
Endpoint caller with typings
function xhrHandler(url: string, body: any, endpoint: Endpoint): Promise<any> {
const {
returnTypes, // {[key]: type} - comes from @Return
returnType, // returnTypes.default
uri, // /path/:param
method, // post, get,...
} = endpoint;
// do some stuff
- Check example for more
export class TestSchema {
@Param('endpoint') p: string,
@Query() q: {[key: string]: string | string[]},
@Body() body: SomeBody
): string {
return e;
export class TestController extends TestSchema {
endpoint(p, q, body) {
// some imlementation
extractApi(TestSchema, xhrHandler).endpoint('path', { page: '1' }, { body: 'value' })
function xhrHandler(url: string, body: any, endpoint: Endpoint) {
// Request for some data with axios, jQuery, etc.
return axios({
method: endpoint.method,