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0.5.0 • Public • Published


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Inspired by @golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq package, i made this module to integrate ibm queues into our nest applications. This module use a fork of ibmmq, that permit to subscribe to multiples queues without block the application.


It is important that you have made the configuration requested by the ibmmq. You must set up:

  • Node version 10.20 or greater. Older versions will no longer work because of requirements from the ffi-napi package.
  • On platforms other than Windows and Linux x64, you must also install the MQ client package.
  • The package makes use of the libffi capabilities for direct access to the MQ API. For some platforms the libffi and ffi-napi components may need additional configuration before they can be build. That package is not available at all on z/OS - there is no way that this package can run on that platform even with handcrafting build steps.

To see the requirements with more details, please refer to ibmmq


Module Initialization

You must import and add IbmMqNestModule in you appModule and set up the connection. For now, you can only connect to one queueManager per application.

import {IbmMqNestModule} from '@yeisonkirax/ibm-mq-nest';

	imports: [IbmMqNestModule.forRoot(IbmMqNestModule, {
		channel: {
			name: "channel name", queueManager: {
				name: "queueManager name",
				host: "the queueManager's url",
				port: "the queueManager's port",
		}, credentials: {
			userId: 'usedId', password: 'password',
	})], controllers: [AppController], providers: [],
export class AppModule {

The parameters that the module receives for its configuration correspond to the following structure:

 * Defining the interface for the credentials' config.
 * @property {string} userId - User's id that can connect to the queueManager.
 * @property {string} password - User's password that can connect to the
 *   queueManager
export interface IMQCredentials {
	/** User's id that can connect to the queueManager **/
	userId: string;

	/** User's password that can connect to the queueManager **/
	password: string;

 * Defining the interface for the queueManager.
 * @property {string} name - The name of the queueManager.
 * @property {string} host - The host of the queueManager.
 * @property {string} port - The port of the queueManager.
export interface IMQQueueManager {
	/** The name of the queueManager **/
	name: string;

	/** The host of the queueManager **/
	host: string;

	/** The port of the queueManager **/
	port: string;

 * Defining the interface for the channel.
 * @property {string} name - The name of the channel.
 * @property {IMQQueueManager} queueManager - The queueManager's config obj.
export interface IMQChannel {
	/** The name of the channel */
	name: string;
	/** The queueManager's config obj */
	queueManager: IMQQueueManager;

 * Defining the interface for the options of the module
 * @property {boolean} [debug] - Enable debug mode. Default is false.
 * @property {number} [maxConsecutiveGets] - How many
 *   messages to get from a queue before trying a different queue. Default
 *   is 100
 * @property {number} [getLoopPollTimeMs] - Milliseconds between each full
 * poll cycle. Default is 10000 (10 seconds).
 * @property {number} [getLoopDelayTimeMs] - Milliseconds to delay after a
 *   partial poll cycle. Default is 250 (1/4 second)
 * @property {MQMatchMessageMode} [matchMessageMode] - Set the message
 * filter when make a get to a queue. You can filter by msg id or none.
 * Default is MSG_ID.
export interface IMQOptions {
	/** Enable debug mode. Default is false. */
	debug?: boolean;

	/** How many messages to get from a queue before trying a different queue.
	 * Default is 100
	maxConsecutiveGets?: number;

	/** Milliseconds between each full poll cycle. Default is 10000 (10
	 *  seconds). */
	getLoopPollTimeMs?: number;

	 * Milliseconds to delay after a partial poll cycle. Default is 250 (1/4
	 * second).
	getLoopDelayTimeMs?: number;

 * Defining the interface for the option's module.
 * @property {IMQChannel} channel - channel used to connect to queueManager.
 * @property {IMQCredentials} [credentials] - credentials config object.
 * @property {LoggerService} [logger] - set the logger, default is NestJs Logger
 * @property {IMQOptions} [options] - set the module's options.
export interface IMQConfig {
	/** channel config object */
	channel: IMQChannel;

	/** credentials config object */
	credentials?: IMQCredentials;

	/** set the logger, default is NestJs Logger */
	logger?: LoggerService;

	/** set the module's options. */
	options?: IMQOptions;

Usage with Interceptors, Guards and Filters

These functionalities will be implemented in future developments.

Usage with Controllers

You can use NestJS controllers as handlers.

WARNING: When using controllers, be aware that no HTTP context is available. You can not combine in a controller rest methods with ibm-mq handlers.

import {
	AdditionalInfo, IbmMqConnection, MQObjectType, MQQueueSubscribe,
} from '@yeisonkirax/ibm-mq-nest';

export class AppController {
	constructor() {

		targetName: 'DEV.QUEUE.1',
	async queueHandler(msg: string, additionalInfo: AdditionalInfo, error: MQError,) {

You only need to set the name of the queue that is managed by the queueManager defined above. You can also subscribe to topics using MQTopicSubscribe decorator. In the same way, you only have to pass the name of the topic to subscribe.

import {
	AdditionalInfo, IbmMqConnection, MQObjectType, MQQueueSubscribe,
} from '@yeisonkirax/ibm-mq-nest';

export class AppController {
	constructor() {

		targetName: 'dev/',
	async topicHandler(msg: string, additionalInfo: AdditionalInfo, error: MQError,) {

Receiving Messages

A handler can receive:

  • msg: correspond the message deserialized as string.
  • additionalInfo: correspond the raw data.
  • error: if exist an error, this parameter will be a MQError instance.

Dealing with the original message

If you need the original message. You can use additionalInfo in the handler. This parameter has the following structure.

 * `AdditionalInfo` is an object with a `correlationId` property of type
 * `string`, a `msgId` property of type `string`, a `rawMessage` property of
 * type `Buffer`, and a `messageDescriptor` property of type `MQMD`.
 * The `MQMD` type is defined in the `mq-types` module.
 * @property {string} correlationId - The correlation ID of the message.
 * @property {string} msgId - The message ID of the message that was received.
 * @property {Buffer} rawMessage - The raw message buffer.
 * @property {MQMD} messageDescriptor - This is the MQMD object that is
 *   returned by the MQI call.
export type AdditionalInfo = {
	correlationId: string; msgId: string; rawMessage: Buffer; messageDescriptor: MQMD;

Sending Messages

Inject the IbmMqConnection

All IBM MQ interactions go through the IbmMqConnection object. Assuming you installed and configured the IbmMqNestModule, the object can be obtained through Nest's dependency injection system. Simply require it as a constructor parameter in a Nest Controller or Service.

export class AppController {
	constructor(private readonly ibmMqConnection: IbmMqConnection) {


Publishing Messages

If you just want to publish a message onto a queue or topic, use the publish method of the IbmMqConnection which has the following signature:

 * `PublishMessageOptions` is an object with a `target` property that is either
 * a
 * `TopicOptions` or a `QueueOptions` object, and an optional `replyToQueue`
 * property.
 * @property {TopicOptions | QueueOptions} target - The target topic or queue
 *   to publish the message to.
 * @property {string} replyToQueue - The name of the queue to which the service
 * should send the reply.
export type PublishMessageOptions = {
	/** The target topic or queue to publish the message to */
	target: TopicOptions | QueueOptions;

	/** The name of the queue to which the service should send the reply. */
	replyToQueue?: string;

class IbmMqConnection {
	 * It opens a queue or topic, puts a message on it, and closes the queue or
	 * topic
	 * @param {string} message - The message to be sent.
	 * @param {PublishMessageOptions} msgOptions - PublishMessageOptions
	 * @returns The return value is a Promise that resolves with the msg id.
	public async publish(message: string, msgOptions: PublishMessageOptions): Promise<{ msgId: Buffer }> {

For example:

this.ibmMqConnection.publish('some-text', {
	target: {
		name: 'DEV.QUEUE.1', type: MQObjectType.QUEUE,
	}, replyToQueue: 'DEV.QUEUE.2'

Waiting for a response

If you need wait for a response, you can use the getMessagesFromQueue method of the IbmMqConnection which has the following signature:

/** Defining a type for the GetMessagesConfig object.
 * @property {QueueOptions} queue - The queue where will get the messages.
 * @property {boolean} filterMessagesById - Enable the filter to get
 * messages by id. If is false, you will not filter the messages.
 * @property {Buffer} [msgId] - The msg id used to filter. If you enable
 * "filterMessagesById", this value must be provided.
 * @property {number} waitInterval - The time in ms that you will wait for
 * the response.
export declare type GetMessagesConfig = {
	 * The queue where will get the messages.
	queue: QueueOptions;

	 * Enable the filter to get messages by id. If is false, you will not
	 * filter the messages.
	filterMessagesById: boolean;

	 * The msg id used to filter. If you enable "filterMessagesById", this
	 * value must be provided.
	msgId?: Buffer;

	 * The time in ms that you will wait for the messages.
	waitInterval: number;

class IbmMqConnection {
	 * Get the messages from a queue.
	 * @param {GetMessagesConfig} options - The message to be sent.
	 * @returns The return a Promise that resolves with the msg as string or
	 * an error.
	public async getMessagesFromQueue(options: GetMessagesConfig,): Promise<string> {



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