Component library for creating applications facing a yuuvis® MOMENTUM backend.
This library provides yuuvis developers with a collection of UI components for creating their own client applications.
First you need to install the npm module:
npm install @yuuvis/client-framework --save
As @yuuvis/client-framework
is build on top of @yuuvis/client-core
(a collection of services to interact with a yuuvis® MOMENTUM backend) you need to import and configure @yuuvis/client-core
You can import styles in your apps root style.scss
@import '@yuuvis/client-framework/styles/client-framework.scss';
... or set it up in your angular.json
"project": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"styles": [
Once you have everything in place you can use the libraries standalone components:
selector: 'my-component',
standalone: true,
imports: [CommonModule, TreeComponent],
template: ` <yuv-tree [tree]="folderTree" selectable (selectionChange)="nodeSelected($event)"></yuv-tree> `,
styles: ''
export class FolderTreeComponent {
nodeSelected(nodes: TreeNode[]) {
console.log('Selected tree nodes', nodes);