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1.0.3 • Public • Published

@yveskaufmann/kafkajs-azure-oauth-bearer-provider - OAuth2.0 authentication with Azure EventHub.

npm version Node.js CI

OAuth Bearer Provider for kafkajs clients, requests access token by leveraging DefaultAzureCredentials to gain access to Azure Event Hub via kafkajs.


npm install @yveskaufmann/kafkajs-azure-oauth-bearer-provider


Now use the provider to configure the kafkajs client for authenticate against Azure Event Hubs by using OAuth 2.0. The provider will use the existing DefaultAzureCredentials.

const azureOAuthProvider = new AzureOAuthBearerProvider({
  namespace: '<event-hub-namespace>',
const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: azureOAuthProvider.brokers,
  sasl: azureOAuthProvider.saslOptions,
  ssl: true,

Usage with AKS and Managed Identities

  1. Create a service account and annotate it with azure.workload.identity/client-id=<client-id>
  2. Reference the service account within your deployment
  3. Label your deployment pod template with azure.workload.identity/use=true

API Reference


 * Options for AzureOAuthBearerProvider
export interface AzureOAuthBearerProviderOptions {
   * The namespace of the EventHub. This is optional, and it can be provided as the environment variable EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE.
  namespace?: string;

   * An optional error handler that can be used to handle errors that occur when getting the OAuth bearer token from Azure.
   * @param error - The error that occurred.
  errorHandler?: (error: Error) => void;


 * This class provides OAuth Bearer token for KafkaJS client to authenticate with Azure EventHubs.
 * It uses Azure Identity library to get the acess token, and it requires that the service account of
 * the deployment is bound to a managed identity with the necessary permissions to access the EventHub namespace.
 * The class is designed to be used with KafkaJS client, and it provides the necessary configuration options.
 * The namespace option is optional, and it can be provided as the environment variable EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE.
 * Example usage:
 * ```typescript
 * const azureOAuthProvider = new AzureOAuthBearerProvider();
 * const kafka = new Kafka({
 *   clientId: 'my-app',
 *   brokers: azureOAuthProvider.brokers,
 *   sasl: azureOAuthProvider.saslOptions,
 *   ssl: true,
 * });
 * ```
export class AzureOAuthBearerProvider {
  private credentials: DefaultAzureCredential;
  private options: AzureOAuthBearerProviderOptions;

   * Creates an instance of AzureOAuthBearerProvider.
   * @param options - Options for AzureOAuthBearerProvider
  constructor(options?: AzureOAuthBearerProviderOptions);

   * Gets the list of brokers for the KafkaJS client.
  public get brokers(): string[];

   * Gets the SASL options for the KafkaJS client.
  public get saslOptions(): SASLMechanismOptions<'oauthbearer'>;

   * Requests an OAuth bearer token from Azure that can be used to authenticate with EventHub.
   * @returns The OAuth bearer token.
  public async getBearerToken(): Promise<OauthbearerProviderResponse>;


Variable Description
EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE Namespace of the eventhub instance to authenticate against

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