
1.0.9 • Public • Published


Using Google Sheets API as a fast and efficient SQL Database alternative, just kidding :/ full thanks for library support by ❤️ google-spreadsheet ❤️

NPM version Known Vulnerabilities NPM

  • CRUD - to eazy and very simple like a database
  • JSON FORMAT - the results will be in JSON format which is very easy for management
  • EXPORT - download sheet/docs in various formats xlsx,ods,tsv,csv,pdf,zip

Docs - Meanwhile, currently the documentation is only in the readme file for this library https://github.com/zaadevofc/spreadsheet-db#readme

🔥 Installation - npm i @zaadevofc/spreadsheet-db --save or yarn add @zaadevofc/spreadsheet-db

~ Authentication 🔓

first of all, we need the private_key and client_email from your Service account, follow the steps below:

@ Create Project

  1. visit google console to create new project here
  2. follow the commands requested, then when finished proceed to the next step

@ Create Credentials

  1. visit Service accounts page
  2. click blue + CREATE CREDENTIALS and select Service account option
  3. enter name, description, click CREATE
  4. you can skip permissions, click CONTINUE
  5. click your project select tab keys and click ADD KEY anda then click Create new key button
  6. select the JSON key type option
  7. click Create button
  8. your JSON key file is generated and downloaded to your machine (it is the only copy!)
  9. click DONE

and you must enable sheets APi :

  1. click here to enable the sheets APi
  2. enable the api

image tutorial

~ Congrats 🎉

your credentials more or less will look like this :

    "type": "",
    "project_id": "",
    "private_key_id": "",
    "private_key": "",
    "client_email": "",
    "client_id": "",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": "",
    "universe_domain": ""

this library only requires private_key and client_email properties. so you can save the file safely, and put the required properties into the .env file

~ Preparing 🔨

Note - you have to create a spreadsheet first on the Google Sheets page and you have to update its privacy to public and be allowed to edit it

image tutorial

later we will register your spreadsheets ID, below is where the ID is located :

image tutorial

~ Configuration ⚙️

const SpreadDB = require('@zaadevofc/spreadsheet-db')
const spreadDB = new SpreadDB({ 
    client_email: process.env.SERVICE_CLIENT_EMAIL, 
    private_key: process.env.GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY 

Note - To keep the examples concise, I'm calling await at the top level which is not allowed by default in most versions of node. If you need to call await in a script at the root level, you must instead wrap it in an async function like so:

(async () => {
    // async function here

~ How to use 🌈

🛠️ register your spreadsheets id :

const db = await spreadDB.register(/* your spreadsheets id */)

// if you want to use multiple id
const db1 = await spreadDB.register(/* your spreadsheets id */)
const db2 = await spreadDB.register(/* your spreadsheets id */)

🛠️ create new sheet :

Note - the sheet display is something like this :

image tutorial

await db.addSheet(/* name your new sheet */)
// example
await db.addSheet('users')

the changes will look like this:

image tutorial

🛠️ adding value to sheet

Note - i recommend that you create a header first before giving it a value with this program, you can see the example below:

you must place the header starting from column A1 and add at least 1 value so that the program follows the previous style

✅ correct header

image tutorial

❌ wrong header

image tutorial

example table :

image tutorial

code :

// add multiple value
await db.addValue('users', [
    [12345, 'alex', 12],
    [12346, 'dodo', 18],
    [12347, 'adit', 22],

result :

image tutorial

the contents of the array depend on how many rows there are in your header

array[0] array[1] array[2] array[3] array[4]

code :

await db.addValue('users', [
    [/* value array [0] */, /* value array [1] */, /* value array [2] */, /* value array [3] */, /* value array [4] */],

🛠️ delete latest rows from sheet

example table :

1 jamal 23
2 rosyid 20
3 ditha 21
4 keja 25

with this function :

await db.deleteLatestRows(/* your sheet title/name */);
await db.deleteLatestRows('users');

later it will be like this :

1 jamal 23
2 rosyid 20
3 ditha 21

🛠️ delete rows by criteria

example table :

1 jamal 23
2 rosyid 20
3 ditha 21
4 keja 25
await db.deleteRowsByCriteria(/* your sheet title/name */, { 
    key: /* this key alias the header */, 
    value: /* value of key */ 
// example
await db.deleteRowsByCriteria('users', { 
    key: 'AGE', 
    value: 20 

result :

1 jamal 23
3 ditha 21
4 keja 25

🛠️ delete sheet :

this function will delete a sheet based on existing properties:

await db.deleteSheetById(/* your sheet id */);
await db.deleteSheetByIndex(/* your sheet index */);
await db.deleteSheetByTitle(/* your sheet name/title */);

🛠️ update rows by criteria

example table :

1 jamal 23
2 rosyid 20
3 ditha 21
4 keja 25
await db.updateRowsByCriteria('users', 
    key: 'NAME', 
    value: 'ditha' 
    update_key: 'AGE', 
    update_value: 32

result :

1 jamal 23
2 rosyid 20
3 ditha 32
4 keja 25

🛠️ update sheet or doc properties

this is doc title/name :

image tutorial

this is sheet title/name :

image tutorial

you can use the code below :

db.changeDocTitle(/* new doc title/name */);
db.changeSheetTitleByTitle(/* sheet title/name */, /* new sheet title/name */);
db.changeSheetTitleById(/* sheet id */, /* new sheet title/name */);
db.changeSheetTitleByIndex(/* sheet index */, /* new sheet title/name */);

🛠️ get all data

fetching all data from your doc :


//=> result :

  title: '',
  locale: '',
  autoRecalc: '',
  timeZone: '',
  sheetCount: 0,
  spreadsheetId: '',
  spreadsheetUrl: '',
  googleDriveUrl: '',
  rawSheets: [],

//=> rawSheets :

    sheetId: 0,
    title: '',
    index: 0,
    sheetType: '',
    spreadsheetUrl: '',
    rowCount: 0,
    columnCount: 0,
    headerRowIndex: 0,
    contentCounts: 0,
    contents: [],

//=> contents :

the contents of the content property depend on the contents of your sheet, I give an example using a table like this:

1 jamal 23
2 rosyid 20
3 ditha 32
4 keja 25

result of property contents :

    { index: 0, id: '1', name: 'jamal', age: '23' },
    { index: 1, id: '2', name: 'rosyid', age: '20' },
    { index: 2, id: '3', name: 'ditha', age: '32' },
    { index: 3, id: '4', name: 'kejaa', age: '25' }

🛠️ get data sheet

this will return a data sheet based on existing properties:

db.getSheetByIndex(/* your sheet index */);
db.getSheetById(/* your sheet id */);
db.getSheetByTitle(/* your sheet title */);

🛠️ get data contents

this will return a sheet contents based on existing properties:

db.getContentByIndex(/* your sheet index */);
db.getContentById(/* your sheet id */);
db.getContentByTitle(/* your sheet title */);

Support & Contributions

This module was written and is actively maintained by zaadevofc. If you want to develop this module, you can do that because this module is free and open source

Want to help support it? Buy me inspiration Saweria


This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more info, see https://unlicense.org.


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