
1.0.1-beta • Public • Published


The official command line interface of Zoho Crm

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This is the ZOHO CRM Command Line Interface (CLI) Tool. They can be used to:
  • Initialise a project in local and logins to the crm account
  • Create and manage the meta of the resources
  • Deploy resources to the crm org
  • Exports the resources

To get started with the zdk CLI, you can go through our documentation CLI documentation.


ZDK command line interface that simplifies source-driven development and extension of Zoho products.

How do I install and use ZDK?


Refer this link for installing Node.js platform.Once Node is installed, verify it by running the following command.

$ node -v
$ npm -v


  1. Installing Node.js should install npm as well.
  2. The ZDK-CLI is compatible only with node version >= 14.17.6 and npm version >= 8.1.0 .

Installing ZDK CLI

Run the following command to install the ZDK cli node package. 

$  npm install -g @zohocrm/zdk-cli


  1. If you need to setup the cli in current directory alone use the same command without -g option.

  2. Alternatively you can visit CLI Installation Documentation for installation instructions.


The command zdk --help lists all the available commands and zdk <command> --help shows more details for provided command (if exists).

List of the available commands

Command Description
init Initializes the ZDK CLI project directory.
auth:whoami Displays the authorized user and the connected CRM org.
auth:login Initializes the ZDK CLI project directory. Require access to a web browser
auth:logout Logs out of Zoho CRM org.
org:status Displays the local changes made after the previous pull or push.
org:pull Pulls the metadata to the local ZDK CLI project directory.
org:pull:resolve Resolves the conflict file.
org:pull:revert Reverts the pull operation.
org:pull:update Updates the local directory with the pulled data.
org:push Pushes changes to org.
org:push:result Displays the result of the push process and updates local directory in case of success response.
org:push:list Displays the list of the recent push operations that happened in the org.
org:list Lists the authorized CRM orgs.
org:export Exports the ZDK CLI project in a zip file to share it with other developers.
meta:create Creates new metadata.


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