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1.0.1 • Public • Published

Zyphra TypeScript Client

A TypeScript client library for interacting with Zyphra's text-to-speech API.


npm install @zyphra/client
# or
yarn add @zyphra/client

Quick Start

import { ZyphraClient } from '@zyphra/client';

// Initialize the client
const client = new ZyphraClient({ apiKey: 'your-api-key' });

// Generate speech
const audioBlob = await client.audio.speech.create({
    text: 'Hello, world!',
    speaking_rate: 15

// Save to file (browser)
const url = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = 'output.webm';


  • Text-to-speech generation with customizable parameters
  • Support for multiple languages and audio formats
  • Voice cloning capabilities
  • TypeScript types included
  • Browser and Node.js support
  • Returns audio as Blob for easy handling


The text-to-speech API accepts the following parameters:

interface TTSParams {
    text: string;                    // The text to convert to speech
    speaker_audio?: string;          // Base64 audio for voice cloning
    seconds?: number;                // Duration in seconds (1-30)
    seed?: number;                   // Random seed (-1 to 2147483647)
    speaking_rate?: number;          // Speaking rate (5-35)
    language_iso_code?: string;      // Language code (e.g., "en-us", "fr-fr")
    mime_type?: string;             // Output audio format (e.g., "audio/webm")

Detailed Usage

Supported Languages

The text-to-speech API supports the following languages:

  • English (US) - en-us
  • French - fr-fr
  • German - de
  • Japanese - ja
  • Korean - ko
  • Mandarin Chinese - cmn

Supported Audio Formats

The API supports multiple output formats through the mime_type parameter:

  • WebM (default) - audio/webm
  • Ogg - audio/ogg
  • WAV - audio/wav
  • MP3 - audio/mp3 or audio/mpeg
  • MP4/AAC - audio/mp4 or audio/aac

Language and Format Examples

// Generate French speech in MP3 format
const frenchAudio = await client.audio.speech.create({
    text: 'Bonjour le monde!',
    language_iso_code: 'fr-fr',
    mime_type: 'audio/mp3',
    speaking_rate: 15

// Generate Japanese speech in WAV format
const japaneseAudio = await client.audio.speech.create({
    text: 'こんにちは世界!',
    language_iso_code: 'ja',
    mime_type: 'audio/wav',
    speaking_rate: 15

Voice Cloning

You can clone voices by providing a reference audio file as a base64 string:

// Node.js environment
const fs = require('fs');
const audio_base64 = fs.readFileSync('reference_voice.wav').toString('base64');

const audioBlob = await client.audio.speech.create({
    text: 'This will use the cloned voice',
    speaker_audio: audio_base64,
    speaking_rate: 15

// Browser environment
const fileInput = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
const file = await fileInput.files[0];
const reader = new FileReader();

reader.onload = async () => {
    const base64 = reader.result.split(',')[1];
    const audioBlob = await client.audio.speech.create({
        text: 'This will use the cloned voice',
        speaker_audio: base64,
        speaking_rate: 15


Error Handling

import { ZyphraError } from '@zyphra/client';

try {
    const audioBlob = await client.audio.speech.create({
        text: 'Hello, world!',
        speaking_rate: 15
} catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof ZyphraError) {
        console.error(`Error: ${error.statusCode} - ${error.response}`);

Available Models

Speech Models

  • Zonos-0.1: Text-to-speech model with emotion control and voice cloning capabilities


MIT License




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  • iansears
  • berenmillidge