Making prop-types easy to work with.
// Tired
Component.propTypes = {
installPackage: PropTypes.func,
name: PropTypes.string,
version: PropTypes.number.isRequired
Component.defaultProps = {
name: 1
// Wired
addPropTypes(Component, {
installPackage: 'func',
name: 'string',
version: {
type: 'number',
default: 1,
isRequired: true
General Usage
A String shorthand argument is supported by most types. See below in complete usage for supported and unsupported types.
addPropTypes(Component, {
firstName: 'string',
lastName: 'string',
The object argument is supported by all types and allows for the setting of default and required props. Some types require the object argument, refer to complete usage for the list.
addPropTypes(Component, {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
default: 'first name',
isRequired: true
lastName: {
type: 'string',
default: 'last name'
nicknames: {
type: 'arrayOf',
typeValue: 'string'
Complete Usage
addPropTypes(Component, {
// PropTypes.array
optionalArray: 'array',
// PropTypes.bool
optionalBool: 'bool',
// PropTypes.func
optionalFunc: 'func',
// PropTypes.number
optionalNumber: 'number',
// PropTypes.object
optionalObject: 'object',
// PropTypes.string
optionalString: 'string',
// PropTypes.symbol
optionalSymbol: 'symbol',
// PropTypes.node
optionalNode: 'node',
// PropTypes.element
optionalElement: 'element',
// PropTypes.elementType
optionalElementType: 'elementType',
// ---- Types requiring the object argument
// TODO: PropTypes.instanceOf
// TODO: PropTypes.oneOf
// TODO: PropTypes.oneOfType
// TODO: PropTypes.arrayOf
// TODO: PropTypes.objectOf
// TODO: PropTypes.shape
// TODO: PropTypes.exact
// Custom prop
customProp: function(props, propName, componentName) {
if (!/matchme/.test(props[propName])) {
return new Error(
'Invalid prop `' +
propName +
'` supplied to' +
' `' +
componentName +
'`. Validation failed.'
// TODO: Custom PropTypes.arrayOf