
1.0.3 • Public • Published

request-validator - an http request body validator

http request payload validator function. Takes in request payload and request map, and returns a list of field validation results to be used in Node.js apps

Table of Contents

General Info

This is a simple http payload validator function. Function takes in request payload and request map (see below) and outputs an array of validation results for each field present in the map.


To install package run in terminal:

cd /path/to/project
$ npm install af-request-validator


To use the function in your app.js file

const validate = require('af-request-validator');

const reqMap = {
    "type"          : "Object",
    "needed"        : true,
    "name"          : "Req Body",
    "properties"    : {
        "name": {
            "type"      : "Simple",
            "needed"    : true,
            "express"   : "^[A-z- ]{3,20}$",
            "name"      : "Name"
        "birthDate": {
            "type"      : "Simple",
            "needed"    : true,
            "express"   : "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$",
            "name"      : "Date of Birth"
        "friend": {
            "type"          : "Object",
            "needed"        : true,
            "name"          : "Friend",
            "properties"    : {
                "name": {
                    "type"      : "Simple",
                    "needed"    : true,
                    "express"   : "^[A-z- ]{3,20}$",
                    "name"      : "Name"
                "birthDate": {
                    "type"      : "Simple",
                    "needed"    : true,
                    "express"   : "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$",
                    "name"      : "Date of Birth"
        "friendArray" : {
            "type"          : "Array",
            "needed"        : true,
            "name"          : "List of Friends",
            "contents"  : {
                "type"          : "Object",
                "needed"        : true,
                "name"          : "Friend",
                "properties"    : {
                    "name": {
                    "type"      : "Simple",
                    "needed"    : true,
                    "express"   : "^[A-z- ]{3,20}$",
                    "name"      : "Name"
                    "birthDate": {
                        "type"      : "Simple",
                        "needed"    : true,
                        "express"   : "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$",
                        "name"      : "Date of Birth"

const requestBody = {
    "name" : "Vik",
    "birthDate" : "1985-02-10",
    "friend" : {
        "name" : "Alex",
        "birthDate" : "1986-01-02"
    "friendArray" : [
        "name" : "Dima",
        "birthDate" : "1987-12-09"

const validateSummary = validate(requestBody, reqMap);

validateSummary will contain an Array of validation results for each field in Map

Request Map Strucure

Request map is a js object that contains filed descriptions for validator to check against

request map can describe 3 types of fields (Object, Array, and simple);

Simple type field map looks like this:

"type"      : "Simple",                 //Type
"needed"    : true,                     //Is this field mandatory?
"express"   : "^[A-z- ]{3,20}$",       //Regexp to validate the field
"name"      : "Name"                    //Field name

Object type filed map looks like this:

    "type"          : "Object",         //Type
    "needed"        : true,             //Is this field mandatory?
    "name"          : "Req Body",       //Field name
    "properties"    : {                 //Maps for properties the object has
        "name": {
            "type"      : "Simple",
            "needed"    : true,
            "express"   : "^[A-z- ]{3,20}$",
            "name"      : "Name"
        "birthDate": {
            "type"      : "Simple",
            "needed"    : true,
            "express"   : "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$",
            "name"      : "Date of Birth"

note that object can contain Abject and Array properties, just nest them

Array type field map looks like this:

"type"          : "Array",
"needed"        : true,
"name"          : "List of Friends",
"contents"  : {                         //map for contents of array 
    "type"          : "Object",
    "needed"        : true,
    "name"          : "Friend",
    "properties"    : {
        "name": {
        "type"      : "Simple",
        "needed"    : true,
        "express"   : "^[A-z- ]{3,20}$",
        "name"      : "Name"
        "birthDate": {
            "type"      : "Simple",
            "needed"    : true,
            "express"   : "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$",
            "name"      : "Date of Birth"


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    npm i af-request-validator

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