
2.0.1 • Public • Published


Bootstrap-compatible, configurable alerts for your angular app.

The official Klaxon logo, a cartoon Klaxon alarm

Build Status MIT License


  1. Install from:
  • NPM: npm install angular-klaxon
  • Bower: bower install angular-klaxon
  1. Register it as an angular dependency:
// option 1 (include the built javascript in your page)
var app = angular.module('app', ['klaxon']);
// option 2 (use commonjs, like browserify or webpack)
var app = angular.module('app', [require('angular-klaxon').name]);
  1. Include the klaxon-alert-container directive in your html somewhere:
<div class='container'>
  1. Trigger alerts from your app!
app.controller('MyController', ['KlaxonAlert', function (KlaxonAlert) {
  alert = new KlaxonAlert('The floor is lava!', {
    type: 'danger',
    timeout: 1000

Screenshot of an alert showing up in a browser window


Inject KlaxonAlert. It's a constructor function with the following API:

alert = new KlaxonAlert(msg, options)
  • msg (String): The message that should be displayed on the alert

  • options (Object, optional): Additional configuration for your alert

    • type (String, default "info"): Your alert will be given the class alert-<class>. We recommend you use one of the bootstrap defaults:
      • success
      • info
      • warning
      • danger
    • closable (Boolean, default true): Whether or not to display a "close" button on the alert.
    • timeout (Number): If this is set, the alert will disappear after timeout milliseconds have passed.
    • callToAction (String): If this is set, this string will be displayed after the message as a clickable link.
    • onCallToActionClick (Function): If this is set in addition to callToAction, clicking on the call to action message will call this function. function.
    • onClick (Function): If this is set, clicking on the alert will call this function.
    • debugInfo (String): If this is set, it will be displayed below the klaxon with a class of debug-info. (Good for UUIDs that can be displayed alongside error messages, for example.)
    • priority (Number): The klaxon-alert-container will display messages in order of priority, highest first.
    • key (String): The klaxon-alert-container won't ever show more than one alert with the same key. This is useful if you want to avoid displaying the same message over and over again. The message with the highest priority (or the most recent message if they all have the same priority) will be the one that is displayed.
  • alert (KlaxonAlert): An instance with the following methods:

    • add: Adds the alert to the klaxon-alert-container
    • close: Removes the alert from the klaxon-alert-container
    • click: Calls the onClick handler for the alert, if one is set.


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$ git clone && cd ng-klaxon
$ npm install
$ npm test

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