Relay graphite metrics to anodot backend
It currently supports:
- line protocol
- pickle protocol
git clone
cd anodot-relay
npm install
cd anodot-relay/bin
./relay config.json
"url": "",
"token": "<YOUR API TOKEN>",
"log": "error",
"showStats": false,
"sendStats": true,
"plainPort": 2003,
"picklePort": 2004,
"flushInterval": 5000,
"metricBlackList": "",
"metricWhitelist": "",
"metricRewrite": [],
"metricPrefix": "",
url: anodot service url, default
token: anodot api token
log: log level default error
showStats: print to stdout performance statistics every flushInterval, default false
sendStats: send statistics metrics to anodot backend, default true
plainPort: listener port for plain text protocol, default 2003
picklePort: listener port for pickle protocol, default 2004
flushInterval: number in milliseconds to flush metrics, default 10,000
metricFilter: obsolete, replaced by metricBlacklist
metricBlacklist: javascript regex that filters out (blacklist) metrics not to be send to anodot, default ""
example: "metricFilter": "token1|token2|token3"
metricWhitelist: javascript regex that filters for (whitelist) metrics to be sent to anodot, default ""
example: "metricWhitelist: "token1|token2|token3"
metricRewrite: rewrite rules for metrics tokens default, []
example: "metricRewrite": [{"regex": "token1", "token": "what="}] will rewrite metric token1.token2.token3 to what=token1.token2.token3
metricPrefix: add prefix to every metric send via the relay
metricCounter: javascript regex that will set metrics to be sent as a counter to anodot, default ""
example: "metricCounter": "target_type=counter" will send all metrics containing "target_type=counter" as counter to anodot
backlog: server connections backlog, default 512
maxConnections: max number of concurrent connections opened to anodot service, default 100
sortBeforeSend: sort by timestamp Tx buffer before send to anodot, default false
Running Tests
To run the tests, install Mocha then run:
cd anodot-relay/test