Antwerp The Static Archive Site Generator
project: catpea
src: /home/user/catpea-project/database
video: /home/user/catpea-project/dist/video/
dest: /home/user/catpea-project/dist/website/
samples: /home/user/catpea-project/samples
theme: /home/user/catpea-project/theme
cache: /home/user/catpea-project/.cache
snippets: /home/user/catpea-project/
antwerp register my-project /path/to/data
#points my-project to /path/to/data configuration directory
antwerp new catpea furkies-purrkies --title "My New Furkies Purrkies Title"
#builds a new record in /home/user/catpea-project/database/furkies-purrkies
antwerp new catpea westland-warrior --title "My New Westland Warrior Title"
#builds a new record in /home/user/catpea-project/database/westland-warrior
antwerp build catpea
#builds website in /home/user/catpea-project/dist/website/
antwerp read catpea configuration.snippets
#prints /home/user/catpea-project/
Usage: antwerp [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
register [project-name] [data-dir] register a new project pointing it to a data/registry directory
new [project-name] [creator-name] create a new/blank record in the specified database
build [project-name] build a registered project
read [project] [path] read a configuration value with dotted notation, ex: configuration.src
help clone a repository into a newly created directory
Only main Post/Article Image is resized to sm, md, lg. images other than cover are not resized.
The original post image is copied to the website without any prefix, and without resizing, it is intended to be used as the zoom image.
id: furkies-purrkies-poetry-0931
guid: 10ad7005-85ca-4141-8490-69b54d440550
title: What The Doodle Is A Tutorial Anyway?
description: null
- furkies-purrkies
date: '2022-09-18T02:34:49.821Z'
lastmod: null
weight: 93100
audio: poetry-0931.mp3
image: poetry-0931-illustration.jpg
images: null
resources: null
features: {}
draft: false
"src": "/home/user/db/dist/new-database/furkies-purrkies/poem-0934",
"file": {
"index": {
"name": "",
"src": "/home/user/db/dist/new-database/furkies-purrkies/poem-0934/",
"size": 2424,
"atime": "2022-09-21T19:01:55.325Z",
"mtime": "2022-09-21T19:01:55.345Z",
"ctime": "2022-09-21T19:01:55.345Z",
"dest": {
"target": "/home/user/db/dist/new-website/permalink/3a6f4d53-50a6-4f33-8579-872ac5b026ac/index.html",
"missing": true,
"expired": false,
"update": true
"files": {
"name": "files",
"src": "/home/user/db/dist/new-database/furkies-purrkies/poem-0934/files",
"directory": true,
"size": 4096,
"atime": "2022-09-21T19:01:55.348Z",
"mtime": "2022-09-21T19:01:55.500Z",
"ctime": "2022-09-21T19:01:55.500Z",
"dest": {
"target": "/home/user/db/dist/new-website/permalink/3a6f4d53-50a6-4f33-8579-872ac5b026ac/files",
"missing": true,
"expired": false,
"update": true
"attr": {
"features": {},
"id": "furkies-purrkies-poetry-0934",
"guid": "3a6f4d53-50a6-4f33-8579-872ac5b026ac",
"title": "Easy Peasy Muscle; Or, How To Get Your Beefcupcake On",
"description": null,
"tags": [
"date": "2022-09-21T03:18:07.713Z",
"lastmod": null,
"weight": 93400,
"audio": "poetry-0934.mp3",
"image": "poetry-0934-illustration.jpg",
"images": [],
"artwork": [
"resources": null,
"draft": false,
"links": [
"title": "dancing",
"url": "",
"presentation": false
"title": "hiking",
"url": "",
"presentation": false
"html": "<p>Exercise ... road.</p>\n",
"order": {
"first": true,
"last": false,
"prev": "79689bfd-9365-4b7a-a814-957222fdfaa3",
"next": "36cac2c7-3bf4-4fb3-8fe0-24a8dba48c88"
"md": "Exercise... eyes.",
"text": "Exercise... eyes.",
"snip": "Exercise... eyes."
"number": 1112,
Note the use of: antwerp read catpea configuration.theme
"scripts": {
"watch": "nodemon --watch $(antwerp read catpea configuration.theme) -e ejs,css,js --watch . -e js,json antwerp build catpea",
"server": "http-server -o -c-1 $(antwerp read catpea configuration.dest)"