Convert API Blueprint definitions into OpenAPI 3.0 This is a node.js package that can be run from command line or used as library.
This package is a wrapper for apib2swagger converter and swagger2openapi converter.
You can use api-spec-converter instead for more supported converter formats.
I made this package because I want to use up-to-date swagger2openapi instead of out-of-date (still usable of course) and I need a custom default options for the converters. I also don't need any other converters from api-spec-converter, so here we are.
$ npm install -g apib2openapi
Command Line
Command options:
$ apib2openapi --help
Usage: apib2openapi [options]
Convert API Blueprint to OpenAPI 3.0.0
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --input <file> Path to input (API Blueprint) file - default: STDIN
-o, --output <file> Path to output (OpenAPI) file - default: STDOUT
-y, --yaml Output as yaml instead of json
-1, --apib2swagger-options <keyvalue> Pass an option to the apib2swagger converter (default: {})
-2, --swagger2openapi-options <keyvalue> Pass an option to the swagger2openapi converter (default: {})
-h, --help display help for command
$ apib2openapi -i test.md -o test.json
$ apib2openapi -i test.md -o test.yaml
$ apib2openapi -i test.md --yaml
const apib2openapi = require('apib2openapi');
let options = {};
//options.apib2swaggerOptions = true; // Pass options to apib2swagger
//options.swagger2openapiOptions = true; // Pass options to swagger2openapi
apib2openapi.convert(data, options)
.then(result => {
// result contains the openapi
Currently I don't have any plan to update this package any further unless I need to change something. But, you can make a pull request or post an issue for any bug.
I also want to abandon API Blueprint completely in the near future, so this package indirectly made my transition to OpenAPI 3.0 easier.
Copyright (c) 2020 Sibghatullah Mujaddid