Application Insights StatsD backend
The ApplicationInsights StatsD backend enables easy pre-aggregation of lightweight StatsD metrics that can be then forwarded to Application Insights.
This SDK is NOT maintained or supported by Microsoft even though we've contributed to it in the past. Note that Azure Monitor only provides support when using the supported SDKs. We’re constantly assessing opportunities to expand our support for other languages, so follow our GitHub Announcements page to receive the latest SDK news.
Installation and Configuration
You can add the appinsights backend into your existing StatsD project or into a new clone of the official StatsD repo.
New Project
Install node.js
Clone the statsd project:
$ git clone
Create a config file from exampleConfig.js:
$ cd /path/to/statsd
$ cp exampleConfig.js appinsights.js
Continue with the Existing Project instructions
Existing project
Install the appinsights-statsd
backend npm module:
$ cd /path/to/statsd
$ npm install appinsights-statsd --save
Add the backend and configuration to your statsd config file (appinsights.js
backends: [ "appinsights-statsd" ], // [Required] The Application Insighst StatsD backend
aiInstrumentationKey: "<Application Insights Instrumentation Key from>", // [Required] Your instrumentation key
aiPrefix: "myapp", // [Optional] Send only metrics with this prefix
aiRoleName: "MyFrontEnd", // [Optional] Add this role name context tag to every metric
aiRoleInstance: "VM5", // [Optional] Add this role instance context tag to every metric
aiTrackStatsDMetrics: true, // [Optional] Send StatsD internal metrics to Application Insights
Start the Daemon:
$ node stats.js /path/to/config
The backend supports counters, timers and gauges with the standard statsd format.
In additional, custom properties can be attached to each metric using a double-underscore delimiter in this format:
"<name>__<base64-encoded JSON>"
E.g. to send a counter with a custom property you could use code like this:
const customProperties = { "title": "engineer" };
const customPropertiesEncoded = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(customProperties)).toString("base64");
const name = "jobs-open__" + customPropertiesEncoded;
See CONTRIBUTING for details