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6.1.0 • Public • Published


An NPM installable package of Apple's Mapkit JS Version 5.4.0

Run npm install --save apple-mapkit-js to add this package as a dependency of your project. Then, somewhere in your app, import apple-mapkit-js. ( vis. import 'apple-mapkit-js'; or require('apple-mapkit-js') ). Doing so will create a mapkit object in your app's global scope. This object is the same object you would get if you included the following script tag somewhere in a webpage:

<script src=""></script>

However, npm installing this script into your app allows you to use a tool like Webpack to bake Apple Mapkit JS into your app without first sending an HTTP GET request to Apple's CDN--making your app a little faster to load in browser.

Load specific Versions of Mapkit JS

To load a specific version of Mapkit JS, require(apple-mapkit-js/ver/5.29.0/mapkit.js) it. See the ver/ directory in this repo for which versions of Mapkit JS are available.

Contains Method

If you include the apple-mapkit-js/contains.js file in this repo after including the main apple-mapkit-js module, all of the region-like objects included with Apple Mapkit JS will be decorated with a prototype function contains(point).

All of these functions take in a point-like object as their first and only argument--and return whether or not that point is contained by the given region.

For example:

var map = new mapkit.Map();
map.contains(point);                 // Returns true if point is in map's visible region.
map.region.contains(point);          // Returns true if point is in region.
map.visibleRectArea.contains(point); // Returns true if point is in MapRect.

where point above can be an instance of mapkit.MapPoint, mapkit.Coordinate, a map-point literal of the form { x: Number, y: Number }, or a coordinate literal of form { latitude: Number, longitude: Number }.

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      • luke.mizuhashi