
2.10.2 • Public • Published

Object relational mapping (ORM) framework for API Builder.

Main Components

There are 4 main components to the ORM framework:


To define a model, you must give a set of fields and a connector.

var User = orm.Model.extend('user',{
	fields: {
		name: {
			type: String,
			default: 'Jeff',
	connector: Connector

The first argument is the name of the model. The second argument is the definition of the model.


The definition of the model is an object with the following properties.

Name Type Description
actions string[] An array of method actions that are enabled for the model. If empty, all are enabled.
autogen boolean A boolean to indicate the model was auto-generated.
cache boolean Enables a LRU cache.
connector string | object Identifies the connector to which this model belongs, required.
countDescription string Changes the description for the method count.
createDescription string Changes the description for the method create.
deleteAllDescription string Changes the description for the method deleteAll.
deleteDescription string Changes the description for the method delete.
disabledActions string[] An array of actions that are disabled for the model.
distinctDescription string Changes the description for the method distinct.
fields object A collection of property fields belonging to the model.
findAllDescription string Changes the description for the method findAll.
findAndModifyDescription string Changes the description for the method findAndModify.
findByIDDescription string Changes the description for the method findByID.
findManyByIDDescription string Changes the description for the method findManyByID.
metadata object Additional metadata about the model.
plural string The plural name of the model.
queryDescription string Changes the description for the method query.
singular string The singular name of the model.
updateDescription string Changes the description for the method update.
upsertDescription string Changes the description for the method upsert.


The fields are a collection of properties where each key uniquely identifies the field, and each field has a set of properties that define it:

Name Type Description
custom boolean Indicates the field's value is custom and should be omitted when converting to payload (e.g. JSON).
default any The default value.
description string The description of the field.
length integer For Strings and Arrays, the precise length of the field.
limit integer In composite models where the field is joined with another and the type is "array", then this property limits the amount of records returned.
maxlength integer For Strings and Arrays, the maximum length of the field.
minlength integer For Strings and Arrays, the minimum length of the field.
model string The name of the model from which this field originates (in composite models).
name string The name of the field.
optional boolean The field is optional (deprecated).
readonly boolean The field is read-only.
required boolean If true, the field is required.
type any The column type, supporting values: string, date, number, array, object, and boolean; required.


The metadata is used to encode additional data about the Model that can be used for composite models or primary keys.

Name Type Description
primarykey string The field name that is identified as the primary key. The field cannot be a property of fields.
primaryKeyDetails object An object that describes additional details about the primary key.
table string In some connectors, this refers to the table name for the Model.
schema string In some connectors, this refers to the table schema name or owner of the table for the Model.
Name Type Description
autogenerated boolean Indicates the primary key is auto-generated.
dataType string In some connectors, this describes the persisted datatype of the primary key.
type string In some connectors, this describes the field type for the primary key, supporting values: string, date, number.


The model has several instance methods:

Name Description
count Find count of a query.
create Create a new Model instance.
delete Deletes a Model instance.
deleteAll Removes all Model instances.
distinct Find unique values for a Model field name.
extend Create a new Model class from the current Model.
find Find one or more Models.
findAll Find all Models.
findAndModify Find a Model from a query and modify values.
findByID Find one Model by a primary key.
findManyByID Find many Models by a primary key.
query Find a Model from a query.
update Updates a Model instance.
upsert Updates or inserts a Model instance.

Custom functions

A model can have custom functions by defining them in the definition as a property. They will automatically be available on the model instance.

var User = orm.Model.extend('user',{
	fields: {
		name: {
			type: String,
			required: true,
			default: 'jeff'
	connector: Connector,

	// implement a function that will be on the Model and
	// available to all instances
	getProperName: function() {
		// this points to the instance when this is invoked
		return +;



One you've defined a model, you can then use it to create an Instance of the Model.

User.create({name:'Nolan'}, function(err,user){
	// you now have a user instance

Instances has several methods for dealing with the model.

Name Description
get get the value of a field property
set set a value or a set of values (Object)
isUnsaved returns true if the instance has pending changes
isDeleted returns true if the instance has been deleted and cannot be used
update save any pending changes
remove remove this instance (delete it)
getPrimaryKey return the primary key value set by the Connector

In addition to get and set, you can also use property accessors to get field values.

console.log('name is',; = 'Rick';


If the Connector returns more than one Model instance, it will return it as a Collection, which is a container of Model instances.

A collection is an array and has additional helper functions for manipulating the collection.

You can get the length of the collection with the length property.


To create a connector, you can either inherit from the Connector class using utils.inherit or extend:

var MyConnector = orm.Connector.extend({
	constructor: function(){
	findByID: function(Model, id, callback) {

Once you have created a Connector class, you can create a new instance:

var connector = new MyConnector({
	url: ''


This code is proprietary, closed source software licensed to you by Axway. All Rights Reserved. You may not modify Axway’s code without express written permission of Axway. You are licensed to use and distribute your services developed with the use of this software and dependencies, including distributing reasonable and appropriate portions of the Axway code and dependencies. Except as set forth above, this code MUST not be copied or otherwise redistributed without express written permission of Axway. This module is licensed as part of the Axway Platform and governed under the terms of the Axway license agreement (General Conditions) located here:; EXCEPT THAT IF YOU RECEIVED A FREE SUBSCRIPTION, LICENSE, OR SUPPORT SUBSCRIPTION FOR THIS CODE, NOTWITHSTANDING THE LANGUAGE OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, AXWAY HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS, AS WELL AS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED INFRINGEMENT WARRANTIES, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND YOU ACCEPT THE PRODUCT AS-IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Your right to use this software is strictly limited to the term (if any) of the license or subscription originally granted to you.

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