DefinitelyTyped icon, indicating that this package has TypeScript declarations provided by the separate @types/asana package

3.0.15 • Public • Published

asana GitHub release NPM Version

  • API version: 1.0
  • Package version: 3.0.15


For Node.js

npm install from npmjs

npm install asana --save

For browser

Include the latest release directly from GitHub:

<script src=""></script>

Example usage (NOTE: be careful not to expose your access token):

    let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
    let token = client.authentications['token'];
    token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

    let usersApiInstance = new Asana.UsersApi();
    let user_gid = "me";
    let opts = {};

    usersApiInstance.getUser(user_gid, opts).then((result) => {
        console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' +  JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
    }, (error) => {

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let usersApiInstance = new Asana.UsersApi();
let user_gid = "me"; // String | A string identifying a user. This can either be the string \"me\", an email, or the gid of a user.
let opts = { 
    "opt_fields": "email,name,photo,photo.image_1024x1024,photo.image_128x128,photo.image_21x21,photo.image_27x27,photo.image_36x36,photo.image_60x60,workspaces," // [String] | This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include.

usersApiInstance.getUser(user_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' +  JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {

Example: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on tasks

GET - get multiple tasks

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let opts = { 
    "limit": 50, // Number | Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100.
    "project": "<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>", // String | The project to filter tasks on.
    "modified_since": "2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z", // Date | Only return tasks that have been modified since the given time.  *Note: A task is considered “modified” if any of its properties change, or associations between it and other objects are modified (e.g.  a task being added to a project). A task is not considered modified just because another object it is associated with (e.g. a subtask) is modified. Actions that count as modifying the task include assigning, renaming, completing, and adding stories.*
    "opt_fields": "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace," // [String] | This endpoint returns a compact resource, which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include.

// GET - get multiple tasks
tasksApiInstance.getTasks(opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {

POST - create a task

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let body = {
    "data": {
        "name": "New Task",
        "approval_status": "pending",
        "assignee_status": "upcoming",
        "completed": false,
        "external": {
            "gid": "1234",
            "data": "A blob of information.",
        "html_notes": "<body>Mittens <em>really</em> likes the stuff from Humboldt.</body>",
        "is_rendered_as_separator": false,
        "liked": true,
        "assignee": "me",
        "projects": ["<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>"],
let opts = {};

// POST - Create a task
tasksApiInstance.createTask(body, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {

PUT - update a task

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "<YOUR_TASK_GID>";
let body = {
    "data": {
        "name": "Updated Task",
let opts = {};

// PUT - Update a task
tasksApiInstance.updateTask(body, task_gid, opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {

DELETE - delete a task

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "<YOUR_TASK_GID>";

// DELETE - Delete a task
tasksApiInstance.deleteTask(task_gid).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
Asana.AllocationsApi createAllocation POST /allocations Create an allocation
Asana.AllocationsApi deleteAllocation DELETE /allocations/{allocation_gid} Delete an allocation
Asana.AllocationsApi getAllocation GET /allocations/{allocation_gid} Get an allocation
Asana.AllocationsApi getAllocations GET /allocations Get multiple allocations
Asana.AllocationsApi updateAllocation PUT /allocations/{allocation_gid} Update an allocation
Asana.AttachmentsApi createAttachmentForObject POST /attachments Upload an attachment
Asana.AttachmentsApi deleteAttachment DELETE /attachments/{attachment_gid} Delete an attachment
Asana.AttachmentsApi getAttachment GET /attachments/{attachment_gid} Get an attachment
Asana.AttachmentsApi getAttachmentsForObject GET /attachments Get attachments from an object
Asana.AuditLogAPIApi getAuditLogEvents GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/audit_log_events Get audit log events
Asana.BatchAPIApi createBatchRequest POST /batch Submit parallel requests
Asana.CustomFieldSettingsApi getCustomFieldSettingsForPortfolio GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/custom_field_settings Get a portfolio's custom fields
Asana.CustomFieldSettingsApi getCustomFieldSettingsForProject GET /projects/{project_gid}/custom_field_settings Get a project's custom fields
Asana.CustomFieldsApi createCustomField POST /custom_fields Create a custom field
Asana.CustomFieldsApi createEnumOptionForCustomField POST /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options Create an enum option
Asana.CustomFieldsApi deleteCustomField DELETE /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} Delete a custom field
Asana.CustomFieldsApi getCustomField GET /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} Get a custom field
Asana.CustomFieldsApi getCustomFieldsForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/custom_fields Get a workspace's custom fields
Asana.CustomFieldsApi insertEnumOptionForCustomField POST /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options/insert Reorder a custom field's enum
Asana.CustomFieldsApi updateCustomField PUT /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} Update a custom field
Asana.CustomFieldsApi updateEnumOption PUT /enum_options/{enum_option_gid} Update an enum option
Asana.EventsApi getEvents GET /events Get events on a resource
Asana.GoalRelationshipsApi addSupportingRelationship POST /goals/{goal_gid}/addSupportingRelationship Add a supporting goal relationship
Asana.GoalRelationshipsApi getGoalRelationship GET /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} Get a goal relationship
Asana.GoalRelationshipsApi getGoalRelationships GET /goal_relationships Get goal relationships
Asana.GoalRelationshipsApi removeSupportingRelationship POST /goals/{goal_gid}/removeSupportingRelationship Removes a supporting goal relationship
Asana.GoalRelationshipsApi updateGoalRelationship PUT /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} Update a goal relationship
Asana.GoalsApi addFollowers POST /goals/{goal_gid}/addFollowers Add a collaborator to a goal
Asana.GoalsApi createGoal POST /goals Create a goal
Asana.GoalsApi createGoalMetric POST /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetric Create a goal metric
Asana.GoalsApi deleteGoal DELETE /goals/{goal_gid} Delete a goal
Asana.GoalsApi getGoal GET /goals/{goal_gid} Get a goal
Asana.GoalsApi getGoals GET /goals Get goals
Asana.GoalsApi getParentGoalsForGoal GET /goals/{goal_gid}/parentGoals Get parent goals from a goal
Asana.GoalsApi removeFollowers POST /goals/{goal_gid}/removeFollowers Remove a collaborator from a goal
Asana.GoalsApi updateGoal PUT /goals/{goal_gid} Update a goal
Asana.GoalsApi updateGoalMetric POST /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetricCurrentValue Update a goal metric
Asana.JobsApi getJob GET /jobs/{job_gid} Get a job by id
Asana.MembershipsApi createMembership POST /memberships Create a membership
Asana.MembershipsApi deleteMembership DELETE /memberships/{membership_gid} Delete a membership
Asana.MembershipsApi getMembership GET /memberships/{membership_gid} Get a membership
Asana.MembershipsApi getMemberships GET /memberships Get multiple memberships
Asana.MembershipsApi updateMembership PUT /memberships/{membership_gid} Update a membership
Asana.OrganizationExportsApi createOrganizationExport POST /organization_exports Create an organization export request
Asana.OrganizationExportsApi getOrganizationExport GET /organization_exports/{organization_export_gid} Get details on an org export request
Asana.PortfolioMembershipsApi getPortfolioMembership GET /portfolio_memberships/{portfolio_membership_gid} Get a portfolio membership
Asana.PortfolioMembershipsApi getPortfolioMemberships GET /portfolio_memberships Get multiple portfolio memberships
Asana.PortfolioMembershipsApi getPortfolioMembershipsForPortfolio GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/portfolio_memberships Get memberships from a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi addCustomFieldSettingForPortfolio POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting Add a custom field to a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi addItemForPortfolio POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addItem Add a portfolio item
Asana.PortfoliosApi addMembersForPortfolio POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addMembers Add users to a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi createPortfolio POST /portfolios Create a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi deletePortfolio DELETE /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} Delete a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi getItemsForPortfolio GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/items Get portfolio items
Asana.PortfoliosApi getPortfolio GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} Get a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi getPortfolios GET /portfolios Get multiple portfolios
Asana.PortfoliosApi removeCustomFieldSettingForPortfolio POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting Remove a custom field from a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi removeItemForPortfolio POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeItem Remove a portfolio item
Asana.PortfoliosApi removeMembersForPortfolio POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeMembers Remove users from a portfolio
Asana.PortfoliosApi updatePortfolio PUT /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} Update a portfolio
Asana.ProjectBriefsApi createProjectBrief POST /projects/{project_gid}/project_briefs Create a project brief
Asana.ProjectBriefsApi deleteProjectBrief DELETE /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} Delete a project brief
Asana.ProjectBriefsApi getProjectBrief GET /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} Get a project brief
Asana.ProjectBriefsApi updateProjectBrief PUT /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} Update a project brief
Asana.ProjectMembershipsApi getProjectMembership GET /project_memberships/{project_membership_gid} Get a project membership
Asana.ProjectMembershipsApi getProjectMembershipsForProject GET /projects/{project_gid}/project_memberships Get memberships from a project
Asana.ProjectStatusesApi createProjectStatusForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses Create a project status
Asana.ProjectStatusesApi deleteProjectStatus DELETE /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} Delete a project status
Asana.ProjectStatusesApi getProjectStatus GET /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} Get a project status
Asana.ProjectStatusesApi getProjectStatusesForProject GET /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses Get statuses from a project
Asana.ProjectTemplatesApi deleteProjectTemplate DELETE /project_templates/{project_template_gid} Delete a project template
Asana.ProjectTemplatesApi getProjectTemplate GET /project_templates/{project_template_gid} Get a project template
Asana.ProjectTemplatesApi getProjectTemplates GET /project_templates Get multiple project templates
Asana.ProjectTemplatesApi getProjectTemplatesForTeam GET /teams/{team_gid}/project_templates Get a team's project templates
Asana.ProjectTemplatesApi instantiateProject POST /project_templates/{project_template_gid}/instantiateProject Instantiate a project from a project template
Asana.ProjectsApi addCustomFieldSettingForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting Add a custom field to a project
Asana.ProjectsApi addFollowersForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/addFollowers Add followers to a project
Asana.ProjectsApi addMembersForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/addMembers Add users to a project
Asana.ProjectsApi createProject POST /projects Create a project
Asana.ProjectsApi createProjectForTeam POST /teams/{team_gid}/projects Create a project in a team
Asana.ProjectsApi createProjectForWorkspace POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects Create a project in a workspace
Asana.ProjectsApi deleteProject DELETE /projects/{project_gid} Delete a project
Asana.ProjectsApi duplicateProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/duplicate Duplicate a project
Asana.ProjectsApi getProject GET /projects/{project_gid} Get a project
Asana.ProjectsApi getProjects GET /projects Get multiple projects
Asana.ProjectsApi getProjectsForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/projects Get projects a task is in
Asana.ProjectsApi getProjectsForTeam GET /teams/{team_gid}/projects Get a team's projects
Asana.ProjectsApi getProjectsForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects Get all projects in a workspace
Asana.ProjectsApi getTaskCountsForProject GET /projects/{project_gid}/task_counts Get task count of a project
Asana.ProjectsApi projectSaveAsTemplate POST /projects/{project_gid}/saveAsTemplate Create a project template from a project
Asana.ProjectsApi removeCustomFieldSettingForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting Remove a custom field from a project
Asana.ProjectsApi removeFollowersForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/removeFollowers Remove followers from a project
Asana.ProjectsApi removeMembersForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/removeMembers Remove users from a project
Asana.ProjectsApi updateProject PUT /projects/{project_gid} Update a project
Asana.RulesApi triggerRule POST /rule_triggers/{rule_trigger_gid}/run Trigger a rule
Asana.SectionsApi addTaskForSection POST /sections/{section_gid}/addTask Add task to section
Asana.SectionsApi createSectionForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/sections Create a section in a project
Asana.SectionsApi deleteSection DELETE /sections/{section_gid} Delete a section
Asana.SectionsApi getSection GET /sections/{section_gid} Get a section
Asana.SectionsApi getSectionsForProject GET /projects/{project_gid}/sections Get sections in a project
Asana.SectionsApi insertSectionForProject POST /projects/{project_gid}/sections/insert Move or Insert sections
Asana.SectionsApi updateSection PUT /sections/{section_gid} Update a section
Asana.StatusUpdatesApi createStatusForObject POST /status_updates Create a status update
Asana.StatusUpdatesApi deleteStatus DELETE /status_updates/{status_update_gid} Delete a status update
Asana.StatusUpdatesApi getStatus GET /status_updates/{status_update_gid} Get a status update
Asana.StatusUpdatesApi getStatusesForObject GET /status_updates Get status updates from an object
Asana.StoriesApi createStoryForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/stories Create a story on a task
Asana.StoriesApi deleteStory DELETE /stories/{story_gid} Delete a story
Asana.StoriesApi getStoriesForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/stories Get stories from a task
Asana.StoriesApi getStory GET /stories/{story_gid} Get a story
Asana.StoriesApi updateStory PUT /stories/{story_gid} Update a story
Asana.TagsApi createTag POST /tags Create a tag
Asana.TagsApi createTagForWorkspace POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags Create a tag in a workspace
Asana.TagsApi deleteTag DELETE /tags/{tag_gid} Delete a tag
Asana.TagsApi getTag GET /tags/{tag_gid} Get a tag
Asana.TagsApi getTags GET /tags Get multiple tags
Asana.TagsApi getTagsForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/tags Get a task's tags
Asana.TagsApi getTagsForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags Get tags in a workspace
Asana.TagsApi updateTag PUT /tags/{tag_gid} Update a tag
Asana.TaskTemplatesApi deleteTaskTemplate DELETE /task_templates/{task_template_gid} Delete a task template
Asana.TaskTemplatesApi getTaskTemplate GET /task_templates/{task_template_gid} Get a task template
Asana.TaskTemplatesApi getTaskTemplates GET /task_templates Get multiple task templates
Asana.TaskTemplatesApi instantiateTask POST /task_templates/{task_template_gid}/instantiateTask Instantiate a task from a task template
Asana.TasksApi addDependenciesForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependencies Set dependencies for a task
Asana.TasksApi addDependentsForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependents Set dependents for a task
Asana.TasksApi addFollowersForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addFollowers Add followers to a task
Asana.TasksApi addProjectForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addProject Add a project to a task
Asana.TasksApi addTagForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addTag Add a tag to a task
Asana.TasksApi createSubtaskForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks Create a subtask
Asana.TasksApi createTask POST /tasks Create a task
Asana.TasksApi deleteTask DELETE /tasks/{task_gid} Delete a task
Asana.TasksApi duplicateTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/duplicate Duplicate a task
Asana.TasksApi getDependenciesForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/dependencies Get dependencies from a task
Asana.TasksApi getDependentsForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/dependents Get dependents from a task
Asana.TasksApi getSubtasksForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks Get subtasks from a task
Asana.TasksApi getTask GET /tasks/{task_gid} Get a task
Asana.TasksApi getTaskForCustomID GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/custom_id/{custom_id} Get a task for a given custom ID
Asana.TasksApi getTasks GET /tasks Get multiple tasks
Asana.TasksApi getTasksForProject GET /projects/{project_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a project
Asana.TasksApi getTasksForSection GET /sections/{section_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a section
Asana.TasksApi getTasksForTag GET /tags/{tag_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a tag
Asana.TasksApi getTasksForUserTaskList GET /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid}/tasks Get tasks from a user task list
Asana.TasksApi removeDependenciesForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependencies Unlink dependencies from a task
Asana.TasksApi removeDependentsForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependents Unlink dependents from a task
Asana.TasksApi removeFollowerForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeFollowers Remove followers from a task
Asana.TasksApi removeProjectForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeProject Remove a project from a task
Asana.TasksApi removeTagForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeTag Remove a tag from a task
Asana.TasksApi searchTasksForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search Search tasks in a workspace
Asana.TasksApi setParentForTask POST /tasks/{task_gid}/setParent Set the parent of a task
Asana.TasksApi updateTask PUT /tasks/{task_gid} Update a task
Asana.TeamMembershipsApi getTeamMembership GET /team_memberships/{team_membership_gid} Get a team membership
Asana.TeamMembershipsApi getTeamMemberships GET /team_memberships Get team memberships
Asana.TeamMembershipsApi getTeamMembershipsForTeam GET /teams/{team_gid}/team_memberships Get memberships from a team
Asana.TeamMembershipsApi getTeamMembershipsForUser GET /users/{user_gid}/team_memberships Get memberships from a user
Asana.TeamsApi addUserForTeam POST /teams/{team_gid}/addUser Add a user to a team
Asana.TeamsApi createTeam POST /teams Create a team
Asana.TeamsApi getTeam GET /teams/{team_gid} Get a team
Asana.TeamsApi getTeamsForUser GET /users/{user_gid}/teams Get teams for a user
Asana.TeamsApi getTeamsForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/teams Get teams in a workspace
Asana.TeamsApi removeUserForTeam POST /teams/{team_gid}/removeUser Remove a user from a team
Asana.TeamsApi updateTeam PUT /teams/{team_gid} Update a team
Asana.TimePeriodsApi getTimePeriod GET /time_periods/{time_period_gid} Get a time period
Asana.TimePeriodsApi getTimePeriods GET /time_periods Get time periods
Asana.TimeTrackingEntriesApi createTimeTrackingEntry POST /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries Create a time tracking entry
Asana.TimeTrackingEntriesApi deleteTimeTrackingEntry DELETE /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} Delete a time tracking entry
Asana.TimeTrackingEntriesApi getTimeTrackingEntriesForTask GET /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries Get time tracking entries for a task
Asana.TimeTrackingEntriesApi getTimeTrackingEntry GET /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} Get a time tracking entry
Asana.TimeTrackingEntriesApi updateTimeTrackingEntry PUT /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} Update a time tracking entry
Asana.TypeaheadApi typeaheadForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/typeahead Get objects via typeahead
Asana.UserTaskListsApi getUserTaskList GET /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid} Get a user task list
Asana.UserTaskListsApi getUserTaskListForUser GET /users/{user_gid}/user_task_list Get a user's task list
Asana.UsersApi getFavoritesForUser GET /users/{user_gid}/favorites Get a user's favorites
Asana.UsersApi getUser GET /users/{user_gid} Get a user
Asana.UsersApi getUsers GET /users Get multiple users
Asana.UsersApi getUsersForTeam GET /teams/{team_gid}/users Get users in a team
Asana.UsersApi getUsersForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/users Get users in a workspace or organization
Asana.WebhooksApi createWebhook POST /webhooks Establish a webhook
Asana.WebhooksApi deleteWebhook DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_gid} Delete a webhook
Asana.WebhooksApi getWebhook GET /webhooks/{webhook_gid} Get a webhook
Asana.WebhooksApi getWebhooks GET /webhooks Get multiple webhooks
Asana.WebhooksApi updateWebhook PUT /webhooks/{webhook_gid} Update a webhook
Asana.WorkspaceMembershipsApi getWorkspaceMembership GET /workspace_memberships/{workspace_membership_gid} Get a workspace membership
Asana.WorkspaceMembershipsApi getWorkspaceMembershipsForUser GET /users/{user_gid}/workspace_memberships Get workspace memberships for a user
Asana.WorkspaceMembershipsApi getWorkspaceMembershipsForWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/workspace_memberships Get the workspace memberships for a workspace
Asana.WorkspacesApi addUserForWorkspace POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/addUser Add a user to a workspace or organization
Asana.WorkspacesApi getWorkspace GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid} Get a workspace
Asana.WorkspacesApi getWorkspaces GET /workspaces Get multiple workspaces
Asana.WorkspacesApi removeUserForWorkspace POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/removeUser Remove a user from a workspace or organization
Asana.WorkspacesApi updateWorkspace PUT /workspaces/{workspace_gid} Update a workspace

Optional fields

Our opt_fields feature allows you to request for properties of a resource that you want to be returned in the response (more information here).

NOTE: by default, endpoints that return an array of results (EX: Get multiple tasks, Get multiple projects), will return a compact version of those results (EX: Get multiple tasks returns an array of TaskCompact objects).

EX: Get multiple tasks / getTasks without opt_fields

Example Request

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let opts = {
    "limit": 2,
    "project": "<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>"

// GET - get multiple tasks
tasksApiInstance.getTasks(opts).then((result) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {

Example Response

    "gid": "123",
    "name": "Task 1",
    "resource_type": "task",
    "resource_subtype": "default_task"
    "gid": "456",
    "name": "Task 2",
    "resource_type": "task",
    "resource_subtype": "default_task"

EX: Get multiple tasks / getTasks with opt_fields

Example Request

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let opts = { 
    "limit": 1,
    "project": "<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>",
    "opt_fields": "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"

// GET - get multiple tasks
tasksApiInstance.getTasks(opts).then((result) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
}, (error) => {

Example Response

    "gid": "129839839",
    "actual_time_minutes": null,
    "assignee": {
      "gid": "120938293",
      "name": ""
    "assignee_status": "upcoming",
    "assignee_section": {
      "gid": "1094838938",
      "name": "Recently assigned"
    "completed": false,
    "completed_at": null,
    "completed_by": null,
    "created_at": "2023-01-01T20:31:21.717Z",
    "created_by": {
      "gid": "1201784467042440",
      "resource_type": "user"
    "custom_fields": [
        "gid": "191859815",
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "Estimated time",
        "description": "Asana-created. Estimate time to complete a task.",
        "number_value": null,
        "precision": 0,
        "format": "duration",
        "currency_code": null,
        "custom_label": null,
        "created_by": null,
        "custom_label_position": null,
        "display_value": null,
        "resource_subtype": "number",
        "is_formula_field": false,
        "is_value_read_only": false,
        "type": "number"
    "dependencies": [],
    "dependents": [],
    "due_at": "2025-01-20T02:06:58.000Z",
    "due_on": "2025-01-19",
    "followers": [
        "gid": "120938293",
        "name": ""
    "hearted": true,
    "hearts": [
        "gid": "594849843",
        "user": {
          "gid": "120938293",
          "name": ""
    "html_notes": "<body>Example task notes</body>",
    "is_rendered_as_separator": false,
    "liked": true,
    "likes": [
        "gid": "58303939",
        "user": {
          "gid": "120938293",
          "name": ""
    "memberships": [
        "project": {
          "gid": "4567",
          "name": "Example Project"
        "section": {
          "gid": "8900",
          "name": "Untitled section"
    "modified_at": "2023-01-25T21:24:06.996Z",
    "name": "Task 1",
    "notes": "Example task notes",
    "num_hearts": 1,
    "num_likes": 1,
    "num_subtasks": 0,
    "parent": null,
    "permalink_url": "",
    "projects": [
        "gid": "4567",
        "name": "Example Project"
    "start_at": null,
    "start_on": null,
    "tags": [],
    "resource_subtype": "default_task",
    "workspace": {
      "gid": "111111",
      "name": "Example Workspace"


By default, endpoints that return an array of results (EX: Get multiple tasks, Get multiple projects), will return a Collection object. This collection object contains a nextPage method that can be used to fetch for the next page of results. NOTE: in order to use nextPage you must have provided a limit query parameter argument in the initial request.

Use case

You may run into the following error when making a request to an endpoint that has >1000 results:

"The result is too large. You should use pagination (may require specifying a workspace)!"

In this scenario you will want to use pagaintion to gather your results. To do this, you will need to provide a limit query parameter argument in your request. This limit query parameter represents the number of results per page. NOTE: the limit can only be between 1 and 100.

EX: Pagination gather all resources

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let opts = {
    "project": "<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>",
    "limit": 100,

async function getAllTasks(opts) {
    let tasks = await tasksApiInstance.getTasks(opts).then(async (response) => {
        let result = [];
        let page = response;
        while(true) {
            // Add items on page to list of results
            result = result.concat(;
            // Fetch the next page
            page = await page.nextPage();
            // If the there is no data in the next page break from the loop
            if (! {
        return result;
    }, (error) => {
    // Do something with the tasks. EX: print out results
    console.log('Tasks: ' + JSON.stringify(tasks, null, 2));


Sample output:

Tasks: [
      "gid": "123",
      "name": "task 1",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "456",
      "name": "task 2",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "789",
      "name": "task 3",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "101112",
      "name": "task 4",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "131415",
      "name": "task 5",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "161718",
      "name": "task 6",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "192021",
      "name": "task 7",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "222324",
      "name": "task 8",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "252627",
      "name": "task 9",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "282930",
      "name": "task 10",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
      "gid": "313233",
      "name": "task 11",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"

EX: Pagination do something per page

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let opts = {
    'project': "<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>",
    "limit": 5,

let pageIndex = 1;

tasksApiInstance.getTasks(opts).then(async (response) => {
    let page = response;
    while(true) {
        // Do something with the page results
        // EX: print the name of the tasks on that page
        console.log(`Page ${pageIndex}: `); => {
            console.log(`    ${}`);
        pageIndex += 1;

        page = await page.nextPage();
        // If the there is no data in the next page break from the loop
        if (! {
}, (error) => {

Sample output:

Page 1:
    task 1
    task 2
    task 3
    task 4
    task 5
Page 2:
    task 6
    task 7
    task 8
    task 9
    task 10
Page 3:
    task 11
    task 12
    task 13
    task 14
    task 15

Turning off Pagination

If you do not want a Collection object returned and want to implement your own pagination, you can disable pagination by setting RETURN_COLLECTION to false:

EX: Turning off pagination

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// Turn off pagination
client.RETURN_COLLECTION = false;

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let opts = {
    'project': "<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>",
    'limit': 1
tasksApiInstance.getTasks(opts).then((result) => {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));

Sample response:

API called successfully. Returned data: {
  "data": [
      "gid": "<TASK_GID>",
      "name": "Task 1",
      "resource_type": "task",
      "resource_subtype": "default_task"
  "next_page": {
    "offset": "gjJl2xAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJib3JkZXJfcmHilbI6IltcIlZ5IixcIjlaWlhVMkkzUUdOoXcEIsMTIwNDYxNTc0NTypNDI3MF0iLCJpYXQiOjE2OTc4MjgsSkjjQsImV4cCI6MTY5NzgyOTM2NH0.5VuMfKvqexoEsKfoPFtayWBNWiKvfR7_hN6MJaaIkx8",
    "path": "/tasks?project=123456&limit=1&offset=gjJl2xAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJib3JkZXJfcmHilbI6IltcIlZ5IixcIjlaWlhVMkkzUUdOoXcEIsMTIwNDYxNTc0NTypNDI3MF0iLCJpYXQiOjE2OTc4MjgsSkjjQsImV4cCI6MTY5NzgyOTM2NH0.5VuMfKvqexoEsKfoPFtayWBNWiKvfR7_hN6MJaaIkx8",
    "uri": ""

Getting events

In order to get events you will need a sync token. This sync token can be acquired in the error message from the initial request to getEvents.

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let eventsApiInstance = new Asana.EventsApi();
let resource = "<YOUR_TASK_OR_PROJECT_GID>"; // String | A resource ID to subscribe to. The resource can be a task or project.
let opts = {
    "sync": ""
const timeouts = 5000

// Used to fetch for initial sync token
const setSyncToken = async () => {
    await eventsApiInstance.getEvents(resource, opts).then((result) => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2));
    }, (error) => {
        let syncToken = error.response.body.sync;
        opts['sync'] = syncToken;

const getEvents = async () => {
    console.log("Setting sync token");
    await setSyncToken();
    // Fetch for new events every 5 seconds
    console.log(`Fetching events every ${timeouts/1000} second(s)`);
    while(true) {
        await eventsApiInstance.getEvents(resource, opts).then((result) => {
            // Print response
            console.log(`Fetching events since sync: ${opts['sync']}`);
            console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2));

            // Update the sync token with the new sync token provided in the response
            opts['sync'] = result._response.sync;
        }, (error) => {
            if (error.status === 412) {
                let syncToken = error.response.body.sync;
                opts['sync'] = syncToken;
                console.log(`412 error new sync token: ${syncToken}`);
            } else{
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeouts));


Accessing repsonse data

tasksApiInstance.getTask(task_gid, opts).then((task) => {
    let taskName =;
    let taskNotes =;
    console.log(`taskName: ${taskName}`);
    console.log(`taskNotes: ${taskNotes}`);
}, (error) => {

Accessing response status code and headers

Use the <METHOD_NAME>WithHttpInfo (EX: getTaskWithHttpInfo) method to make a request that returns a response with headers.

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

let tasksApiInstance = new Asana.TasksApi();
let task_gid = "<YOUR_TASK_GID>";
let opts = {};

tasksApiInstance.getTaskWithHttpInfo(task_gid, opts).then((response_and_data) => {
    let data =;
    let response = response_and_data.response;
    let task =;
    let headers = response.headers;
}, (error) => {

Adding deprecation flag: "asana-enable" or "asana-disable" header

EX: Asana-Enable header

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// Add asana-enable header for the client
client.defaultHeaders['asana-enable'] = 'new_goal_memberships';

EX: Asana-Disable header

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// Add asana-disable header for the client
client.defaultHeaders['asana-disable'] = 'new_goal_memberships';

Using the callApi method

Use the callApi method to make http calls when the endpoint does not exist in the current library version or has bugs

Example: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on tasks

GET - get a task

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// GET - get a task
    pathParams={"task_gid": "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"},
    accepts=['application/json; charset=UTF-8'],
).then((response_and_data) => {
    let result =;
    let task =;
}, (error) => {

GET - get multiple tasks -> with opt_fields

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// GET - get multiple tasks -> with opt_fields
        "limit": 50,
        "modified_since": '2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z', // OR new Date("2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z")
        "project": '<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>',
        "opt_fields": 'name,notes'
    accepts=['application/json; charset=UTF-8'],
).then((response_and_data) => {
    let result =;
    let tasks =;
    if (tasks.length > 0) {
        console.log(`Task 1 Name: ${tasks[0].name}`);
        console.log(`Task 1 Notes: ${tasks[0].notes}`);
}, (error) => {

POST - create a task

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// POST - create a task
        data: {
            "name": "New Task",
            "approval_status": "pending",
            "assignee_status": "upcoming",
            "completed": false,
            "html_notes": "<body>Mittens <em>really</em> likes the stuff from Humboldt.</body>",
            "is_rendered_as_separator": false,
            "liked": true,
            "assignee": "me",
            "projects": ["<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>"],
    accepts=['application/json; charset=UTF-8'],
).then((response_and_data) => {
    let result =;
    let task =;
}, (error) => {

PUT - update a task

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// PUT - update a task
    pathParams={task_gid: "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"},
        "data": {
            "name": "Updated Task",
            "html_notes": "<body>Updated task notes</body>",
            "due_at": "2025-01-20T02:06:58.147Z"
    accepts=['application/json; charset=UTF-8'],
).then((response_and_data) => {
    let result =;
    let task =;
}, (error) => {

DELETE - delete a task

const Asana = require('asana');

let client = Asana.ApiClient.instance;
let token = client.authentications['token'];
token.accessToken = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>';

// DELETE - delete a task
    pathParams={"task_gid": "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"},
    accepts=['application/json; charset=UTF-8'],
).then((response_and_data) => {
    let result =;
    let result =;
}, (error) => {

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