Yet another async library for nodejs
Flow control methods:
Working with collections:
Async methods expects callbacks to be in the following form
* @param {...*} args Zero or more parameters
* @param {function(?*, ...*)} complete Called when method is complete
var callback = function([args, ] complete) {
if(ok) complete(null /*, results, ...*/); // pass 'null' explicitly if there is no errors
else complete('error string, object, code, etc..');
Calls set of functions sequentially, passing result of one function to another
var foo = function(a, complete) {
complete(null, a, 'bar');
var bar = function(a, b, complete) {
complete(null, a + b);
async.sequence([foo, bar])('foo', function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // foobar
Calls set of callbacks sequentially providing same initial arguments. Results are ignored
var foo = function(a, complete) {
complete(null, 'bar');
var bar = function(b, complete) {
// outputs : foo foo
async.series([foo, bar])('foo', function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
Calls set of callbacks in parallel, providing same inital arguments and collecting values
var foo = function(a, complete) {
complete(null, a + 'foo');
var bar = function(b, complete) {
complete(null, b + 'bar');
async.collect([foo, bar])('foo', function(err, res_foo, res_bar) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(res_foo, res_bar); // foofoo foobar
Applies callback for each element in the array
var foo = function(a, complete) {
complete(null, a + 'foo');
async.each(foo)(['1', '2', '3'], function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // ['1foo', '2foo', '3foo']
Methods can be chained together
var split = function(input, complete) {
var parts = input.split(' ');
complete(null, parts[0], parts[1]);
var buildArray = function(part1, part2, complete) {
complete(null, [part1, part2]);
var addBaz = function(input, complete) {
complete(null, input + 'baz');
var multiply = function(input, complete) {
complete(null, input + input);
var join = function(input, complete) {
var result = [];
for (var i in input) result.push(input[i].join('+'));
complete(null, result.join(' '));
var algorithm = async.sequence([
algorithm('foo bar', function(err, result) {
console.log(result); // foobaz+foofoo barbaz+barbar
Once chain of callbacks in defined, it can be reused with another set of parameters
var foo = function(a, complete) {
complete(null, a + 'foo');
var bar = function(b, complete) {
complete(null, b + 'bar');
var processing = async.sequence([foo, bar, bar]);
processing('foo', function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // foofoobarbar
processing('bar', function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // barfoobarbar
Context applied to async method will be provided for all callbacks in the set
var foo = function(complete) {
var bar = function(arg, complete) {
complete(null, arg +;
var sequence = async.sequence([foo, bar]);{foo : 'foo', bar : 'bar'}, function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // foobar
});{foo:'bar', bar:'baz'}, function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // barbaz