Atomizer is a tool that helps you create simple, scalable, CSS rules (
For more information we recommend that you read "Challenging CSS best practices", watch the Atomic CSS presentation, or check this deck.
npm install atomizer -g
Usage: atomizer [options] [path]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-R, --recursive process all files recursively in the path.
-c, --config=[file] source config file if any.
-r, --rules=[file] custom rules file (argument may be passed multiple times)
-o, --outfile=[file] destination config file.
-n, --namespace=[namespace] adds the given namespace to all generated Atomic CSS selectors.
-H, --helpersNamespace=[namespace] adds the given namespace to all helper selectors.
-w, --watch=[target] rebuilds when changes are detected in the file, directory, or glob (argument may be passed multiple times and is parsed for Atomic CSS classes)
--rtl swaps `start` and `end` keyword replacements with `right` and `left`.
--exclude=[pattern] pattern to exclude file to be scanned
--bump-mq increases specificity of media queries a small amount
--strict bail if missing configs such as breakpoints.
--verbose show additional log info (warnings).
atomizer -o atomic.css ./site/*.html
atomizer -o atomic.css ./site/*.html --exclude=*-0.html
atomizer -c config.js -R ./site/ > atomic.css
atomizer -c config.js -n \#myrootclass > atomic.css
import Atomizer from 'atomizer';
const defaultConfig = {
breakPoints: {
sm: '@media(min-width:750px)',
md: '@media(min-width:1000px)',
lg: '@media(min-width:1200px)'
custom: {
border: '2px dotted #f00'
const atomizer = new Atomizer({verbose: true});
// Parse text to find Atomic CSS classes
const foundClasses = atomizer.findClassNames('<div class="P(10px) M(20%) Bd(border)--sm"></div>');
// Generate Atomizer configuration from an array of Atomic classnames
const finalConfig = atomizer.getConfig(foundClasses, defaultConfig);
// Generate Atomic CSS from configuration
const css = atomizer.getCss(finalConfig);
This software is free to use under the Yahoo Inc. BSD license. See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.
Third-party open source code used are listed in our package.json file.