
1.4.4 • Public • Published


AuthStaq SDK

Simple js library for integrating with AuthStaq.


Quick start

const sdk = new AuthStaqSdk({
  clientId: 'abc-123',
  clientSecret: '123-abc',
  redirectUri: ''

const credentials = sdk.passwordAuth(email, password)
const refreshedCreds = sdk.refreshAccessToken(credentials.refreshToken)

Simple authentication

Easily authenticate users for your application using AuthStaq's Oauth 2 api. Example using express type framework, but concepts apply to any node.js application.

Authorization Code Grant

const sdk = new AuthStaqSdk({ ... })

// Send user off to be authenticated
app.get('/sign-in', (req, res, next) => {
  if (!req.session.currentUser)
    return res.redirect(sdk.authenticateUrl())
  return res.redirect('/home')

// Auth code exchange.  Registered AuthStaq redirect url.
app.get('/auth/exchange', async (req, res) => {
  const userCredentials = await sdk.authCodeExchange(req.query.code)
  req.session.currentUser = await sdk.getUserInfo(userCredentials.accessToken)
  return res.redirect('/home')

Password Grant


const sdk = new AuthStaqSdk({ ... })

// Render some sign in page
app.get('/sign-in', (req, res) => {
  return res.render('sign-in')

// Sign in page form submission'/sign-in', async (req, res) => {
  const { email, password } = req.body
  try {
    const credentials = await sdk.passwordAuth(email, password)
    req.session.currentUser = await sdk.getUserInfo(credentials.accessToken)
    return res.redirect('/home)
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.status && e.status === 400)
      // Handle invalid credentials


const sdk = new AuthStaqSdk({ ... })

// Render some account creation page
app.get('/register', (req, res) => {
  return res.render('register')

// Registration page form submission'/register', async (req, res) => {
  const { email, password, firstName, lastName, confirmation } = req.body
  try {
    const credentials = await sdk.createAccount({ email, password, firstName, lastName, confirmation })
    req.session.currentUser = await sdk.getUserInfo(credentials.accessToken)
    return res.redirect('/home)
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.status && e.status === 422)
      // Handle invalid credentials

Client Credentials Grant

const clientCredentials = sdk.getClientCredentials()
const myAppsUsers = await sdk.getOAuthApiMachineClient(clientCredentials.accessToken).getAccounts

Refresh Token Grant

const refreshedCreds = sdk.refreshAccessToken(credentials.refreshToken)
await sdk.getUserInfo(refreshedCreds.accessToken)

Sdk api and objects


the AuthStaq sdk used for easy integration with AuthStaq

  • Methods
    • constructor | new AuthStaqSdk(options: Object): OauthClient
      • options:
        • clientId [String] - your AuthStaq application's id
        • clientSecret [String] - your AuthStaq application's secret
        • clientSignature [String] - (Optional) your AuthStaq application's signature, used to verify the contents of a signed jwt. Required for verifyToken
        • redirectUri [String] - (Optional) a valid, registered redirect uri for your application. Required for authenticateUrl, the AuthStaq oauth api redirects to this location with the authorization code during Auth Code Grant flow, where your application will exchange the auth code for an access token using authCodeExchange.
    • authenticateUrl(): String- returns the url to redirect the user to sign in via auth stack. This starts the Authorization Code Grant auth flow. On successful login the request will be redirected bac to the redirectUri location to exchange the code for an access token.
    • authCodeExchange(code: String): Promise<UserCredentials> - exchange the auth code from AuthStaq for the user's access token
      • code: [String] - authorization code obtained from AuthStaq. This code can be parsed from the requests query string param named "code", example: my-site/auth/callback?code=abc-123
      • returns UserCredentials
    • passwordAuth(email: String, password: String): Promise<UserCredentials> - use the Password Grant Type to exchange the user's credentials for an access token
      • email [String]
      • password [String]
      • returns UserCredentials
    • getClientCredentials(): Promise<ClientCredentials> - use the Client Credentials Grant type to exchange your application's client id & secret for client credentials (an access token for your application)
      • returns ClientCredentials
    • maybeRefresh(credentials: UserCredentials): Promise<UserCredentials> - use the Refresh Token Grant to get a new access token for a user if the current access token is expired, otherwise return current credentials
      • credentials [UserCredentials] - user's credentials to refresh
      • returns UserCredentials
    • refreshAccessToken(refreshToken: Token): Promise<UserCredentials> - use the Refresh Token Grant to obtain a new access token for a user
      • refreshToken [Token] - user's refresh token, used to obtain new access token
      • returns UserCredentials
    • getUserInfo(accessToken: Token): Promise<StaqAccount> - use the OpenID Connect flow to obtain a user's profile using their access token
      • accessToken [Token] - user's access token
    • getAccount(accountId: String): Promise<StaqAccount> - fetch an account registered to your application by id using your application's client credentials. Will fetch client credentials if you have not explicitly called getClientCredentials.
      • accountId [String] - the user's AuthStaq account id. Account id can be found in the access token - token.decoded.sub
      • returns AuthStaqUser
    • createAccount(body: Object): Promise<UserCredentials> - register a new user to your application
      • body [Object]: All fields are required
        • firstName
        • lastName
        • email - user email address, must be unique within your application
        • password - user password, strongly encrypted before storage
        • confirmation - password confirmation, must match password
      • returns UserCredentials
    • verifyToken(token: Token): Boolean - verify a token was issued by a trusted service using your client signature.
      • token [Token] - token to verify
    • getOauthApiClient(accessToken: Token): OauthClient - get instance of the AuthStaq Oauth api client
      • accessToken [Token] - (Optional) if passed the oauth client will automatically add the proper Authorication http header to outbound requests
    • getOauthApiMachineClient(accessToken: Token): OauthMachineClient - get instance of AuthStaq Oauth api client that exposes privileged endpoints that require client credentials.
      • accessToken [Token] - (Required) your application's client credentials, you can get client credentials with getClientCredentails


A http client used by the sdk to interact with the AuthStaq Oauth 2 api

  • Methods
    • constructor | new OauthClient(options: Object): OauthClient - Example: new OauthClient({ headerOptions: { Authorization: 'Bearer abc-123' } })
    • register(body: Object, clientId: String, clientSecret: String): Promise<UserCredentials> - create an AuthStaq account for your application
      • body [Object]: All fields are required
        • firstName
        • lastName
        • email - user email address, must be unique within your application
        • password - user password, strongly encrypted before storage
        • confirmation - password confirmation, must match password
      • clientId [String] - your AuthStaq application's client id
      • clientSecret [String] - your AuthStaq application's corresponding client secret
      • returns UserCredentials
    • passwordAuth(body: Object, clientId: String, clientSecret: String): Promise<UserCredentials> - authenticate a user with the Password Grant type
      • body [Object]
        • username - the user's registered email address
        • password
      • clientId [String] - your AuthStaq application's client id
      • clientSecret [String] - your AuthStaq application's corresponding client secret
      • returns UserCredentials
    • refreshToken(refreshToken: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String): Promise<UserCredentials> - refresh a user's access and refresh token
      • refreshToken [String] - the user's refresh token jwt string
      • clientId [String] - your AuthStaq application's client id
      • clientSecret [String] - your AuthStaq application's corresponding client secret
      • returns UserCredentials
    • getUserInfo(): Promise<StaqAccount> - fetches the profile information for a user using their access token. The user's access token must be sent a http header parameter - Authorization: Bearer {userAccessToken}
      • returns StaqUser
    • clientAuth(clientId: String, clientSecret: String): ClientCredentials - authenticate a client using the Client Credentials Grant type and retrieve client credentials
      • clientId [String] - your AuthStaq application's client id
      • clientSecret [String] - your AuthStaq application's corresponding client secret
      • returns ClientCredentials
    • authCodeExchange(code: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String): Promise<UserCredentials> - exchange an authorization code returned during the Authorization Code Grant type for the user's access and refresh token
      • code [String] - authorization code returned from the auth server after successful user authentication
      • clientId [String] - your AuthStaq application's client id
      • clientSecret [String] - your AuthStaq application's corresponding client secret


A http client AuthStaq Oauth api client that exposes privileged endpoints that require client credentials.

  • Methods
    • constructor | new OauthClient(options: Object): OauthClient - Example: new OauthMachineClient({ headerOptions: { Authorization: 'Bearer client-creds' } })
    • getAccount(accountId: String): Promise<StaqAccount> - fetch an account registered to your application by id using your application's client credentials. Requires client credentials.
      • accountId [String] - the user's AuthStaq account id. Account id can be found in the access token - token.decoded.sub
      • returns AuthStaqUser
    • getAccounts(query: Object): Promise<Array<StaqAccount>> - fetch accounts registered to your application
      • query [Object] - query object optionally containing page (page offset) and perPage (number of results returned)
      • returns array of AuthStaqUser


Class representing a json web token

  • Properties
    • value [String] - the jwt string
    • isExpired [Boolean] - boolean indicating if the token is expired
    • expiresAt [Date] - token expiration
    • clientId [String] - id of the token issuer extracted from the decoded jwt
    • decoded [Object] - object representation of the jwt, decoded with jsonwebtoken
  • Methods
    • constructor | new Token(value: String): Token
      • value [String] - the json web token string, can include "Bearer " prefix
      • returns Token instance
    • isValid(signature: String): Boolean - will verify the json web token using the client signature
      • signature [String] - your AuthStaq client signature, used to verify the contents of a signed jwt
      • returns boolean, specifying if token is valid


Class representing credentials returned by "Client Credentials Grant" type

  • Properties
    • accessToken [Token] - the client credentials token used to identify, authenticate, and authorize the client in outbound requests
    • isValid [Boolean] - boolean indicating whether or not the credentials are expired, does not verify the contents of the token
    • isExpired [Boolean] - boolean indicating if the credentials are expired


Class representing user credentials, returned by "Authorization Code Grant", "Password Grant", and "Refresh Token Grant"

  • Properties
    • accessToken [Token] - the user credentials access token used to identify, authenticate, and authorize requests on behalf of the user
    • valid [Boolean] - boolean indicating whether or not the credentials are expired, does not verify the contents of the token


An AuthStaq user

  • Properties
    • id [String] - the AuthStaq account id
    • email
    • firstName
    • lastName
    • lastLogin
    • createdAt
    • updatedAt


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  • tswayne