- WechatApi - Library to call wechat backend
- middleware - Koa middleware to process user message and event notification
- WechatPay - Library to call wxpay api backend
Class: WechatApi
new WechatApi(appid, appsecret)
- appid <string> Wechat appid.
- appsecret <string> Wechat appsecret.
Create an instance of WechatApi.
- domain <string> Alternative wechat endpoint domain.
Set endpoint to alternative access point. Available value can be
- opts <UrlLibOptions> Options for urllib request.
Set default options for urllib request.
- handler <object>
- handler.loadAccessToken <Function> The handler for load access token, should return a promise which resolved with an instance of AccessToken.
- handler.saveAccessToken <Function> The handler for save access token, accept an instance of AccessToken as parameter, should return a promise which resolved with void.
Register custom handler to handle access token. It is useful for a distributed application.
- handler <object>
- handler.loadAuthAccessToken <Function> The handler for load auth access token, should return a promise which resolved with an instance of AuthAccessToken.
- handler.saveAuthAccessToken <Function> The handler for save auth access token, accept an instance of AuthAccessToken as parameter, should return a promise which resolved with void.
Register custom handler to handle auth access token. It is useful for a distributed application.
api.getAuthorizeURL(redirect[, state[, scope]])
- redirect <string> The target redirect uri. It's domain should match the config at wechat admin panel.
- state <string> The reserved state value which will be send back unchanged at redirect page. Default value is an empty string.
- scope <string> The auth scope. Available values are
. Default value issnsapi_base
- Returns: <string>
Get the well-formatted url for oauth.
api.getAuthUser(openid[, lang])
- openid <string>
- lang <string>
- Returns: <Promise>
api.getAuthUserByCode(code[, lang])
- code <string>
- lang <string>
- Returns: <Promise>
Class: AccessToken
new AccessToken(token)
- token <object>
- token.accessToken <string> The value of access token.
- token.expireTime <number> The expire timestamp of access token.
- Returns: <boolean>
Determine whether the token is valid or not.
- Returns: <object>
Valid for JSON stringify.
Class: AuthAccessToken
new AuthAccessToken(token)
- token <object>
- token.accessToken <string> The value of auth access token.
- token.expireTime <number> The expire timestamp of auth access token.
- token.refreshToken <string> The value of auth refresh token.
- token.openid <string> The openid of user.
- token.scope <string> The scope of auth access token.
- Returns: <boolean>
- Returns: <object>