Azure Data Lake Storage Uploader
This is a small client library to upload files to Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) using SAS URL. Library uses @azure/storage-file-datalake package to communicate with ADLS.
npm i --save azure-adls-uploader
Config for ADLSUploader.
- chunkSize: number - Optional. Default: 104857600 (100mb). It is the max size of chunk to be uppended to ADLS file. ADLSUploader splits files to chunks using this param.
- chunkUploadRetries: number - Optional. Default: 5. It is the count of retries of one chunk appending.
- getItemUploadUrl(item: FileItem): Promise<string> | string - Required. Will be executed to get SAS URL for file.
- onItemStart(item: FileItem): Promise<void> | void - Optional. Will be executed before starting file upload.
- onItemProgress(item: FileItem): Promise<void> | void - Optional. Will be executed when file uploading progress has updated.
- onItemComplete(item: FileItem): Promise<void> | void - Optional. Will be executed when file uploading has completed.
- onItemError(item: FileItem): Promise<void> | void - Optional. Will be executed when file uploading has failed.
- onStart(): Promise<void> | void - Optional. Will be executed before starting uploading process.
- onProgress(progress: number): Promise<void> | void - Optional. Will be executed when uploading progress has updated.
- onComplete(): Promise<void> | void - Optional. Will be executed when uploading process has completed.
Represents a file with additional information in ADLSUploader queue.
- file: File - Readonly. File object.
- progress: number - Readonly. Uploading progress in percent.
- uploadedBytes: number - Readonly. Uploaded bytes.
- isUploading: boolean - Readonly. If FileItem uploading process in progress.
- payload: any - Optional. Useful to transfer some data between hooks.
File uploader. To create use const uploader = new ADLSUploader(adlsConfig);
- queue: ReadonlyArray<FileItem> - Readonly. Queue of files to upload.
- isUploading: boolean - Readonly. If uploading in progress.
- size: number - Readonly. Size of files in queue.
- uploadedBytes: number - Readonly. Uploaded bytes from current uploading process.
- progress: number - Readonly. Progress of current uploading process.
- addFiles(files: File[] | FileList): void - Add files to queue. Files in queue should have unique names. Adding files with names that have already existed will do nothing.
- addFile(file: File): void - Add file to queue. Files in queue should have unique names. Adding file with name that has already existed will do nothing.
- removeItem(file: FileItem): void - Remove FileItem from queue. Will not be removed if uploader currently uploads this file. Will do nothing if file doesn't exist in queue.
- removeFile(file: File): void - Remove file from queue. Will not be removed if uploader currently uploads this file. Will do nothing if file doesn't exist in queue.
- clearQueue(): void - Remove all files from queue. If uploader currently uploads file, this file will not be removed.
- upload(): Promise<void> - Upload files from queue to ADLS.
- cancel(): void - Cancel uploading process.
Usage example
import {ADLSUploader, ADLSConfig} from 'azure-adls-uploader';
const config: ADLSConfig = {
getItemUploadUrl: (item: FileItem) => {
// get sas url functionality
onItemStart: (item: FileItem) => {
console.log(`File ${}: upload progress start`);
onItemProgress: (item: FileItem) => {
console.log(`File ${}: upload progress ${item.progress}%`);
onItemComplete: (item: FileItem) => {
console.log(`File ${}: upload complete`);
onItemError: (item: FileItem, error) => {
console.log(`File ${}: upload error occured`, error);
onStart: () => {
console.log(`Upload start`);
onProgress: (progress: number) => {
console.log(`Progress: ${progress}%`);
onComplete: () => {
console.log(`Upload complete`);
const uploader = new ADLSUploader(config);
// on add file action
function addFile(file: File): void {
// on remove file
function removeFile(file: File): void {
// on remove all files
function removeFiles(): void {
// on submit
function uploadFiles(): Promise<void> {
return uploader.upload();
// on cancel
function cancelUploading(): void {
Also, you can find basic example on github.