
1.0.0 • Public • Published

EngageXr coding assignment

This project contains the backend code for the EngageXr coding assigment.

Features covered

  • Used Typescript in the project
  • Implemented Sequelize
  • ROle based access JWT authentication for admin, company and user
  • Used Node, Express, Sequelize, JWT, ESlint, Winston Logger, express-validator, module aliasing, postrgres
  • Created Express routing to demonstrate CRUD functionality (Create / Read / Update / Delete) for two API items: Companies and Employees
  • Used Express validation middleware to demonstrate basic payload validation
  • Used Express middleware for authorising to enforce authorisation,company or user,
  • Companies DB table consists of these fields: Name (required), email, phone, website
  • Employees DB table consists of these fields: First name (required), last name (required), Company (foreign key to Companies), email, phone
  • User DB table (Additional table to enforce log in as admin functionality)

Important Instructions

  • This project is built with postgres as database choice. Please setup postgres in the system before installing and running the project.
  • After installing postgres in the system, create a database inside names ad metaseq.
  • Once you setup your postgres database you need to set the database name, username, password in src/configs/sequelizeconfig.ts file
key Type Description
database string Your postgres database name.
username string Your username
password string Your password.
  • All api reference is given in bellow and to ease API testing there is a POSTMAN api JSON file added in the root of the project (/postman/engagexr-apis.postman_collection.json) directory. Import this file in the POSTMAN application and test the API with pre-loaded data. More info about API's is given in the API Reference section.

  • you can find the server logs under consoleLogs folder under the src directory.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone -b main

Go to the project directory

  cd engageXRBackedn

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Run the server locally in development

  yarn run dev


  yarn run build


Run the server after running the build.

  yarn start

Tech Stack

Server: Node, Express, Sequelize, JWT, Eslint, prettier, Winston

API Reference

Auth API

Signup user

  POST http://localhost:3000/api/auth/signup
Body Payload Type Description
username string Required.
email string Required.
password string Required.
role array of strings OPTIONAL: Admin/Company/user. Defaults. GUEST

Signin user

  POST http://localhost:3000/api/auth/signin
Body Payload Type Description
username string Required.
password string Required.

Company API

All the company API requires Authorisation header containing Bearer Token(x-access-token)

  • use the Signin API shown above to generate the token.
    Headers Type value
    Content-Type string application/json.
    Authorization string Bearer [x-access-token].

Create a new company

  POST http://localhost:3000/api/post/cmpy
Body Payload Type Description
name string Required.
email string Required.
phone string OPTIONAL.
website string OPTIONAL.
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Get all companies

  GET http://localhost:3000/api/get/cmpy
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Get company by company id.

  GET http://localhost:3000/api/getbyid/cmpy/:name
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Update company by company id.

  PUT http://localhost:3000/api/putbyid/cmpy/:companyId
Body Payload Type Description
name string OPTIONAL.
email string OPTIONAL.
phone string OPTIONAL.
website string OPTIONAL.
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Delete company by company id.

  DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/deleteById/cmpy:companyId
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Employee API

All the employee API requires Authorisation header containing Bearer Token and Content-Type header

  • use the Signin API shown above to generate the token.
    Headers Type value
    Content-Type string application/json.
    Authorization string Bearer [x-access-token].

Create a new employee

  POST http://localhost:3000/api/post/emp
Body Payload Type Description
cmpID string Required.
firstName string Required.
lastName string Required.
email string Required.
phone string OPTIONAL.
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Get all employees

  GET http://localhost:3000/api/get/emp
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Get employee by employee id.

  GET http://localhost:3000/api/getbyid/emp/:employeeId
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Get employee by company id.

  GET http://localhost:3000/api/company/:companyId/employees
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Update employee by employee id.

  put http://localhost:3000/api/putbyid/emp/:employeeId
Body Payload Type Description
firstName string OPTIONAL.
lastName string OPTIONAL.
email string OPTIONAL.
phone string OPTIONAL.
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.

Delete employee by employee id.

  DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/deleteById/emp/:employeeId
Headers Type Description
Content-Type string Required.
Authorization string Required.




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