
0.0.9 • Public • Published

Bamboo API

Build Status NPM version

Node.js module wrapping the Atlassian Bamboo REST API. This module gets some useful information from your Atlassian Bamboo CI, such as latest successful build number for a plan or JIRA issues associated to a specific build.

It can be used as command-line interface or can be included in your Node app.


After getting Node.js and npm:

$ npm install -g bamboo-api


In Node app

You can require the module from your Node app.

var Bamboo = require('bamboo-api');

After that, you can instantiate the Bamboo function:

var bamboo = new Bamboo("");

and then you can use the available methods, e.g.:

bamboo.getLatestBuildStatus("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY", function(error, result) {
    // do something here

Also you can use basic http authentication that specified in RFC 1738 by passing username and password to Bamboo constructor as second and third parameter.

For example:

var bamboo = new Bamboo("", "username", "password");
bamboo.getLatestBuildStatus("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY", function(error, result) {
    // do something here

Available methods

getLatestSuccessfulBuildNumber(planKey, callback, urlParams)

Get the latest successful build number.

Parameter urlParams - optional parameter, object with params for url, like {'start-index': 25, 'os_authType': 'basic'}.

var urlParams = {"start-index": 25, "os_authType": "basic"};
bamboo.getLatestSuccessfulBuildNumber("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Latest successful build number:", result);
}, urlParams);

getLatestBuildStatus(planKey, callback)

Get latest build status: state and number.

bamboo.getLatestSuccessfulBuildNumber("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY", function(error, state, number) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Latest build state:", state);
    console.log("Latest build number:", number);

getBuildStatus(buildDetails, callback)

Get status of the build.

bamboo.getBuildStatus("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Status of the build:", result);

getChangesFromBuild(buildDetails, callback)

Get changes associated to a specific build. It also considers a dependent plan recursively.

bamboo.getChangesFromBuild("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("List of changes:", result);

getJiraIssuesFromBuild(buildDetails, callback)

Get jira issues associated to a specific build. It also considers a dependent plan.

bamboo.getJiraIssuesFromBuild("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("List of JIRA tasks:", result);

getArtifactContent(buildDetails, artifactName, callback)

Get content of an artifact associated to a build.

bamboo.getArtifactContent("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER", "artifact", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Content of an artifact:", result);

getArtifactContentStream(buildDetails, artifactName)

Get a stream of the content of an artifact associated to a build.

var stream = bamboo.getArtifactContentStream("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER", "artifact");
stream.on('error', function (error) {
stream.on('data', function (data) {

getAllPlans(callback, urlParams, currentPlans)

Get list of plans, key and names available.

Parameter urlParams - optional parameter, object with params for url, like {'start-index': 25, 'os_authType': 'basic'}. Parameter currentPlans is optional, list of plans available (each plan has a 'key' and a 'name' value).

var urlParams = {"start-index": 25, "os_authType": "basic"};
var currentPlans = ["PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY_1", "PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY_2"];
bamboo.getAllPlans(function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Plans:", result);
}, currentPlans, urlParams);

buildPlan(buildDetails, callback, urlParams, buildParams)

Fire build execution for specified plan. Effectively, this method adds build to the build queue, so is not guarantied that build would be executed immediately.

Parameter urlParams - optional parameter, object with params for url, like {'os_authType': 'basic'}. Parameter buildParams - optional parameter for the build, like {stage: String, executeAllStages: Boolean, customRevision: String}, please documentation

var urlParams = {"os_authType": "basic"};
var buildParams = {"executeAllStages": true};
bamboo.buildPlan("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Result:", result);
}, urlParams, buildParams);

search(entityToSearch, callback, urlParams)

Performs search on Bamboo's entities. In order to provide suitable params, Please follow

Parameter entityToSearch - the entity to search (currently, one of [users, authors, plans, branches, projects, versions]) Parameter urlParams - optional parameter, object with params for url, like {'os_authType': 'basic'}. You can provide here search criteria, like:

    os_authType: "basic"
    searchTerm: "String"
    masterPlanKey: "KEY",
    includeMasterBranch: false
var urlParams = {"os_authType": "basic", "searchTerm": "test version"};
bamboo.buildPlan("branches", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Result:", result);
}, urlParams);

enablePlan(planKey, callback, urlParams)

Method will changes status of a given plan to enabled

Parameter urlParams - optional parameter, object with params for url, like {'os_authType': 'basic'}.

var urlParams = {"os_authType": "basic"};
bamboo.enablePlan("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Plan is enabled!");
}, urlParams);

createBranchPlan(planKey, bambooBranchName, vcsBranchName, callback)

Create branch plan.

bamboo.createBranchPlan("PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY", "BAMBOO_NAME", "refs/heads/BRANCH_NAME_IN_VCS", function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
    console.log("Result:", result);

Command line

The module can be used from command-line and there are few commands available.

Before use you need to define the Bamboo URL in BAMBOO_URL environment variable (default: http://localhost:8085):

  • *nix: export BAMBOO_URL=http://host:port
  • Windows: set BAMBOO_URL=http://host:port

After variable is defined, you can use bamboo-api command line, otherwise on execution you should get following error:

$ bamboo-api build_no "PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY"
> ERROR: Before use of Bamboo API command line, specified global variable BAMBOO_URL in your environment!
    For *nix users:
    For Windows users:
  For more information use --help or read README file.
> Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Available commands

For command line help use option --help:

$ bamboo-api --help
  Usage: bamboo-api [command<params...>
    get the latest successful build number
    get status and build number of the latest build
    get the status of the build
    gets all the changes associated to a specific build - considering dependent plan too
    gets all the JIRA issues associated to a specific build - considering dependent plan too
    gets the content of an artifact associated to a build
    gets the list of all plans available
    Execute build plan
    Enable build plan
    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number
  Environment variables:
    BAMBOO_URL          Bamboo's UR (default: 'http://localhost:8085').
                        Note: you can use base authentication using url,
                        Simply pass the 'user:password' before the host
                        with an '@' sign.
                        For example:
    $ bamboo-api build_status "PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER"
    > InProgress


Get the build number of the latest successful build number:


Will output result or error.

For example:

$ bamboo-api build_no "PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY" "{'start-index': 25, 'os_authType': 'basic'}"


Get status and build number of the latest build:

$ bamboo-api status <PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY>

Will output state and number otherwise error.


Get the status of the build:

$ bamboo-api build_no <PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER>

Will output result or error.


Get all the changes associated to a specific build - considering dependent plan:

$ bamboo-api changes <PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER>

Will output result or error.


Get the list of JIRA issues associated to a specific build - considering dependent plan:

$ bamboo-api jira_issue <PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY/BUILD_NUMBER>

If you work with build pipelines, you know that builds are triggered by other builds. So you might need to find out the JIRA issues associated to the commits done on the build triggering the considered 'plan'.

Note: For the JIRA integration to work, you need to define the JIRA task in the message of your Git commit.

Will output result or error.


Get the content of an artifact associated to a specific build:


Will output result or error.


Get the list of all the plans available:

$ bamboo-api plans

Will output result or error.


Execute build plan:


For example:

$ bamboo-api buildPlan "PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY" "{'os_authType': 'basic'}" "{'executeAllStages': true}"


Enable build plan:


For example:

$ bamboo-api enablePlan "PROJECT_KEY-PLAN_KEY" "{'os_authType': 'basic'}"


Creates a new branch for a given plan:



Perform search:


For example:

$ bamboo-api search "version" "{'os_authType': 'basic', 'searchTerm': 'test'}"


This module contains only a limited set of information available with the Bamboo API. Feel free to extend it. Test cases are located in the 'test' folder and you run them either through:

$ npm test

or if you have globally installed mocha, just use it:

$ mocha


Copyright (C) 2012 Sebastiano Armeli-Battana and other contributors.

Distributed under the MIT License.


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