Name is partially inspired by hairnet
Implementation of fernet, but using XChaCha20Poly1305 (following unofficial version 3).
This library fully relies on @noble/ciphers which is an unaudited library, use with caution.
Bearnet generated key
import { Bearnet } from 'bearnet'
const b = new Bearnet()
const token = b.encode('hello')
const msg = b.decode(token, { returnAsString: true })
assert(msg === 'hello')
Or with your own key
import { Bearnet } from 'bearnet'
const b = new Bearnet(new Uint8Array(32).fill(0))
const token = b.encode('hello')
const msg = b.decode(token, { returnAsString: true })
assert(msg === 'hello')
Separated encoding and decoding
import { Bearnet } from 'bearnet'
const b = new Bearnet(new Uint8Array(32).fill(0))
const token = b.encode('hello')
Key and Token transfer happen OOB
import { Bearnet } from 'bearnet'
const b = new Bearnet(new Uint8Array(32).fill(0))
const msg = b.decode(token, { returnAsString: true })
assert(msg === 'hello')