
0.7.0 • Public • Published


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Birdy is a fast, fine-grained static asset management tool. It intends to replace bower for common uses, although it is not as flexible (it does not include the kitchen sink).


  • Curated repository / database of resources. More like homebrew than npm, in that it's not publicly writable, and all changes are recorded in source control.
  • Fast. Does not clone the entire git repository (which often contains tests, benchmarks, etc.), but only the files you (ought to) want.
  • Minimal.
  • Structured. Puts the files in a somewhat configurable location. Does not require the user to know the structure of the endpoint repository (this repository does that work for you, somewhat).

Getting started

First, install Birdy

npm install -g birdy

You'll need to add a section to your package.json, or a package.json file to your project, if you don't node.

birdy init

Add resources to the newly created "staticDependencies" hash in your package.json file as needed, something like:

  "staticDependencies": {
    "jquery": "2.0.0",
    "handlebars": "*",
    "angular": {
      "filter": ["angular.js", "angular.min.js"]
    "angular-translate": "git://",
    "tv4": {
      "url": "git://",
      "filter": ["tv4.js", "tv4.min.js"]

You can also specify in your package.json where the files go:

  "staticPattern": "static/{resource}/{file}",
  "staticDependencies": { ... }

staticPattern is resolved relative to your current working directory where you happen to run birdy install, and all necessary directories will be created.

It has two special values, which are replaced as the script proceeds.

  • {resource}: The resource name, e.g., "jquery"
  • {file}: The file name, which may be several files, as specified by the resource in resources/{resource}.js.

So if you want something like bower, you could use:

{ "staticPattern": "components/{resource}/{file}" }

Or if you want everything in one directory:

{ "staticPattern": "static/{file}" }

Most filenames denote their resource, but not specifying {resource} might end up overwriting some files. birdy install will not inform you of such conflicts, so be careful.

Then fetch them!

birdy install


Every entry in staticDependencies has a key, the resource name, and a flexible value field.

Possible values are:

  • A version, e.g., "*", or "1.10.2".
  • A git repository url, e.g., "git://"
  • A dictionary with

Command line options

You can specify all these options at the command line, instead of package.json. But I led with package.json because that's the sane way.

Run birdy --help to see what flags to use.


Every resource is an arbitrary javascript file that exposes a function as module.exports.

Function signature:

function(version, callback) {
  // compute a dictionary mapping filenames to lists of urls
  // each of the urls should return an identical file
  // the urls can be fully specified git paths
  if (version === '2.0.0') {
      'jquery.min.js': [
      'jquery.max.js': [
  else {
    callback(new Error('Cannot find version = ' + version));

The callback is not guaranteed to be async (e.g., setImmediate or requiring some fetch).


Fork and send a pull request. I won't haphazardly accept all requests, but I do want this to cover a lot of packages. Before you send a pull request, please verify that:

  1. Your addition is not a duplicate of an existing resource.
  2. Someone else might conceivably want to use the resource you are submitting.


  1. Support git directly, rather than converting to for github and dying on everything else.
  2. Add option not to overwrite existing files (or even fetch them).
    • Maybe even incorporating the file creation time as a If-Modified-Since header, and ignoring "304 Not Modified" responses.
  3. Cache locally like bower does, something like ~/.birdy/?
  4. Look for a config file when including a tarball / git repo (package.json?)
    • Inside that config file, look for a field describing ignored files (staticIgnore?)
    • Do not copy over filepaths that match those globs / filenames
  5. Use multiple urls when available. Ideas:
    • Randomize which url gets picked.
    • Check that they're all the same.
    • Fall back to other urls if any of them error out with a 404 / 500.
  6. Add more libraries!
  7. Maybe add these, too (lower priority):
  8. Support bower.json files (for Bower-like functionality)


Copyright © 2013 Christopher Brown. MIT Licensed.

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  • chbrown