Generate 8-bit style icons like the initial GitHub icons. SVG and PNG support.
You can try it here.
npm install bit-icon
Name | Type | Description | Example |
toSvg() | string | Output Base64-encoded SVG in DataURI |  ... |
toPng() | Promise<string> | Output Base64-encoded PNG in DataURI |  ... |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
hash | string | A hexadecimal string of 22 or more characters used to generate image.If none, it is randomly generated. | |
size | number | 420 | The width and height of the image to be generated. |
pixel | number | 70 | The size of a single pixel of the icon to be generated.Note that the pixel should be no larger than 1/5 of the size to avoid overflowing. |
color | string | The color of the icon is calculated from the hash value. Use this option to disable that behavior and use the specified color instead. Use Hex,RGB,HSL,HSB. (e.g. #FF0000 or rgb(255,0,0) or hsl(0,100,50) or rgb(0,100,100) for red). | |
background | string | #FFFFFF |
Used as the background color of the generated image; use Hex,RGB,HSL,HSB. (e.g. #FF0000 or rgb(255,0,0) or hsl(0,100,50) or rgb(0,100,100) for red). |
hue | number[] | [0,360] | Used as a range of hue in HSL colors calculated from the hash. |
saturation | number[] | [45,65] | Used as a range of saturation in HSL colors calculated from the hash. |
lightness | number[] | [55,75] | Used as a range of lightness in HSL colors calculated from the hash. |
type | 'normal' | 'reverse'| 'random' | "normal" | It is used to fill in the color of the image to be generated. "normal" has a white background and colored body. "reverse" is the reverse of "normal". "random" is just as the name implies. |
import { BitIcon } from "bit-icon";
const bitIcon = new BitIcon();
const svg = bitIcon.toSvg();
// If you use it in HTML
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = svg;
import { BitIcon, Options } from "bit-icon";
// Must be at least 22 characters in hexadecimal, such as MD5.
const hash = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
const options: Options = {
size: 100,
pixel: 15,
color: "hsl(215,25,27)",
background: "hsl(214,32,91)",
hue: [100, 300],
saturation: [10, 70],
lightness: [20, 80],
type: 'reverse'
const bitIcon = new BitIcon(hash, options);
const png = await bitIcon.toPng();
// If you want to download
const link = document.createElement('a'); = 'sample.png';
link.href = png;;