Create boxes in the terminal
npm install boxen
import boxen from 'boxen';
console.log(boxen('unicorn', {padding: 1}));
│ │
│ unicorn │
│ │
console.log(boxen('unicorn', {padding: 1, margin: 1, borderStyle: 'double'}));
║ ║
║ unicorn ║
║ ║
console.log(boxen('unicorns love rainbows', {title: 'magical', titleAlignment: 'center'}));
┌────── magical ───────┐
│unicorns love rainbows│
Type: string
Text inside the box.
Type: object
Type: string
Values: 'black'
or a hex value like '#ff0000'
Color of the box border.
Type: string | object
Default: 'single'
sides with round corners)
on top and bottom,'double'
on right and left)
on top and bottom,'single'
on right and left)
Style of the box border.
Can be any of the above predefined styles or an object with the following keys:
topLeft: '+',
topRight: '+',
bottomLeft: '+',
bottomRight: '+',
top: '-',
bottom: '-',
left: '|',
right: '|'
Type: boolean
Default: false
Reduce opacity of the border.
Type: string
Display a title at the top of the box. If needed, the box will horizontally expand to fit the title.
console.log(boxen('foo bar', {title: 'example'}));
┌ example ┐
│foo bar │
Type: string
Default: 'left'
Align the title in the top bar.
┌ example ──────┐
│foo bar foo bar│
┌─── example ───┐
│foo bar foo bar│
┌────── example ┐
│foo bar foo bar│
Type: number
Set a fixed width for the box.
Note: This disables terminal overflow handling and may cause the box to look broken if the user's terminal is not wide enough.
import boxen from 'boxen';
console.log(boxen('foo bar', {width: 15}));
// ┌─────────────┐
// │foo bar │
// └─────────────┘
Type: number
Set a fixed height for the box.
Note: This option will crop overflowing content.
import boxen from 'boxen';
console.log(boxen('foo bar', {height: 5}));
// ┌───────┐
// │foo bar│
// │ │
// │ │
// └───────┘
Type: boolean | (width: number, height: number) => [width: number, height: number]
Whether or not to fit all available space within the terminal.
Pass a callback function to control box dimensions:
import boxen from 'boxen';
console.log(boxen('foo bar', {
fullscreen: (width, height) => [width, height - 1],
Type: number | object
Default: 0
Space between the text and box border.
Accepts a number or an object with any of the top
, right
, bottom
, left
properties. When a number is specified, the left/right padding is 3 times the top/bottom to make it look nice.
Type: number | object
Default: 0
Space around the box.
Accepts a number or an object with any of the top
, right
, bottom
, left
properties. When a number is specified, the left/right margin is 3 times the top/bottom to make it look nice.
Type: string
Default: 'left'
Values: 'right'
Float the box on the available terminal screen space.
Type: string
Values: 'black'
or a hex value like '#ff0000'
Color of the background.
Type: string
Default: 'left'
Values: 'left'
Align the text in the box based on the widest line.