Branch Naming Slugifier
GitFlow-like branch naming slugify for lazy people
npm i -g branch-slug
$ bslug [options]
$ bslug [ABC-123] Create that awesome feature -f # Outputs Branch Slug: git branch -m feature/abc-123-create-that-awesome-feature copied to clipboard
- Don't include git command for new branch "git branch -m"
$ bslug [ABC-321] Fix that nasty bug -i -g # Outputs Branch Slug: fix/abc-321-fix-that-nasty-bug copied to clipboard
- Don't copy to clipboard
$ bslug [ABC-456] Improve our workflow -c -n # Outputs Branch Slug: git branch -m chore/abc-456-improve-our-workflow
-g, --no-git Don't include git command for new branch git branch -m -n, --no-copy Don't copy output to the clipboard -f, --type-feature Branch type: feature. The output is feature/{description} -i, --type-fix Branch type: fix. The output is fix/{description} -b, --type-bug Branch type: bug. The output is bug/{description} -c, --type-chore Branch type: chore. The output is chore/{description} -r, --type-release Branch type: release. The output is release/{description} -t, --type <type> Custom branch type. The output is {type}/{description} -h, --help output usage information