
1.1.18 • Public • Published

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Brightwebbjs is a javascript library that makes it easy to manipulate the DOM and make your web application more interactive.
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  1. About The Project
  2. Usage
  3. Contributing
  4. License
  5. Contact
  6. Acknowledgments

Brightwebbjs is a javascript library that makes it easy to manipulate the DOM and make your web application more interactive.

Comes with predefined methods written in vanilla javascript.

### Installation

Clone the repo

 git clone

Using npm

npm install brightwebbjs@latest


Create an instance of the Bright object  
var $ = new Bright() 
var $ = new Bright();
// version
console.log($.version); // 1.1.15
// ready method example 
// this will run when the DOM is ready
// reference to the dom
console.log($.dom); // document
// reference to the window
console.log($.window); // window
// reference to the Bright object
console.log($.self()) // object
// delay method example
// this will run after 2 seconds
}, 2000);
// select method example
// this will select the first element with the id of 'test'
var test = $.select('#test');
// select all method example
// this will select all elements with the class of 'test'
var tests = $.selectAll('.test');
// select element by attribute and value
// this will select all elements with the attribute of 'data-test' and value of 'test'
var tests = $.selectByAttribute('data-test', 'test');
// select all elements by attribute and value
// this will select all elements with the attribute of 'data-test' and value of 'test'
var tests = $.selectAllByAttribute('data-test', 'test');
// select element method example
// this will select the first element with the id of 'test'
 $.selectElement('#test', function(element){
// select value
// this will select the value of the first element with the id of 'test'
var tests = $.selectValue('#test');
// mount method example
// This will  mount html inside an element with id of test
$.mount('#test', '<h1>Test</h1>');
// unmount method example
// This will  unmount html inside an element with id of test
// insert method example
// This will insert html inside an element with id of test
$.insert("#test", "<h1>Test</h1>");
// insertBefore method example
// This will insert html before an element with id of test
$.insertBefore("#test", "<h1>Test</h1>");
// insertAfter method example
// This will insert html after an element with id of test
$.insertAfter("#test", "<h1>Test</h1>");
// switchClass method example
// this will switch the class of an element with id of test to 'test' if it is not already set and remove it if it is set
$.switchClass('#test', '.test');
// foreach method example
// this will iterate through array and return the current item
var arr = ['test', 'test2']
$.forEach(arr, function(item){
// on method example
// this will add a click event to an element with id of test
$.on('#test', 'click', function(){
// off method example
// this will remove a click event to an element with id of test
$.off('#test', 'click', function(){
// click method example
// this will add a click event to an element with id of test
$.click('#test', function(){
// submit method example
// this will add a submit event to an element with id of test
$.submit('#test', function(){
// change method example
// this will add a change event to an element with id of test
$.change('#test', function(){
// other events method example 
// trigger method example
// this will trigger a click event to an element with id of test
$.trigger('#test', 'click');
// selectById method example
// this will select the first element with the id of 'test'
var test = $.selectById('test');
// selectByClass method example
// this will select the first element with the class of 'test'
var test = $.selectByClass('test');
// selectByTag method example
// this will select the first element with the tag of 'div'
var test = $.selectByTag('div');
// selectByName method example
// this will select the first element with the name of 'test'
var test = $.selectByName('test');
// find method example
// this will select the first element with the id of 'test'
var test = $.find('#test');
// find all method example
// this will select all elements with the class of 'test'
var tests = $.findAll('.test');
// find all by class method example
// this will select all elements with the class of 'test'
var tests = $.findAllByClass('.test');
// find content method example
// this will select the content of the first element with the id of 'test'
var test = $.findContent('#test');
// find by id method example
// this will change the color of a button with an id ittribute of 'test' to red
$.findById('test', function(item){ = "red";
// find by class method example
// this will change the color of a with a class ittribute of 'test' to red
$.findByClass('test', function(item){ = "red";
// find by tag method example
// this will change the color of a div to red
$.findByTag('div', function(item){ = "red";
// get position method example
// this will get the position of an element with id of 'test'
var test = $.getPosition('#test');
// show method example
// this will show an element with id of 'test'
// hide method example
// this will hide an element with id of 'test'
// toggle method example
// this will toggle an element with id of 'test'
// add class method example
// this will add a class of 'test' to an element with id of 'test'
$.addClass('#test', 'test');
// remove class method example
// this will remove a class of 'test' to an element with id of 'test'
$.removeClass('#test', 'test');
// toggle class method example
// this will toggle a class of 'test' to an element with id of 'test'
$.toggleClass('#test', 'test'); 
// has class method example
// this will check if an element with id of 'test' has a class of 'test'
$.hasClass('#test', 'test'); // returns true or false
// set attribute method example
// this will set the attribute of 'test' to 'test' on an element with id of 'test'
$.setAttribute('#test', 'test', 'test');
// get attribute method example
// this will get the attribute of 'test' on an element with id of 'test'
$.getAttribute('#test', 'test');
// select data
// this will select the data attribute of 'test' on an element with id of 'test'
$.selectData('#test', 'test');
// select style method example
// this will select the style attribute of 'color' on an element with id of 'test'
$.selectStyle('#test', 'color');
// set style method example
// this will set the style attribute of 'color' to 'red' on an element with id of 'test'
$.setStyle('#test', 'color', 'red');
// remove attribute method example
// this will remove the attribute of 'test' on an element with id of 'test'
$.removeAttribute('#test', 'test');
// get style method example
// this will get the style attribute of 'color' on an element with id of 'test'
$.getStyle('#test', 'color'); // returns the color
// set content method example
// this will set the content of an element with id of 'test' to 'test'
$.setContent('#test', 'test');
// get content method example
// this will get the content of an element with id of 'test'
$.getContent('#test'); // returns the content
// get value method example
// this will get the value of an element with id of 'test'
$.getValue('#test'); // returns the value
// set value method example
// this will set the value of an element with id of 'test' to 'test'
$.setValue('#test', 'test');
// get html method example
// this will get the html of an element with id of 'test'
$.getHtml('#test'); // returns the html
// set html method example
// this will set the html of an element with id of 'test' to 'test'
$.setHtml('#test', 'test');
// get text method example
// this will get the text of an element with id of 'test'
$.getText('#test'); // returns the text
// set text method example
// this will set the text of an element with id of 'test' to 'test'
$.setText('#test', 'test');
// set background color method example
// this will set the background color of an element with id of 'test' to 'blue'
$.setBackgroundColor('#test', 'blue');
// get background color method example
// this will get the background color of an element with id of 'test'
$.getBackgroundColor('#test'); // returns the background color
// set color method example
// this will set the color of an element with id of 'test' to 'red'
$.setColor('#test', 'red');
// parent method example
// this will get the parent of an element with id of 'test'
$.parent('#test'); // returns the parent element
// grandparent method example
// this will get the grandparent of an element with id of 'test'
// child method example
// this will get the child of an element with id of 'test'
$.child('#test'); // returns the child element
// chidren method example
// this will get the children of an element with id of 'test'
// first child method example
// this will get the first child of an element with id of 'test'
// last child method example
// this will get the last child of an element with id of 'test'
// next sibling method example
// this will get the next sibling of an element with id of 'test'
// previous sibling method example
// this will get the previous sibling of an element with id of 'test'
// append method example
// this will append an element with id of 'test' to an element with id of 'test2'
$.append('#test', '#test2');
// appendchild method example
// this will append a child to an element with id of 'test'
$.appendChild('#test', 'test');
// prependchild method example
// this will prepend a child to an element with id of 'test'
$.prependChild('#test', 'test');
// removechild method example
// this will remove a child from an element with id of 'test'
$.removeChild('#test', 'test');
// remove method example
// this will remove an element with id of 'test'
// create method example
// this will create a div element
// create text node method example
// this will create a text node
$.createTextNode('test'); // returns the text node
// make request method example
// this will make a request to a url
$.request('/hello', function(data){
// make a request to a url and get the response as json
$.requestJson('/hello', function(data){
// make a request to a url and get the response as xml
$.requestXml('/hello', function(data){
// ajax method example
// this will make a request to a url
    url: '/hello',
    method: 'GET',
    data: {
        name: 'test'
    success: function(data){
// post method example
// this will make a post request to a url
$.post('/hello', {
    name: 'test'
}, function(data){
// get method example
// this will make a get request to a url
$.get('/hello', function(data){
// put method example
// this will make a put request to a url
$.put('/hello', {
    name: 'test'
}, function(data){
// get javascript method example
// this will get a javascript file
$.getJs('/script', function(data){
// get css method example
// this will get a css file
$.getCss('/style', function(data){
// get html method example
// this will get a html file
$.getHtml('/html', function(data){
// load javascript method example
// this will load a javascript file
// load css method example
// this will load a css file
// load html method example
// this will load a html file
// set cookie method example
// this will set a cookie
$.setCookie('k', 'v', 2); // expires in 2 days
// get cookie method example
// this will get a cookie
$.getCookie('k'); // returns the value of the cookie
// remove cookie method example
// this will remove a cookie
// serialize method example
// this will serialize a form
// bind method example
// this will bind an event to an element
$.bind('#test', 'click', function(){
// unbind method example
// this will unbind an event from an element
$.unbind('#test', 'click', function(){
// model method example
// this will create a model
$.model('test', {
    name: 'test',
    age: 10
}); // returns a model
// get model method example
// this will get a model
$.getModel('test'); // returns the model
// set model method example
// this will set a model
$.setModel('test', {
    name: 'test',
    age: 10
}); // returns the model
// remove model method example
// this will remove a model
// create a view
var view = $.view('test', {
    template: '<div>Hello {name}</div>',
view.render({name: "John Doe"}) // Returns Hello John Doe
// router method example
// this will route a url
    '/test': function(){
        console.log('test'); // this will be called when the url is /test
// navigate method example
// this will navigate to a url
// template method example
// this will create a template
$.template('<div>{name}</div>'); // returns html template
// render method example
// this will render a template
$.render('test', { 
    name: 'test'
}); // returns the rendered template
// replace method example
// replace value of form element
$.replace('#test', 'test');
// get form value method example
// get value of form element
// set form value method example
// set value of form element
$.setFormValue('#test', 'test'); // returns the element
// repeat method example
    console.log('test'); // this will be repeated 5 times
// repeat with delay method example
    console.log('test'); // this will be repeated 5 times with a delay of 1 second
},5, 1000);
// delete method example
// this will delete an element
// delete all method example
// this will delete all elements
// bind data method example
// this will bind data to an element
$.bindData('#test', {
    name: 'test'
// regular expression method example
// this will create a regular expression
$.regex('test', /test/); // returns the regular expression
// accept only numbers method example
// this will accept only numbers on an input element
// accept only letters method example
// this will accept only letters on an input element
// accept only letters and numbers method example
// this will accept only letters and numbers on an input element
// match characters method example
// this will match characters in a string
$.matchCharacters('test', 'test'); 
// match numbers method example
// this will match numbers in a string
// match letters method example
// this will match letters in a string
// allow characters method example
// regular expression to allow characters
// allow numbers method example
// regular expression to allow numbers
// allow letters method example
// regular expression to allow letters
// if a string contains a character method example
// this will check if a string contains a character
$.containsCharacter('test', 't'); // returns true
// check if password is strong method example
// this will check if a password is strong
$.isStrongPassword('test'); // returns false
// check for valid email method example
// this will check if an email is valid
$.isEmail('test'); // returns false
// if url is valid
// this will check if a url is valid
$.isUrl('test'); // returns false
// if phone number is valid
// this will check if a phone number is valid
$.isPhoneNumber('test'); // returns false
// if zip code is valid
// this will check if a zip code is valid
$.isZipCode('test'); // returns false
// check if date is valid
$.isDate('test'); // returns false
// check if time is valid
$.isTime('test'); // returns false
// credit card is valid
$.isCreditCard('test'); // returns false
// check if social security number is valid
$.isSocialSecurityNumber('test'); // returns false
// check if ip address is valid
$.isIpAddress('test'); // returns false
// get current date
$.currentDate(); // returns the current date
// get current time
$.currentTime(); // returns the current time
// get current date and time
$.currentDateTime(); // returns the current date and time
// get current year
$.currentYear(); // returns the current year
// get current month
$.currentMonth(); // returns the current month
// get current day
$.currentDay(); // returns the current day
// get current hour
$.currentHour(); // returns the current hour
// get current minute
$.currentMinute(); // returns the current minute
// countdown method example
// this will countdown from 5
$.countdown("#test", 5, function(){
    console.log('test'); // this will be called when the countdown is finished
// generate random number
$.randomNumber(1, 10); // returns a random number between 1 and 10
// random color
$.randomColor(); // returns a random color in hex
// random string
$.randomString(10); // returns a random string with a length of 10
// random item from array
$.randomItem(['test', 'test2']); // returns a random item from the array
// shuffle array
$.shuffle(['test', 'test2']); // returns a shuffled array
// random hex string
$.randomHexString(10); // returns a random hex string with a length of 10
// list method example
// this will create a list
$.list('#test', ['test', 'test2']); // returns the list
// scroll percentage method example
// this will get the scroll percentage
$.scrollPercentage(); // returns the scroll percentage
// scroll top
// scroll bottom
// scroll to element
// mask method example
// this will mask an element
$.mask('#test'); // returns the element
// unmask method example
// this will unmask an element
$.unmask('#test'); // returns the element
// create element
$.createElement('div', {
    id: 'test'
}); // returns the element
// count characters in a string
$.count('test'); // returns the number of characters in a string
// count words in a string
$.countWords('test'); // returns the number of words in a string
// if element is visible
$.isVisible('#test'); // returns true
// is visible
$.isHidden('#test'); // returns false
// is checked
$.isChecked('#test'); // returns false
// is selected
$.isSelected('#test'); // returns false
// is disabled
$.isDisabled('#test'); // returns false
// is enabled
$.isEnabled('#test'); // returns true
// is empty
$.isEmpty('#test'); // returns true
// if an item is in an array
$.inArray('test', ['test', 'test2']); // returns true
// if an item is in an object
$.inObject('test', {
    test: 'test'
}); // returns true
// if an item is in a string
$.inString('test', 'test'); // returns true


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch
  3. Commit your Changes
  4. Push to the Branch
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.MD for more information.

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